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Kevin Nolan

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Guest neesy111

All reports at the time of us signing Nolan had him on £50k.  He's been worth that and probably will next season, but at 31 when his contract finally ends?, no way.


Same with Barton. I wouldn't be surprised if they're after similar in these contract discussions, we're not having it, so contract offers are being turned down/withdrawn.


Er, except Barton offered to take a pay cut?


A paycut will still put him on a par with the top earners here. At 30 and a probable squad player, he should be on £25k a week imo, do you reckon he'll be after that? No chance. Same applies with Nolan.


£25k? Really? You honestly believe they wouldn't be able to get more than that elsewhere?


Actually, don't answer that. It's pointless trying to argue with you people.


And at what point does loyalty come in? They were paid a shitload for a season in the Championship


we finished 1st



We had the biggest ever wagebill the championship has seen, by some distance as well.  We damn well should have finished 1st.

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Mind you, I'm trying to be positive about the whole thing. But there's still that hint of paranoia in the back of my mind that basically says:


"OMG, we're going to sell our captain and all our best players".

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I'm unsure who's accused Barton/Nolan of being greedy.


I can see the reasoning, both would be significantly the wrong side of thirty at the end of their deals. The thing is both have been so integral on and off the pitch this season. We're in real danger of destroying the harmony we've built up over the last two years.

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All reports at the time of us signing Nolan had him on £50k.  He's been worth that and probably will next season, but at 31 when his contract finally ends?, no way.


Same with Barton. I wouldn't be surprised if they're after similar in these contract discussions, we're not having it, so contract offers are being turned down/withdrawn.


Er, except Barton offered to take a pay cut?


A paycut will still put him on a par with the top earners here. At 30 and a probable squad player, he should be on £25k a week imo, do you reckon he'll be after that? No chance. Same applies with Nolan.


£25k? Really? You honestly believe they wouldn't be able to get more than that elsewhere?


Actually, don't answer that. It's pointless trying to argue with you people.


And at what point does loyalty come in? They were paid a shitload for a season in the Championship


we finished 1st



On wages that wouldn't look out of place at Everton or Villa who were finishing around the top 6.


that's hardly a fair comparison really.

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f*** him and Barton to be honest, both just trying to play hardball.. well okay fine.. plenty of time left in the window.. tell sign a new deal this week or your off go find another club.

Would rather have to to replace them both than f*** about trying to give them what they want.


Taking the piss I hope?


No not at all........... why is Nolan even being offered a new deal ?

Him and his best mate are both important players but not irreplaceable, both getting on in footballing years and are lucky to be here. I am sick to fkn death of this "rejects new contract offer" bollocks.


Transfer list them then, they don't want to be here then fine, if we signed the players we want Nolan should not even be in the starting 11 anyway.

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f*** him and Barton to be honest, both just trying to play hardball.. well okay fine.. plenty of time left in the window.. tell sign a new deal this week or your off go find another club.

Would rather have to to replace them both than f*** about trying to give them what they want.


Taking the piss I hope?


No not at all........... why is Nolan even being offered a new deal ?

Him and his best mate are both important players but not irreplaceable, both getting on in footballing years and are lucky to be here. I am sick to fkn death of this "rejects new contract offer" bollocks.


Transfer list them then, they don't want to be here then fine, if we signed the players we want Nolan should not even be in the starting 11 anyway.



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I can't believe some people think these ageing players that took us down should be rewarded with contracts more obscene than the ridiculous amount they already get just for doing their fuking job, a job they haven't done particularly well until this season. Its crackers. Reward talent i keep hearing, thats fuking bullshit of the highest order, they are just about rewarding us for their wages.


The reason no one bought the fukers in the first place was due to their insane wage to talent ratio, and now its starting to even up at the end of their careers they want a big pay day. Piss off, rather have young, hungry players trying to make their name not some fat waster who thinks he's Mr Newcastle, or a violent thug whose mouth is far bigger than his talent thinking he's England best midfielder.





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I'm unsure who's accused Barton/Nolan of being greedy.


I can see the reasoning, both would be significantly the wrong side of thirty at the end of their deals. The thing is both have been so integral on and off the pitch this season. We're in real danger of destroying the harmony we've built up over the last two years.


Barton will be 29. Nolan will be just turning 31.

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Guest neesy111

f*** him and Barton to be honest, both just trying to play hardball.. well okay fine.. plenty of time left in the window.. tell sign a new deal this week or your off go find another club.

Would rather have to to replace them both than f*** about trying to give them what they want.


Taking the piss I hope?


No not at all........... why is Nolan even being offered a new deal ?

Him and his best mate are both important players but not irreplaceable, both getting on in footballing years and are lucky to be here. I am sick to fkn death of this "rejects new contract offer" bollocks.


Transfer list them then, they don't want to be here then fine, if we signed the players we want Nolan should not even be in the starting 11 anyway.


If these 2 are irreplaceable, then we really need to be making plans so that they are not imo.

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Yeah going from the Chronicle to the News of the World is pretty poor like Dave :)


Never mind that the story is right, eh?


I had to comment, I hate the News of the world with a passion..


What's your point anyway?  Nolan wants a new contract, so automatically the following month he should have one and if he doesn't NUFC have done something wrong?


I wonder why they entered negotiations then made an offer that is seemingly so inadequate that it couldn't be compromised on and agreed. The same as Barton.


The club seem very unwilling to reward experienced players who undoubtedly deserve it; they'd rather risk breaking up an established team and dressing room, finding someone else for less money and hope it works out. Does that not concern you?


They entered into negotiations because the player wanted a new contract.  Just because that offer wasn't accepted by the player doesn't mean we should assume it was a bad offer.  What if Nolan wants a 2 year contract extension and no pay cut?  Do we then say the club has done something wrong by not committing to a 4 year £45-£50k contract for a player who'll be 33 when it ends?


I agree its totally wrong to assume Nolan is being greedy or that this is all his fault.  But I also think its wrong to do the opposite.

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Guest neesy111

I can't believe some people think these ageing players that took us down should be rewarded with contracts more obscene than the ridiculous amount they already get just for doing their fuking job, a job they haven't done particularly well until this season. Its crackers. Reward talent i keep hearing, thats fuking bullshit of the highest order, they are just about rewarding us for their wages.


The reason no one bought the fukers in the first place was due to their insane wage to talent ratio, and now its starting to even up at the end of their careers they want a big pay day. Piss off, rather have young, hungry players trying to make their name not some fat waster who thinks he's Mr Newcastle, or a violent thug whose mouth is far bigger than his talent thinking he's England best midfielder.






Good post and agree especially on the 1st sentence.

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f*** him and Barton to be honest, both just trying to play hardball.. well okay fine.. plenty of time left in the window.. tell sign a new deal this week or your off go find another club.

Would rather have to to replace them both than f*** about trying to give them what they want.


Taking the p*ss I hope?


No not at all........... why is Nolan even being offered a new deal ?

Him and his best mate are both important players but not irreplaceable, both getting on in footballing years and are lucky to be here. I am sick to fkn death of this "rejects new contract offer" bollocks.


Transfer list them then, they don't want to be here then fine, if we signed the players we want Nolan should not even be in the starting 11 anyway.


Why are you having a go at Nolan for being offered a new deal? Fucks sake


Basically bullshit from start to end this. Barton, and especially Nolan, mean a lot for the club and the spirit in the dressing room. As well as being great/decent footballers of course. We know nowt about what the new contracts say, but you can't blame them for not wanting to sign contracts which will give them less money than they have now. And yes, they do want to be here.

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f*** him and Barton to be honest, both just trying to play hardball.. well okay fine.. plenty of time left in the window.. tell sign a new deal this week or your off go find another club.

Would rather have to to replace them both than f*** about trying to give them what they want.


Taking the p*ss I hope?


No not at all........... why is Nolan even being offered a new deal ?

Him and his best mate are both important players but not irreplaceable, both getting on in footballing years and are lucky to be here. I am sick to fkn death of this "rejects new contract offer" bollocks.


Transfer list them then, they don't want to be here then fine, if we signed the players we want Nolan should not even be in the starting 11 anyway.


Why are you having a go at Nolan for being offered a new deal? f***s sake


Basically bullshit from start to end this. Barton, and especially Nolan, mean a lot for the club and the spirit in the dressing room. As well as being great/decent footballers of course. We know nowt about what the new contracts say, but you can't blame them for not wanting to sign contracts which will give them less money than they have now. And yes, they do want to be here.


Which is why they're being offered new deals...but you get the feeling that they're after similar wages to the likes of Ben Arfa, Tiote, Cabaye, etc. which they shouldn't be on imo.


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f*** him and Barton to be honest, both just trying to play hardball.. well okay fine.. plenty of time left in the window.. tell sign a new deal this week or your off go find another club.

Would rather have to to replace them both than f*** about trying to give them what they want.


Taking the p*ss I hope?


No not at all........... why is Nolan even being offered a new deal ?

Him and his best mate are both important players but not irreplaceable, both getting on in footballing years and are lucky to be here. I am sick to fkn death of this "rejects new contract offer" bollocks.


Transfer list them then, they don't want to be here then fine, if we signed the players we want Nolan should not even be in the starting 11 anyway.


Why are you having a go at Nolan for being offered a new deal? f***s sake


Basically bullshit from start to end this. Barton, and especially Nolan, mean a lot for the club and the spirit in the dressing room. As well as being great/decent footballers of course. We know nowt about what the new contracts say, but you can't blame them for not wanting to sign contracts which will give them less money than they have now. And yes, they do want to be here.


Which is why they're being offered new deals...but you get the feeling that they're after similar wages to the likes of Ben Arfa, Tiote, Cabaye, etc. which they shouldn't be on imo.



it hardly sets a great precedent though does it mate? talking of loyalty, two of the top performers in a successful season get offered pay cuts?

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Which is why they're being offered new deals...but you get the feeling that they're after similar wages to the likes of Ben Arfa, Tiote, Cabaye, etc. which they shouldn't be on imo.



I thought Barton was on record as saying that he would accept a wage cut?

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Guest Heneage


Which is why they're being offered new deals...but you get the feeling that they're after similar wages to the likes of Ben Arfa, Tiote, Cabaye, etc. which they shouldn't be on imo.



I thought Barton was on record as saying that he would accept a wage cut?

He's on a reported 75k. I'd imagine he's asking for 50k which would be reported parity with Cabaye and BenArfa.

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Guest neesy111


Which is why they're being offered new deals...but you get the feeling that they're after similar wages to the likes of Ben Arfa, Tiote, Cabaye, etc. which they shouldn't be on imo.



I thought Barton was on record as saying that he would accept a wage cut?


He would, but his paycut would still put him around 45k (if reports are correct), clearly the club still thinks it's too much.  IMO, that is too much for him.

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Which is why they're being offered new deals...but you get the feeling that they're after similar wages to the likes of Ben Arfa, Tiote, Cabaye, etc. which they shouldn't be on imo.



I thought Barton was on record as saying that he would accept a wage cut?


A pay cut could still be £20k, £40k, or even £50k in his instance though. I still wager his expectations are nearer the latter two figures as well.

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Which is why they're being offered new deals...but you get the feeling that they're after similar wages to the likes of Ben Arfa, Tiote, Cabaye, etc. which they shouldn't be on imo.



I thought Barton was on record as saying that he would accept a wage cut?




He was, did Barton's contract not break down over length?

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Guest Roger Kint


Which is why they're being offered new deals...but you get the feeling that they're after similar wages to the likes of Ben Arfa, Tiote, Cabaye, etc. which they shouldn't be on imo.



I thought Barton was on record as saying that he would accept a wage cut?

He's on a reported 75k. I'd imagine he's asking for 50k which would be reported parity with Cabaye and BenArfa.


Plus wasnt the main issue with Bartons contract the 1 year he wanted more rather than how much it was?

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Which is why they're being offered new deals...but you get the feeling that they're after similar wages to the likes of Ben Arfa, Tiote, Cabaye, etc. which they shouldn't be on imo.



I thought Barton was on record as saying that he would accept a wage cut?


Yep, he did but I reckon Willie McKay whispered a few words into Joey's ear and managed to sway him.

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Not bothered about Nolan or Barton long term but i'm a tad concerned we may well be upsetting our most influencial players, can't do team ethos very good.

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Which is why they're being offered new deals...but you get the feeling that they're after similar wages to the likes of Ben Arfa, Tiote, Cabaye, etc. which they shouldn't be on imo.



I thought Barton was on record as saying that he would accept a wage cut?

He's on a reported 75k. I'd imagine he's asking for 50k which would be reported parity with Cabaye and BenArfa.


He's not like.

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it hardly sets a great president though does it mate? talking of loyalty, two of the top performers in a successful season get offered pay cuts?


I agree with the bit in bold, we have no right to ask for loyalty even though I'm not too bothered to lose either player if we bring in somebody better.

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