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The Liverpool Thread


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Watch them starting questioning Dalglish. Seen it amongst loads of Norwegian Liverpool supporters already.


The common view after skimming a forum is the majority slagging off the team and calling them shit without actually bringing Dalglish into the equation at all :lol:


They're so desperate not to slag him off. Someone actually said "We beat poor teams at home under Rafa. Kenny will learn how to do it eventually" :lol:

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Watch them starting questioning Dalglish. Seen it amongst loads of Norwegian Liverpool supporters already.


The common view after skimming a forum is the majority slagging off the team and calling them shit without actually bringing Dalglish into the equation at all :lol:


They're so desperate not to slag him off. Someone actually said "We beat poor teams at home under Rafa. Kenny will learn how to do it eventually" :lol:


They're spoilt bastards who aren't playing out of their skins for the manager. Throw another £100m at it and they'll be back where they belong in no time. :thup:

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

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Dalglish has wasted so much money, he did the exact same thing at Newcastle. Bought loads of players without thinking of how they'd link together.


Commolli is also a key influence on transfers don't forget. The only player that doesn't really fit into Liverpool's system is Henderson, who does not perform wide right and was probably bought with an eye to replacing Gerrard. Ultimately the problem is just players not performing.


His faith in home grown players is commendable, but it's come at a massive price and isn't working out as it has done for the likes of Spurs in the past.


Liverpool have got a good team and lots of good players, but take Suarez out of that team and I think they lack a lot of genuine quality.. especially going forward.


He's spent money on players that wanted to come here. Over the odds on most to get them before teams who can offer Champions League.


We're a better team than last season, but last season we were shite...

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Cracks beginning to show: rawk


"Trying to stay calm, but finding it hard. Really worried about two things in particular;


1. Comolli and his signings - the reasoning behind them, what they bring to the team, and where we're looking to go from here considering the scandalous amount of  money we have spent already.


2. Kenny's dinosaur like tactics. I can see it, you can see, we ALL can see it. Why can't Kenny? 4-4-2 with Charlie Adam in the middle will simply never work. Henderson is just abysmal on the right side of midfield, yet game after game, we seem to be sticking with it? It isn't working - adjust to it!


Very concerned. "



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Commoli's signings? I doubt Commoli went out and identified Henderson, Adam and Carroll. These have Kenny written all over them.


Didn't he refuse the job when it was first offered as he didn't want Commoli making the signings?

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