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Guest neesy111

f***ing hell, Colocho has been getting a hammering for 24 hours solid  :lol:

he's after neesy's record.


(sorry neesy, cheap shot but irresistable)


What record is this ;)

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Self-purported Newcastle fan comes to Newcastle forum to say "I think all of you who actually live in Newcastle are pathetic and I'm better than you are. Thank God I'm so erudite and sophisticated and not a Geordie neandarthal like all of you."


Yes, that's obviously going to go over well.


Shameless post. Seriously man, some embarassing insinuation here.


The only embarrassing thing here is every single word that comes out of your keyboard.


Just FYI, "insinuation" implies subtlety, and I sure as hell wasn't trying to be subtle. I believe the word you're looking for is "accusations," genius.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Hope Colocho knows a good PR guy to salvage his reputation. We'll probably see him appear on the next season of Geordie Shore or something.

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Self-purported Newcastle fan comes to Newcastle forum to say "I think all of you who actually live in Newcastle are pathetic and I'm better than you are. Thank God I'm so erudite and sophisticated and not a Geordie neandarthal like all of you."


Yes, that's obviously going to go over well.


Shameless post. Seriously man, some embarassing insinuation here.


The only embarrassing thing here is every single word that comes out of your keyboard.


Just FYI, "insinuation" implies subtlety, and I sure as hell wasn't trying to be subtle. I believe the word you're looking for is "accusations," genius.


Self-purported? You think I'm not really a Newcastle supporter? I've been raised as a Newcastle supporter, taken to games since I was a kid. It's not like I just became a supporter during the Keegan days like you and a lot of your sort did. Where have I even suggested that people from Newcastle are pathetic and neandarthal? I have friends and family in the city, I've spent a large and important part of my life in the city... have you? I look forward to and have a great time whenever I get the chance to go up. How often does someone like you visit?


When I was ten or eleven, I was in Whitley Bay where I have some family and I saw a kid who couldn't have been older than thirteen/fourteen having the shit kicked out of him by a bunch of lads 'because he was a mackem'. Is this right? No, it is fucking wrong. Is it wrong that I wouldn't want my own children to behave in such a way? What a cunt I must be - for not agreeing with hating people that I don't even know. I'd rather judge people by their character, not the town they are from or the team they support...


Those of you that have spun this to make me look like some kind of anti-Newcastle cunt should frankly, be ashamed of yourselves. Quite pathetic that you hold so much resentment for someone you don't even know, that you are willing to twist their words and make them out to be something they aren't. This is the last time I'm going to say it, it's the hatred of people from a nearby town that I find primitive and don't agree with (wherever it may be), NOT the people of Newcastle/Newcastle supporters.

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Dear god, he's found yet another moral high horse to jump on :lol:


Great response... Thanks for proving what I already thought. Everything you've said has been completely spineles. Yumago, samanes-seki.

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When I was ten or eleven, I was in Whitley Bay where I have some family and I saw a kid who couldn't have been older than thirteen/fourteen having the shit kicked out of him by a bunch of lads 'because he was a mackem'. Is this right?


Sounds fair enough.

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He actually has a decent point tbh but he puts it accross so badly it makes him sound like a complete moron.


Tbh, that is quite a compliment from you.


Glad I've finally made myself clear.

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Guest bimpy474

I hate Colocho more than any mackem after reading the past several pages of this thread.


Why dosnt he f*** off and support a non entity southern team like Reading? They are so bland they don't have a rivalry with anyone.


Another w***** from Essex...


Oi  :angry:


Some of us are ok innit treacle  :razz:

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Dear god, he's found yet another moral high horse to jump on :lol:


Great response... Thanks for proving what I already thought. Everything you've said has been completely spineles. Yumago, samanes-seki.


Really? You've really googled Korean swear words? Regardless of everything else that's kicking off in this thread I must say that this just makes you look like a dick.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

He's jumped on a moral high horse to be outraged about people who weren't happy about his initial jumping on a moral high horse. This is some serious double bluff equestrian shit this like.


Post of the Year.  :lol:

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

You're a cockney, you don't know s*** about our local rivalry. Jog on.


Have relatives and friends that live in the North-East, have been going up to Newcastle all my life.


I know about the local 'rivalry', and pity it.

knowing about it and understanding it appear to be completly different things then.


You have to be born here to really understand it. :thup:


I'll never truly understand it, I agree.


I could be wrong, but from what I've always been told the rivalry goes back to the English civil war. Newcastle was on the side of the crown, and Sunderland sided with the Parlimentarians - and then a load of shit kicked off about coal and as a cause of that, you hate each other?

I've never lived anywhere where there is such hatred for people that live in a city 12 miles away, people of similar stock to yourselves... You'd think with so many people in this country ready to turn their noses up at the north-east, in disregard - there would at least be some brotherhood between the people of the region?

Couldn't give a fuck about the 'rivarly', it's primitive - fucking medieval. Where else in the country do you think this goes on, to this kind of level? Its good to see that there are people who don't let this obsession rule their lives (know of a couple married for 20 years, one is a geordie, one is a mackem). Tbh, I'm bloody glad it's something I and those I care about, both now and in the future have never been cursed with.


Maybe if some of you guys moved out of the North-East you would see just how abnormal it is, and just how people outside of the North-East react to it?


I think it was:


Colocho doesn't understand or appreciate the rivalry between Newcastle and Sunderland, and seemingly believes that its just two cities hating on each other for the sake of hate. He doesn't believe this happens anywhere else in football. He think its primitive that fans can hate each other and fight each other all the time (but doesn't mean we're primitive). Despite him saying he doesn't understand it, he's continued to talk about it, and the fans, and dug himself into a hole.


People have taken offence towards his stance on the rivalry and his ramblings of defence.


The basis of this is coming from his own experiences, 4 months worth of living in the North-East, and (I'm guessing) the rest living in Essex, and only ever seeing fans hurt each other while up here. Its all daft, but a little funny, and yet not so funny at times.


In brief - an armchair fan said the rivalry between Newcastle and Sunderland is primitive and doesn't understand why we (The North-East) allow our existence to orbit around it (though no-one has involved 'Boro in this as I assume people are hoping they just cease to exist).

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Guest bimpy474

Anyone who wants to hit/beat/duff up someone just because they support a different team isn't a football fan to start with, there just a thug with the brain of a flea.


Taking pleasure from inflicting pyhsical harm on anyone is the mentality of a deranged monger anyway, i never did get the bragging about who was the hardest in school years ago, must be great to know your well regarded as a scary meathead.

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Anyone who wants to hit/beat/duff up someone just because they support a different team isn't a football fan to start with, there just a thug with the brain of a flea.


Taking pleasure from inflicting pyhsical harm on anyone is the mentality of a deranged monger anyway, i never did get the bragging about who was the hardest in school years ago, must be great to know your well regarded as a scary meathead.



alreet settle down posting about me or kick ya fukin head in.

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Guest bimpy474

Anyone who wants to hit/beat/duff up someone just because they support a different team isn't a football fan to start with, there just a thug with the brain of a flea.


Taking pleasure from inflicting pyhsical harm on anyone is the mentality of a deranged monger anyway, i never did get the bragging about who was the hardest in school years ago, must be great to know your well regarded as a scary meathead.



alreet settle down posting about me or kick ya fukin head in.


;D ;D


Alright no trouble, mum help  :iamatwat:

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