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Hatem Ben Arfa

Guest sicko2ndbest

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We are going to need to buy a much better DM if we are going to be using 2 wingers, neither will offer the necessary cover defensively to help the likes of Smith at this level.


Shame the Arevalo deal isnt real.


Barton will do as DM.


Barton is a box to box midfielder, as is Guthrie as is Gosling. We need someone to just sit in front of the back 4 and break attacks up. The only person who barely resembles that is Smith, and he's not exactly an expert at it.


What Danny Guthrie have you been watching? He's a decent CM, but I wouldn't say he was a dynamic box to box midfielder.


I never said the word 'dynamic' but he clearly is a box to box midfielder, half the time last season he was the only one giving our midfield any drive. Underrated player imo who will do well.


Sorry, but the very definition of a box to box midfielder is someone who is dynamic and can actually go box to box. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/1957308.stm

Guthrie doesn't have that at all, he's just a typical CM. I'll see if I can find a heat map, you'll see he doesn't go box to box, but stays in the middle and ventures forward slightly more than he does back.



there were times last season and the one before when i went mental at guthrie, even butt was looking round at him and having to make the move forward as guthrie wouldn't.
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Guest Roger Kint



Christ, do I have to get tattooed on my forehead or someit.


You would have to take a photo and use as your avatar then.....

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Guthrie does all the basics right, good control, excellent passing and his shooting technique is immaculate judging from the goals he's scored.


However, his biggest problem (like most young midfielders) is that he needs to find his role in our team, a team that is going to have it's back against the wall next year. If he gets stuck out on the wings, then he has no chance of producing what his ability is capable (apart from the odd decent cross).


On the other hand if he is to play in the centre, what role is he to be given and more specifically who is going to be his partner? It's a tricky decision because as of yet he hasn't shown what his best asset is, whether it be sitting deep or getting fully involved in the attacking play.


I think is that his best games for us have been when he has been playing further up the field, in a probing role (i seem to remember a cup game when he scored?) but i'm not sure whether he's done enough to give him that role permenantly and i suspect Hughton thinks the same.

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Raylor/Saylor       Colo        Sol          Enrique



                 Guthrie    Nolan    Barton



Ben Arfa                Carroll                     Gutirrez




Bench: Krul Raylor/Saylor Williamson Smith Routledge Lovenkrands Shola

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Guest neesy111




Raylor/Saylor       Colo        Sol          Enrique



                 Guthrie    Nolan    Barton



Ben Arfa                Carroll                     Gutirrez




Bench: Krul Raylor/Saylor Williamson Smith Routledge Lovenkrands Shola




need routledge's pace in there, especially with that central midfield

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Raylor/Saylor       Colo        Sol          Enrique



                 Guthrie    Nolan    Barton



Ben Arfa                Carroll                     Gutirrez




Bench: Krul Raylor/Saylor Williamson Smith Routledge Lovenkrands Shola


our best attacking player on the bench?

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Guest neesy111

I just dont think Routledge can hack it in the premier league either. Hes had 3 cracks and done nothing


he did it with palace when he was first choice, he hasn't been first choice when at spurs and villa.


you simply can't have guthrie, nolan and barton next to each other as well

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Saylor            Colo          Williamson/Sol      Enrique



Routledge      Barton        Nolan                    Jonas







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I just dont think Routledge can hack it in the premier league either. Hes had 3 cracks and done nothing


Absolute bollocks. He was really good in the prem as a 19 year old in a crap Palace team. Hence Spurs going all goo goo eyed fo rhim. He then suffered some serious injuries which saw him lose his way a bit.


"I just don't think Routledge can hack it in the premier league" what the hell? Based on what? Your statement is based on fantasy and is quite ridiculous. Routledge has pace, decent dribbling, decent delivery, a good shot and also plays some wonderful passes. What is making you think he won't cut it exactly. YUCK!

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Guest neesy111

I just dont think Routledge can hack it in the premier league either. Hes had 3 cracks and done nothing


Absolute bollocks. He was really good in the prem as a 19 year old in a crap Palace team. Hence Spurs going all goo goo eyed fo rhim. He then suffered some serious injuries which saw him lose his way a bit.


"I just don't think Routledge can hack it in the premier league" what the hell? Based on what? Your statement is based on fantasy and is quite ridiculous. Routledge has pace, decent dribbling, decent delivery, a good shot and also plays some wonderful passes. What is making you think he won't cut it exactly. YUCK!


calm down Kaka, is the news on that injury making you mad?

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We are going to need to buy a much better DM if we are going to be using 2 wingers, neither will offer the necessary cover defensively to help the likes of Smith at this level.


Shame the Arevalo deal isnt real.


Barton will do as DM.


Barton is a box to box midfielder, as is Guthrie as is Gosling. We need someone to just sit in front of the back 4 and break attacks up. The only person who barely resembles that is Smith, and he's not exactly an expert at it.


No we don't. We seemed to do alright when we had Speed and Lee together.


That is ages since mate, football evolve.

Pretty much all the good teams have a good DM to offload the defence.

And it allows the fullbacks to go on offensive runs more often.


It might be the most important role for our team next season....

if you are going to play two orthodox wide men in a 4-4-2 (or 4-4-1-1) then don't have a DM. 2 clever box to boxers are much better. yes pretty much all the good team have a good DM, pretty much none of them play a standard 4-4-2 like we look to be sizing up for.


I see your point, but i still disagree.

442 old school style did not have a dedicated DM, but most have it now.

They are not so defensive as in a 433 or 4231, but they are there, and they do a job.

When Manu are playing 442, carrick usually play DM. He holds back and play in support.

He is a deep defensive playmaker when in attack, and a "protector" when in defence.

He is there to interupt a counter attack, and try to break down play.


Two box-box will leave a massive hole infront of the center backs.

Exposing them for a lot of pressure, especially on counter attacks.

Wingbacks will be forced to stay more in defence due to this.

and i'll disagree here, two box to box men feed off each other and don't leave the gap as they read each others game and one drops into a position where they can get to the protective position (gary speed was excellent at this, getting into positions where he can aid position aswell as help the centre halves or full back.


todays game is more about movement and nouse than ever before. having a dedicated DM negates this. you'll find there will be arguments over who are the good DM's as many will say they are just central midfielders doing their job at doing a bit of everything (ie scheinsteiger and khedira above)


I agree with you that todays game are more fluent than before, and positions are not that strict are the was before.


A good box-box is a player (imo all of this by the way) is a player who bombs into the oppositions box when possible, and track back when ball is lost.

Often they are on the wrong side when a team breaks down play.

They tend to be more a good allrounders, often with a edge in attack. (Gerrard, Lamps, scholes etc)

However they are often missing the "defensive" mindset of a good DM, and thats why i am more fan of two dedicated roles on the middle.


Essien is a perfect expample of near perfect box-box imo, he is so much better when he is allowd to go forward for Chealsea. Also, he is good defensive.

But those players are rare.



I am more found of specializing a play to do a primary job.

A DM dont have to be a bulldozer, and they rearly are in todays game.

What we look after in a DM are a player with a good football head, capable to read the game, and anticipate a situation before it happens.

Be there to intercept the passings, pick up runs, kill open spaces so the attacking team are neglected much room to roam.

Not many players are excellent on this, does who are, tend to be "anonymous" work ants on the middle.


What i look after are 2 players, with specializing in two different roles, one primary defensive, and one offensive.

As you say, its very fluid now, and todays top midfields can do both.

So if we break down a attack, and the primary DM is in a great counter position, he will go for it, and the OM will hold back in the more deep role.

But in normal play, the roles are reversed.


There are two aspects of this, its the formation on the paper, and they players filling the roles.


But this is just how i look at it, and persons and managers have different views of it.


*WTF does this have to do with Ben Arfa anyways  ;D

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