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Mackems have to realise that the way their club is now structured getting rid of Bruce is not an easy option and to do so will not be some magic wand act which will make things improve.

Bruce has been totally backed by the power brokers in the club, Quinn and Short, to an extent where the entire infrastructure and squad is a Bruce creation. They barely have the resources to buy out Bruce's long and lucrative contract let alone an entire coaching and backroom staff and it's unlikely a new manager would wish to have Bruce's buddies imposed on him. That's not to mention the paying squad - the ridiculous contracts they have handed out to the likes of Brown, O'Shea etc means they will be going nowhere for quite a while so any new guy would be pretty much dealing with the sub-standard players they already have.

All in all they look pretty facked with or without Bruce due to the faith that was placed in him.

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Looking objectively without too much mackem hate, what is there problem? Just a lack of hunger so they can't kill a game off?


Difficult as that supposition may be Ian, I think it runs a lot deeper than that mate. They have allowed a bad manager to spend unpreceded amounts of money and the situation looks pretty rotten from top to bottom.

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Guest Haris Vuckic


They need to remember that Gary was adored on Tyneside and he was here for 6 years - the majority of those years had success modern Sunderland has never reached - i.e uefa cup and champions league qualifications & cup finals. He was a regular.

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Originally Posted by Harry Angstrom 

No offence to soldiers in Afghanistan but most people would switch off the news if it had blanket coverage of every death.


It's just the way it is. Gary Speed's death was shocking to people. It is news.


it might be wrong but that is the way of the world.


I find it upsetting every time I hear about a young soldier losing his/her life in Afghanistan. I didn't find Speed's suicide upsetting as all. Apologies if this doesn't fit.


FFS. Why wouldn't anyone find the fact that a nice bloke (by most accounts) who has a family killed himself at the age of 43, the fact that its a formal player who played for your team is irrelevant. A person killing themselves is tragic. I assume this jack ass is a football fan? How can any football fan not feel upset about this in anyway? Surely team loyalties are irrelevant in this situation.

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Guest Chubby Jason

From Mediawatch at football365.com:


Just Help Yourself

Steve Bruce on the chants of "far Geordie b***ard" from the Sunderland crowd: "It borders on abuse, but I can't help where I was born."


No Steve, but you probably could do something about the fatness.


:spit: :spit:

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