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Savage on 5 Live - what a prat

Rob W

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Anyone hear him last night?


Complete idiot and went ballistic when someone said they'd seen him buy 7 pairs of trainers at one time............. 


the only good thing is he reminds of the intellectual capacity of the average footballer I guess

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I don't mind him, he goes out to wind up supporters and always manages it. I remember him doing it at Derby away last season when he kept turning his head around.


Blatantly hates the toon, like.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Anyone hear him last night?


Complete idiot and went ballistic when someone said they'd seen him buy 7 pairs of trainers at one time............. 


the only good thing is he reminds of the intellectual capacity of the average footballer I guess


I heard it


Your a liar your a liar


I get my trainers free off my sponsor



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It was quite funny to be fair.


However I'm getting a bit annoyed that basically every pundit now seems to be an ex-footballer. Most of the time they haven't got a fuckin clue what they're talking about. When discussing us its like their views come from 5 years ago. They have no idea of our better players and how we play. Its these idiots who were constantly singing the praises of Nicky Butt and Alan Smith, awarding the man of the matches, then taking the piss out of Enrique. Even yesterday on Soccer Saturday, slavering on about Robbie Keane whilst totally oblivious to the fact we were about to sign Ben Arfa.


Paul Merson is thrown forward as an 'expert' ffs! Not to mention Shearer, Likeker and Hanson taking the piss out of Slovakia and other teams at the World Cup, sitting there proudly announcing they know nothing about them. Would much rather when they have a panel of experts on TV, they reserve at least one space for someone who knows what they're talking about and has a bit of knowledge beyond these shores. Someone from World Soccer magazine or that Marcotti guy is quite good. Not some thick slavering idiot there talking absolute bollocks and coming out with ridiculous opinions to try and stir it up as he doesn't know enough about the teams involved.

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Anyone hear him last night?


Complete idiot and went ballistic when someone said they'd seen him buy 7 pairs of trainers at one time............. 


the only good thing is he reminds of the intellectual capacity of the average footballer I guess


I heard it


Your a liar your a liar


I get my trainers free off my sponsor




You're right, the guy who rang up and started spouting untruths was a twat, quite clearly using his airtime to have a pop at Savage instead of making a point (you could tell by the rambling way in which he was ranting). Savage probably could have let it drop after the first couple of rebukes, but in all fairness he gets a lot of stick (and he quite rightly admits to deserving most of it) which he takes in good humour, so he's entitled to stand up for himself when someone starts making up stuff


"I saw you buy 7 pairs of trainers in a shop and then you made a young boy carry all the boxes to your car while you walked out empty handed" - such a poor rumour to make up.

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I'm not sure if there are just so many unknowledgeable, shit "pundits" about or that I'm not looking hard enough.


Garth Crooks, Martin Keown, Steve Claridge, Paul Merson, Alan Shearer, Lee Dixon, Jamie Redknapp to name a few who are fucking abysmal.

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It was quite funny to be fair.


However I'm getting a bit annoyed that basically every pundit now seems to be an ex-footballer. Most of the time they haven't got a fuckin clue what they're talking about. When discussing us its like their views come from 5 years ago. They have no idea of our better players and how we play. Its these idiots who were constantly singing the praises of Nicky Butt and Alan Smith, awarding the man of the matches, then taking the piss out of Enrique. Even yesterday on Soccer Saturday, slavering on about Robbie Keane whilst totally oblivious to the fact we were about to sign Ben Arfa.


Paul Merson is thrown forward as an 'expert' ffs! Not to mention Shearer, Likeker and Hanson taking the piss out of Slovakia and other teams at the World Cup, sitting there proudly announcing they know nothing about them. Would much rather when they have a panel of experts on TV, they reserve at least one space for someone who knows what they're talking about and has a bit of knowledge beyond these shores. Someone from World Soccer magazine or that Marcotti guy is quite good. Not some thick slavering idiot there talking absolute bollocks and coming out with ridiculous opinions to try and stir it up as he doesn't know enough about the teams involved.


Excellent post.

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It was quite funny to be fair.


However I'm getting a bit annoyed that basically every pundit now seems to be an ex-footballer. Most of the time they haven't got a fuckin clue what they're talking about. When discussing us its like their views come from 5 years ago. They have no idea of our better players and how we play. Its these idiots who were constantly singing the praises of Nicky Butt and Alan Smith, awarding the man of the matches, then taking the piss out of Enrique. Even yesterday on Soccer Saturday, slavering on about Robbie Keane whilst totally oblivious to the fact we were about to sign Ben Arfa.


Paul Merson is thrown forward as an 'expert' ffs! Not to mention Shearer, Likeker and Hanson taking the piss out of Slovakia and other teams at the World Cup, sitting there proudly announcing they know nothing about them. Would much rather when they have a panel of experts on TV, they reserve at least one space for someone who knows what they're talking about and has a bit of knowledge beyond these shores. Someone from World Soccer magazine or that Marcotti guy is quite good. Not some thick slavering idiot there talking absolute bollocks and coming out with ridiculous opinions to try and stir it up as he doesn't know enough about the teams involved.


Hear bloody hear.

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Guest neesy111

Can't believe we are paying him for being on our airwaves!


I have to say the standard of commentating and expert analysis on football in this country is appalling.

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Guest JamesyJazz

Savage is an inarticulate prick with the intelligence of a mackem on smack


Lol,nice one.


The Shearer/Hanson mutual wank off display on MOTD last night whilst having a right old giggle about the shocking treatment of Joey Barton was crass to say the least.Displayed fully the ignorance of the pair of pratts to the extreme.Had it been Barton dishing out the treatment I'm sure Hanson and co would have been baying for blood/psychiatric reports.

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Guest Ebolarama

All BBC pundits - Shearer included - are vacant, mouth-breathing morons who spout the same shit each and every time they appear. Overpaid and under-informed.

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Savage is an inarticulate prick with the intelligence of a mackem on smack


Lol,nice one.


The Shearer/Hanson mutual w*** off display on MOTD last night whilst having a right old giggle about the shocking treatment of Joey Barton was crass to say the least.Displayed fully the ignorance of the pair of pratts to the extreme.Had it been Barton dishing out the treatment I'm sure Hanson and co would have been baying for blood/psychiatric reports.


Totally agree - there is obviously nothing more hilarious than watching a player being targetted for physical abuse which could have easily resulted in serious injury - fair play to Joey for not losing his head and to Chris for not making a big deal out of it but Shearer can f**k off - in the process of losing the shreds of credibility that he still retained.

As for punditry in general I am sick of listening to these ex-pros who can't even string a coherent sentence together let alone research the subject they are getting paid to comment on.

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Anyone know where I can see last nights MOTD? not available on iPlayer


MOTD2 is on tonight, and will be on iPlayer from Tuesday I believe. MOTD2 will also be streamed online from the BBC site, I think.

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Pundits are generally shit these days, this is epitomised by Merson. He's on TV purely so people can laugh at him which is all well and good but when you’re being paid millions of pounds to offer no insight what so ever it’s embarrassing. You've got Kamara who is a bit of clown but at least you can say he knows his stuff, he earns his money and therefore you don't mind laughing along with him. Then you've got Merson who threw his career away and somehow finds himself sitting on the best panel show around. The man can't even string a fucking sentence together let along offer an insightful opinion. He isn't funny, he's just a fucking idiot, it's absolutely insulting people have to go to their jobs every day and this buffoon sits there earning millions and he can't even pronounce 'Coloccini'.


Rant over.

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Guest Brummiemag

Savage has a high opinion of himself and he thinks he's funny, but actually he isnt funny at all.


He tries to be controversial and antagonistic - the 5 live phone ins have become dumbed down, mainly twats ringing up and little in the way of interesting debate and opinion. Its almost on a par with Talk Sport

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