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Shearer night on Five Live


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Shearer wanted a root and branch reform of the club and journalists who heard of his plans said they were impressed with his ideas.  What they were I have no idea.  I can imagine that would cost a lot of money to overhaul the club in that way.


For whatever reason, Ashley then decided to put the club up for sale - maybe thinking a new owner could deal with those issues but I do think it was wrong not to at least have the courtesy to tell Shearer that they had changed their minds.


I know Shearer says he really enjoyed the experience but I sometimes wonders whether he regrets it because his reputation has been damaged as a result.  Whether he will be a good manager or not, it is impossible to say based on those 8 games because from my point of view, we were already down and the players had given up but for those few games, he gave the fans at least some hope and improved the atmosphere on the terraces.  However, in the wider football world, he seems to be perceived as a failure and the man solely responsible for our relegation and maybe he will find it harder to find a manager's job as a result.



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I can't think of any other reason than the money Shearer thought we had to spend to get promoted for them to not give him the job.


It is a given he wanted Bassong & Beye to stay. Also The Lions wages would have been a lot higher than the puppets.


Nice to see you still taking cheap shots at Hughton.

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I can't think of any other reason than the money Shearer thought we had to spend to get promoted for them to not give him the job.


It is a given he wanted Bassong & Beye to stay. Also The Lions wages would have been a lot higher than the puppets.


Nice to see you still taking cheap shots at Hughton.



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enjoyed the interview and still think he's a top bloke.  He is well aware he was blessed but talks the same game as the rest of us.  I cant see me watching better any time soon for NUFC.

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I know Shearer says he really enjoyed the experience but I sometimes wonders whether he regrets it because his reputation has been damaged as a result.  Whether he will be a good manager or not, it is impossible to say based on those 8 games because from my point of view, we were already down and the players had given up but for those few games, he gave the fans at least some hope and improved the atmosphere on the terraces.  However, in the wider football world, he seems to be perceived as a failure and the man solely responsible for our relegation and maybe he will find it harder to find a manager's job as a result.



Shearer has always had ambiguous feelings about management, and it's interesting that he mentioned that his children had never seen so little of him as during that period. I'm sure that's been the factor that's made him hesitate in the past.


I don't think he's seen as responsible for the relegation, but I guess as long as he had never been a manager, prospective employers could always think of him as being a Clough-style miracle worker in waiting. Some doubts will now have been introduced into the situation, and he'll have to compete with other candidates on a more equal footing.


He's bound to see the Newcastle episode as a missed opportunity. He baulked at the unfavourable situation following relegation, and then had to watch Hughton succeed under the same conditions.


I'm not sure how his managerial career will get started. He doesn't seem to want the hassle and sacrifice of starting off at the bottom, but his chances of starting off at a bigger club aren't so great any more.

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I can't think of any other reason than the money Shearer thought we had to spend to get promoted for them to not give him the job.


He was wrong in his assessment of what was needed of course, but we might have been better placed for survival this year had it happened and had the better players been brought in last year.

The club had to increase its debt by at least £25m to pay for last season’s promotion. It’s hard to imagine Shearer was demanding a transfer budget in excess of that. For all we know he might have got us back up for less. Not that we can ever know how things would have panned out.


What we do know is (according to Shearer) he was treated without respect. Just like KK was treated without respect. Just like the traditions of the club are being treated without respect. This is the important thing that came to light out of last night’s interview. Ozzie's obsession with how much money Shearer thought it would take to rebuild the club (that’s rebuild the club not just get back into the PL) is merely an attempt to draw attention away from this continuing trend.



Why do you think they decided not to give him the job?

Because he had ambition? Because he wasn’t a yes man? Because they thought the prospect of him becoming manager would shift some season tickets? Because they thought it would be funny to piss him about? Because that’s what the I-Ching advised?


Perhaps they should tell us, put and end to the guessing games.



No, but why do you think it was?

Ambition. Shearer would want NUFC to try and be the club it can be, while I suspect Ashley just wants our club to hang around the PL long enough to claw back some of the money he has lent it before selling up.


Ambition would mean lots of money to spend then, which is what I suggested.

It requires investment at strategic times in playing staff, coaching staffing, scouting networks, training facilities, ground development... which isn’t going to happen if Ashley is planning on taking future profits out of the club instead of reinvesting them.


What you're saying is NUFC can’t afford to be ambitious, which is exactly the kind of brainwashed drivel the ‘lowering exceptions’ campaign has been all about.



I'm saying nothing of the sort tbh nor have I seen anything to suggest he intends to take money out of the club.

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