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The other games today - 2010/11


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That decision by Wenger to bench his captain and arguably best player worked a treat. It's like he has become allergic to silver or something.

seems only natural what with them having a big game midweek in the euro err, erm......arsene, what the fuck you playing at ?


Unless he was injured, to which why was he on the bench?, it makes absolutely no sense what so ever.

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After todays games. Whos going down? Worth a thread do you reckon?

Wolves play some good passes, the question for them is how are they going to come back after todays game and how will they cope with Doyle being out. If Doyle was still around then I would say they were the best teams in the bottom 4, without him I don't know. Wigan are gone, West Ham are gone, and one from Birmingham, Blackpool, Wolves, Aston Villa, and Blackburn.


No they aren't.

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After todays games. Whos going down? Worth a thread do you reckon?

Wolves play some good passes, the question for them is how are they going to come back after todays game and how will they cope with Doyle being out. If Doyle was still around then I would say they were the best teams in the bottom 4, without him I don't know. Wigan are gone, West Ham are gone, and one from Birmingham, Blackpool, Wolves, Aston Villa, and Blackburn.

west ham arent gone by any stretch.


wigan,brunm and wolves for me.



i'd love villa or the mackems to go down though (sorry brummie, not sorry wearside)

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"Rooney's had a magnificent season."

"That [Vidic tackle] is fine, a yellow."


Hansen's so on United's payroll :lol:

if the vidic tackle you mean was the one where people were screaming "he's the last man" then it was ayellow as cole didn't have the ball nor seemed likely to be first to it had he not been fouled.


Frankly, I don't understand the rule. Is it a red for denying a goalscoring opportunity? Does anyone know what constitutes a goalscoring opportunity? I'm pretty sure reds are dished out if you get fouled when being one on one, regardless of the control of the football. Is it just poor application? QUESTIONS?!


The red is for 'denying an obvious goalscoring opportunity'. Millions of factors- speed of the player, how much control he had over the ball, direction he was moving in, whether there were covering defenders, position on the field etc. Yellow was given because ball was going away from Ba I think.

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