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How far will England go this time round?

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I think they will come out and batter Slovenia tbh.


Slovenia is very underrated tbh. I think it will be close, but England will nail it 1-0 or 2-1.


I expected England to batter Algeria, if they couldn't batter Algeria, i struggle to see how they will batter Slovenia, but maybe a change in personnel/ shape could do it.

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Slovenia are a decent side, we'll struggle.

SDo, you actually agree with me then? Why the comment regarding my assessment? Or are you just provoking another row?


By the way, still fighting for your country, are you?

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lets face it theres a small bit in each and every one of us that would love to see gerrard,terry,cole etc sent packing as soon as poss.

I dont lioke their attitude but I would have liked to see them perform on the big stage, for a change. Capello has to change his tactics against Slovenia and use the wings more, getting in early crosses because Slovenia, judging by the performance of USA against them, are susceptibe down the flanks, particularly the right.


We need to see Joe Cole playing as he sems the only one capable of opening up defences. Lampard has been crap for years in an England shirt and should never have been selected in the first place.


Play Crouch and Defoe up front, Rooney just in behind and Joe Cole patroling the midfield, getting Lennon in down the right. England might just sneak it then. But to keep playing Lampard and Heskey is suicidal.


I hope England do make the final but I cannot see them getting any further than the next round on curent performances.


Lets not forget, they were not particu;arly impressive against Mexico and Japan in the lead up to the cup either.


I am afraid England is now more a team of HOPE than glory.

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Out on Wednesday I think.  Slovenia will play for a draw, frustration will build, Rooney gets sent off, Capello looks confused, whistle blows, Gerrard wipes his face with his shirt, looks dazed etc. etc.  All to script. 


The strangest thing for me is that Capello seems genuinely baffled by their performances.  They must be a completely different team on the training ground.  Something is just off on match days....the attitude, the mistakes, the body language.  I don't think this is a problem that can be fixed with tactics or swapping in Joe Cole. 

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Wednesday is going to be horrible viewing. Not looking forward to it.


Yep, absolutely. It's going to be fucking horrendous. Can just see it being 0-0 after 75 minutes. God. :doh:

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Slovenia are a decent side, we'll struggle.

SDo, you actually agree with me then? Why the comment regarding my assessment? Or are you just provoking another row?


By the way, still fighting for your country, are you?


That's the 8th time you've asked me that, nobody finds it funny. At least I have a country.


What I was originally referring to is this:



Sorry mate, England are CRAP and dont deserve to go any further in the comp..................Thank God.


This coming from someone born English, man. You and all associated with you should be f***ing ashamed.

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If we don't score early we're f***ed.


Agreed.  An England goal in the first 15-20 minutes could be the difference between a comfortable victory/return to form and going out.  They lack the testicular/psychological fortitude to break a team down and get a winner late on. 

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Slovenia are a decent side, we'll struggle.

SDo, you actually agree with me then? Why the comment regarding my assessment? Or are you just provoking another row?


By the way, still fighting for your country, are you?


That's the 8th time you've asked me that, nobody finds it funny. At least I have a country.


What I was originally referring to is this:



Sorry mate, England are CRAP and dont deserve to go any further in the comp..................Thank God.


This coming from someone born English, man. You and all associated with you should be f***ing ashamed.

Point 1..............................If you consistently harass me with your ridiculous comments, I am going to throw back in your face, your silly comments about fighting for your country, just because I am an ex pat. Not trying to be funny, sonny.................just letting you know how stupid you sounded.


Point 2.....................you have already aghreed England are playing crap, havent you? Does that mean you are happy to see a crap side win the world cup? I would rather see a team playing enterprising, attacking football deservedly winning games, not teams fortunate to win games.


I want to see England do well. But not playing this inane rubbish they are providing at present. As much as I hate to say it, Argentina are setting the standard at present and fully deserve to be the best looking team the tournament at the moment. I actually wouldnt mind seeing them win it because of the way they are playing and I hate Maradona with a passion.


Algeria were the much better side last night and even they deserved to go through ahead on that performance. I am more of a football supporter than anything else and when I see all these so called superstars acting like prima donnas extaling their brilliance without actually performing, I am happy to see them shot down in flames, whether they be English, Australian, Argentinian, German or Outer Mongolian.


And before you reply to this, think first. Dont be so childish to condemn my patronage just because I live in another country. There are thousands like me. It doesnt make us any less English than you. We are probably a lot more realistic than you because we look at the bigger picture and not through rose tinted glasses.

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cappello wants publically flogged for continuing toplay gerrard on the left.


HE needs to drop gerrard or lampard to the bench, to give them a wake up call.


WHy is he persisting with 442 when there are no players putting n crosses?  awful management!


This bloke doesnt seem to learn, he needs to start head cracking a few of the big names!

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Just realized that England beat Slovenia 2-1 last September at Wembley.  The first XI that day was:

Green; Johnson, Terry, Upson, A Cole; Lampard, Barry; Wright-Phillips, Rooney, Gerrard; Heskey.


They were poor.  A few days later they thumped Croatia 5-1 btw.



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We've played crap twice, doesn't make us a crap side.


You want us to lose, fine. Says it all about you. And yes, you are less English than me.


how many crap games and crap performances make you bad side then?


1 more should just about nail it.

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We've played crap twice, doesn't make us a crap side.


You want us to lose, fine. Says it all about you. And yes, you are less English than me.

Dont put words on paper that dont exist. Show me where I have said I want England to lose.


If you could read properly, then you will notice that I wrote that I wanted the winner of the world cup to have played enterprising football which England are not doing at the moment.


I also said I dont particularly like Argentina but because they are playing excellent football, they dserve it more than England at present.


So, Think before you reply with your usual inaccurate crap, sonny.


Oh, and by the way, generally two crap games in a row in a WC group stage generaly gets you knocked out.


For once, wake up and smell the roses.

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We've played crap twice, doesn't make us a crap side.


You want us to lose, fine. Says it all about you. And yes, you are less English than me.

Less English than you???????????????????


You are a fucking moron, arent you? What a ridicu;ous comment. Lets have a poll from all the mother ex pats on here who feel they are not Eng;ish now because they are living abroad.


and this from a so called die hard englishman with a knickname on here as RONALDO. Why not Rooney, Gerrard or even Rob Green.


Grow up, sonny.

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