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He already admitted it was a wind up before you bit. Still a prick mind, but they only do it because people respond.


Meh, not like my life is exceedingly busy at this time of night. Twitter argument with some random wanker it is :lol:

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Theres a bit off a hoo-hah going on between Rio Ferdinand and Ollie Holt from the Daily Mirror. Tonight, Holt posted a column about Rio’s drugs test fiasco from years ago:




His point being that missing a test is just as bad as failing one and he should’ve had the same ban as Kolo Toure got (which he did, but he thinks they both should be longer). Rio sent Holt a direct message (‘DM’) telling him to say it to his face, which Holt did at Wembley on Saturday. They almost got into a scuffle and it’s spilled onto Twitter....


OllieHoltMirror Oliver Holt: Column on @rioferdy5, Mixed Zone and secret Twitter messages on Mirror website soon

OllieHoltMirror Oliver Holt:Here's @rioferdy5 opening gambit sent by DM "You fat prick, u got something to say about me missing a drugs test say it when u see me."

rioferdy5 Rio Ferdinand: @henrywinter shaun Custis @DiscoMirror etc and you wonder why a lot of players don't trust or speak in depth to journalists....

rioferdy5 Rio Ferdinand: Are DM's private?! A player + a journo falling out is nothing new but stooping this low speaks volumes of the person your dealing with!

OllieHoltMirror Oliver Holt: One other thing about @rioferdy5 and his obsession with fat people. Doesn't the guy own an Italian restaurant? What do they serve? Salad?

OllieHoltMirror Oliver Holt: Got to love @rioferdy5 whingeing and whining about this DM business. And @henrywinter too, for that matter. Not like it was any big secret.

OllieHoltMirror Oliver Holt: And by the way @rioferdy5 if you're interested, @henrywinter was appalled by your DM as the rest of us were laughing about it. Retweet that

OllieHoltMirror Oliver Holt: Debate is actually about drug testing and the need to observe the rules if sport is to have any chance of staying clean

OllieHoltMirror Oliver Holt: Funny thing about @rioferdy5 whining about DM is he said almost exactly the same to me in Mixed Zone - in front of a crowd of journalists


Cue a debate on whether direct messages should be kept private. He chats with a lot of people after this, but nothing directly to Rio.

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If he said exactly the same in a room full of journos, I don't see the issue.


It's not like he revealed some state secret that could never be repeated.


That and Holt is completely in the right over the issue.

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KazLuaLua Kazenga LuaLua

To all #bhafc fans screaming for me to join them! : Chill!!!! Patience. Whatever tomorra brings I'll be there....


KazLuaLua Kazenga LuaLua

...Not to be misunderstood! Tweet means nothing! No clues from it. basically asking for hush about next season!!!



Would hope we don't give up on this guy as well.

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Depends who we get in during pre season. Wouldn't mind trying to bed him in a bit with us. Mainly fear that if he spends another season there he might get too attatched. :undecided:

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Guest axel

The clubs twitter account actually announced the real accounts a few weeks ago. If they're not on that list, its a fake.

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