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Wayne Rooney


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Ball park figures here but how much would you say Man Utd can get for him, if they sold him in the January window?


I think maximum £40m in today's market.


I think they'd be lucky to get that. If he can buy himself out of his contract at the end of the season, then it'll come down to who can offer him the most money.


I think the likeliest outcome is that he'll stay. At the moment, he's torn between taking the superstar route to the big money, (which is where I suspect his agent wants to take him) and where he'll feel at home, which is where he is now. The recent collapse in his form suggests to me that he's not very happy about where he's heading at the moment.

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Latest snippet of genius: "I reckon £10m will pay for Forlan."


Barring him being a year off his contract being out, then, I mean, I'm just lost for words. :lol:


Forlan wants off from Atleti like but he is 31.

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Guest Stephen927

I think they'll get £30m maximum, unless they deal with Man City. Contract winding down, the player is unhappy, the buying club holds all the power. A bidding war would be in the best interests of Man United, but how many clubs can realistically afford that for a player close to the end of his deal, other than Madrid and City, and apparently they're not willing to deal with City. Chelsea, maybe.

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Their best bet is ask Madrid for Benzema and another player perhaps a midfielder, i reckon it's the best deal they could get. Stops the Glazers taking any money from them and if they could get Gago/Lass would improve their midfield.

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The reaction has been class already with the manchester-media throwing their toys out of the pram now the shoes on the other foot and shoving Lou Carari on every football show known to man to toe the party line.  There ain't no difference in this and how manu signed Rooney or any other player, by throwing money at them and offering better prospects. Manu can't guarantee that anymore so move along and quit the "we're the biggest club in the world, how could anyone possibly leave, he will never have it better than here" shite. Tevez and Ronaldo are coping just fine without you.

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If he leaves his destination will be Chelsea.


Man City = Life of Hell.

Madrid/Barca = Coleen and Co having the hump = Life of Hell.

The Rest = Won't pay him what he could get at Man City or Chelsea = Him feeling undervalued.


I'd not be at all surprised to see him stay though.


I wonder if Chelsea would do a swap deal with Drogba?


The Drog, as good as he is, is getting on and can only have 2 or 3 years left in him + it would shave a fair old whack off the wage bill for them.


That said, the Chelsea spine (Terry, Lampard, Drog) is almost as aging as Man Utd's and nor have they invested heavily in their first team for a while, so Man Utd would argue his decision to throw the teddies out of the pram was based on finance rather than ambition and he'd be the new Cashley.


No win situation surely?


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How much is that in £pw? £200,000?


I did some dirty math and I got 235000 pw


A lot of rags have been mentioning he wants 150k after tax or something don't they?


Just a general note on this subject, don't you love the Manchester United love in about this? Part of the Sun's drivel about this went on about how Rooney has gone back on what it means to be a Manchester United player, loyalty, love for the club, bla bla bla. Let's see how many of those players stick to those morals when the club starts going down. Ridiculous.


Do they seriously believe those players came to their club through love for them? Are they that deluded? Or is it saving face because they can't bring themselves to admit that now the glory days are coming to a depressing end, that idea is soon to be completely disproved?

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I agree with Gash that Man Utd's best bet is a swap for Benzema plus someone like Ozil. I think Real would be interested, and I think both of the players would flourish under Ferguson. I'm not sure Ozil would appreciate another move right away but Man Utd are pretty much on a par with Real.


If Rooney goes and isn't replaced by someone like Benzema or Aguero then Man Utd will seriously lack the necessary firepower. I think if he leaves in Jan and isn't replaced immediately, they'll be fighting it out with Spurs for fourth place.

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Guest neesy111

I think Higuain's more likely to be involved in a potential deal than Benzema.


I think Real would be mad to include him in a deal.

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I agree with Gash that Man Utd's best bet is a swap for Benzema plus someone like Ozil. I think Real would be interested, and I think both of the players would flourish under Ferguson. I'm not sure Ozil would appreciate another move right away but Man Utd are pretty much on a par with Real.


If Rooney goes and isn't replaced by someone like Benzema or Aguero then Man Utd will seriously lack the necessary firepower. I think if he leaves in Jan and isn't replaced immediately, they'll be fighting it out with Spurs for fourth place.


The problem being, Rooney hasn't played well for ages now. Man United need to bring in a goalscorer regardless of whether Rooney stays or leaves.

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I'm pretty sure that his poor form at the end of last season was due to the ankle injury against Bayern. His poor form at the start of this season is surely because of the fact that he wanted to go but wasn't let go.


The Man Utd team currently needs some investment but let's remember that before Rooney got injured, they had a lead over Chelsea with something like 5 games to go. If Rooney doesn't get injured against Bayern, they don't lose to Chelsea at home and I think they walk to the title. If he doesn't get injured, I also think they win the second leg and progress, which would have meant a 3rd consecutive appearance in the semis of the CL for them, and it would have been against a beatable team like Bayern. Honestly, they were an unlucky injury away from winning a league and European double. He was such a massive player for them that if he changes his mind and decides to stay then they'll be right up there challenging for everything again.

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Obviously my last paragraph shows how much they need to invest because they over-relied on Rooney and paid for it when he got injured, but it still shows that the spine of the team is still a top-4-CL-challenging one and that they're only a player or two away from being completely dominant, again.

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I'm pretty sure that his poor form at the end of last season was due to the ankle injury against Bayern. His poor form at the start of this season is surely because of the fact that he wanted to go but wasn't let go.


The Man Utd team currently needs some investment but let's remember that before Rooney got injured, they had a lead over Chelsea with something like 5 games to go. If Rooney doesn't get injured against Bayern, they don't lose to Chelsea at home and I think they walk to the title. If he doesn't get injured, I also think they win the second leg and progress, which would have meant a 3rd consecutive appearance in the semis of the CL for them, and it would have been against a beatable team like Bayern. Honestly, they were an unlucky injury away from winning a league and European double. He was such a massive player for them that if he changes his mind and decides to stay then they'll be right up there challenging for everything again.


They got 13 points out of 15 in the last 5 games ;-) In fact they only game they lost in the previous 12 was to Chelsea! Hardly missed him!


Thinking about it, the game they lost before that run, Rooney played.

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