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Guest johnson293

Brewcie has never been sacked has he?  Hes always jumped ship to another club to further his career, now he has signed a mega deal he wont budge.


Aye, thats it like - he obviously hasn't managed to wangle himself a better paid job anywhere else this time, hence he's happy to sit on his bumper contract, that he only signed last January.

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Brewcie has never been sacked has he?  Hes always jumped ship to another club to further his career, now he has signed a mega deal he wont budge.


Aye, thats it like - he obviously hasn't managed to wangle himself a better paid job anywhere else this time, hence he's happy to sit on his bumper contract, that he only signed last January.


He signed one last January?


Didn't know that, just perfect  :lol:

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Guest johnson293

Brewcie has never been sacked has he?  Hes always jumped ship to another club to further his career, now he has signed a mega deal he wont budge.


Aye, thats it like - he obviously hasn't managed to wangle himself a better paid job anywhere else this time, hence he's happy to sit on his bumper contract, that he only signed last January.


He signed one last January?


Didn't know that, just perfect  :lol:


Aye, after the 'great run' they went on after the derby defeat (incl a 3-0 win at Chelsea), he had them up to 6th in January, and they gave him a new 3.5 year contract.


The rest, as they say, is history. :lol:

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Guest Haris Vuckic

"He embodies the ethos of team-work and the importance of camaraderie in creating a wonderful spirit of togetherness amongst the players and staff.



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"He embodies the ethos of team-work and the importance of camaraderie in creating a wonderful spirit of togetherness amongst the players and staff.




Sir Ricky stuff there

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Guest WashyGeordie

He's an arrogant little overrated shit so im not surprised.


However, from watching the Mags on Saturday's Match of the Day, what is clear is the team spirit and belief their players possess.


They played 442 at Old Trafford. When did we last do that?


Although they got very lucky with the penalty, they perhaps deserved a draw due to their last gasp defending and 100% effort. I don't recall the Mags playing with this attitude even when Robson was in charge.


I think they'll be top 10 come the end of the season whatever happens, however if they keep this up then top 6 isn't out of the question, while we struggle to finish 16th.....


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=648170&page=3#ixzz1f6wX8Zxt



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finishing 7th and enjoying the thursdays in the europa league would be an amazing finish for them


H e actually says "I think if we gain in confidence, we can go very far"

i agree with him


on a thursday night to kazakhstan


Already starting to slag off the Europa League as a shit competition for wankers that they didn't want to be in anyway, just in case :lol:



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About Pardew


Not sure it can all be down to luck, though. He does have an inferior set of players to work with (on paper).


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


still? they STILL think they have better players!?


:lol: :lol:

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