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Italian Serie A - 10/11


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The hair never changes  :lol:

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Except he's not really a fullback anymore.




He's played in midfield often for a number of seasons, but he also still plays full-back. He played a large part of last seasons treble at LB.


Just because Maicon (arguably the best RB in the world) has pushed him out of that position doesn't mean he can't play there anymore. Put him there and he'd still be one of the best in the world at that position.

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If ever there was a model of consistency then surely he is it. Brilliant pro.


God knows what the fuck Maradona was snorting when he didn't take him to the World Cup.


Massimo Moratti's first ever buy according to wiki, what a start.

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Ibrahimovic has scored an absolute silly amount of beautiful goals tbh. One of the worlds best atm. YES he is.


Try telling that to the British media.


First step would be to convince people here, right? There's even people who dont think he's world class.


Not that im gonna try or anything, just that it makes me laugh that some people dont rate him highly.

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I guess 7 straight league titles in 3 different countries with 4 different clubs, Serie A footballer of the year 3 times, UEFA team of the year twice, a 1 in 2 league record throughout his entire career, a better international record than Torres, aswell plethora of assists and some of the the best pieces of individual magic you're likely to get from any player on the planet is not enough for some people.


Instead, let's just make a judgement on one game a season in the CL and decide categorically that he is just an overrated foreigner.

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Ibrahimovic has scored an absolute silly amount of beautiful goals tbh. One of the worlds best atm. YES he is.


I know, makes me feel sad it didn't work out between us.


Not that i support Barcelona but i also feel this way since i wanted it to work out as well. Wanted him to prove people wrong and become world player of the year some day while playing for you lot. Despite having a quite impressive (being the 1st one) season for you it just wasn't to be because of various reasons. If he was the right one for you and you for him and he had stayed i think he'd went on to even greater times!

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I guess 7 straight league titles in 3 different countries with 4 different clubs, Serie A footballer of the year 3 times, UEFA team of the year twice, a 1 in 2 league record throughout his entire career, a better international record than Torres, aswell plethora of assists and some of the the best pieces of individual magic you're likely to get from any player on the planet is not enough for some people.


Instead, let's just make a judgement on one game a season in the CL and decide categorically that he is just an overrated foreigner.


Couldn't sum it up better!




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I guess 7 straight league titles in 3 different countries with 4 different clubs, Serie A footballer of the year 3 times, UEFA team of the year twice, a 1 in 2 league record throughout his entire career, a better international record than Torres, aswell plethora of assists and some of the the best pieces of individual magic you're likely to get from any player on the planet is not enough for some people.


Instead, let's just make a judgement on one game a season in the CL and decide categorically that he is just an overrated foreigner.


Couldn't sum it up better!





I could, there's a reason he has no international titles and there's a reason why Barcelona won without him and Inter won without him. He's not the greatest player that everyone makes it out (Sweden). Sure he's world class and probably top 5 in the world, but he is so overrated by the Swedes it's ridiculous. They consider him better than van Basten ffs! He's nowhere near yet, he has a lot to prove and btw he won titles with a cheating Juventus and then an Inter who had no competition. He scores against lesser teams or penalties against the greater ones.


He has scored 11 in 18 this season for Milan and has been considered the only player to perform in that team in the Serie A, while Pato has scored 8 in 9.


Then again I don't know how you guys rate him, but maybe it's something inbetween what the British and Swedish say?

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Ibrahimovic has been Milan's best player this season by a country mile. Anybody who argues otherwise is either bias or hasn't watched them.


By a country mile, you sure? I have watched more than 75% of Milans game this season and while I agree he has been a top performer I find it ridiculous to say he's been a country mile better than Thiago Silva who has honestly, been better than Zlatan for many games.


To say Zlatan carries the team alone is a ridiculous statement and to say hes been their best player by a country mile is also one.

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How's Pato been doing this season? I don't really follow Serie A, other than watching a few highlights every now and again, but I haven't really heard much about him, everything just seems to be about Ibra

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How's Pato been doing this season? I don't really follow Serie A, other than watching a few highlights every now and again, but I haven't really heard much about him, everything just seems to be about Ibra


Probably been his worst season at Milan, hasn't coped well with Ibra but has still scored 8 in 9 in the Serie A.

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Wow, I didn't know the table was so close near the top. Shaping up to be a very competitive title race - hope Lazio and especially Napoli can stay in there.


Also, after just seeing Udinese vs. Inter is kicking off at half 11, Udi have turned things around have they not? Weren't they in the relegation zone after about 10 games? Now on a march towards European spots. I'll be impressed if Inter can continue their winning streak here - I'd even go as far as to install them as favourites for the title.

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