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The Garry Barry appreciation thread

The Prophet

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and to think that once rafa tried replacing alonso with him.  :facepalm:

Well he replaced him with Lucas instead, who is just as shocking.


aquilani, no??

Oh aye, forgot about him tbh :lol: That was a fucking daft transfer as well mind, as he was already injured when they bought him IIRC, so Lucas was always going to play quite a few games in the early stages of the season.

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Guest Stephen927

There's a real air of cockiness about him these days. What he lacks in pace, he used to make up for with his workrate, he's turned into a very languid player.

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Barry has always been a player who drifts in and out of seasons for months at a time (as I've said on here for years now), so there's no change there, but I think he;s gone downhill since he went to Man City. I suspect it was partly to do with being taken out of his comfort zone.


The problem is that he's now going to start to find himself on their bench quite a lot, and will struggle to get a decent move elsewhere because nobody else is going to match that 120k a week with 4 years left to run contract. He's not even 30 yet, incidentally. It seems a bit of a waste for your career to wind down so early and like that, but I bet that's exactly what happens.


Incidentally, James Milner is a very good player, but only when played centrally, so it is amusing to see Man City wasting him out wide at the moment. It's like they never bothered to look at him before buying him, they just knew he played for a rival, was meant to be good, so they'd better spend 26 million pounds on him, just because they've got to have everything that people view as "good", and get to destabilise a rival whilst they're at it.


Barry, Milner, Adam Johnson, Lescott ... potentially important players for England, but they're really not doing anyone any favours long term by going there - except for their bank balances, obviously

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