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Alan Pardew


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I'm not judging him on just Chelsea. I'm saying I can see what Pardew sees in Sammy. In my opinion he offers more to the team in that position than Ben Arfa at the minute. In my opinion, again, Ben Affa has been average to poor in most of his appearances this season. I'm obviously not writing him off cos he's clearly still finding his feet, but at the minute, yes, I think Sammy has offered more in every game he's played (excluding maybe the City game).


Sammy if far too over-rated, he's a good kid but he's got a lot to learn and I don't think he did that much against Chelsea.  He made a couple of runs down the left but they were dead easy to defend as he just dropped his head and went on a straight run.  He had one shot on goal which went straight to the keeper.

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The only way I can describe the starting 11 today was a Souness-like decision.  He decided to play two players out of position, one a dwarf and the other an out and out wreck of a player, than choose someone that was the only real option left in the squad in that position.


Having a natural centre half on the field may have stopped us conceding three goals from free headers and not made the defence s*** bricks whenever the ball was played into the general vicinity of our penalty area.


I thought of Souness when I'd seen the team for today, square pegs in round holes again.

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I'm not judging him on just Chelsea. I'm saying I can see what Pardew sees in Sammy. In my opinion he offers more to the team in that position than Ben Arfa at the minute. In my opinion, again, Ben Affa has been average to poor in most of his appearances this season. I'm obviously not writing him off cos he's clearly still finding his feet, but at the minute, yes, I think Sammy has offered more in every game he's played (excluding maybe the City game).


Sammy if far too over-rated, he's a good kid but he's got a lot to learn and I don't think he did that much against Chelsea.  He made a couple of runs down the left but they were dead easy to defend as he just dropped his head and went on a straight run.  He had one shot on goal which went straight to the keeper.

Two shots.

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Of course it's an unbelievable statement. But the fact it's being made - and by more than one person - tells you just about everything you need to know about Hatem's run in the side.


No it doesn't, it doesn't at all.


It does. It's been ineffective.

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Has to play him on the wing. Because if he doesn't it means that even if he is playing well he will be dropped for all the games against the "physical sides" which will just kill any form he may have from the previous game and just piss him off. I think there is something in Obertan potentially but he would be far more useful as an impact player and hasn't earned the right to be first team.

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Short memories on here like. Including pre-season, Demba Ba looked absolutely fucking hopeless for about ten games, before and after Ramadan, thankfully the manager didn't show the same lack of patience with him as he seems to be here or we'd be really screwed.

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Short memories on here like. Including pre-season, Demba Ba looked absolutely f***ing hopeless for about ten games, before and after Ramadan, thankfully the manager didn't show the same lack of patience with him as he seems to be here or we'd be really screwed.


Slight exaggeration that

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Short memories on here like. Including pre-season, Demba Ba looked absolutely f***ing hopeless for about ten games, before and after Ramadan, thankfully the manager didn't show the same lack of patience with him as he seems to be here or we'd be really screwed.


Like he had a choice with Demba, man. :lol:


Demba Ba is by a mile the most proven goalscorer in the squad. And he'd demonstrated excellent suitability to English football.

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Short memories on here like. Including pre-season, Demba Ba looked absolutely f***ing hopeless for about ten games, before and after Ramadan, thankfully the manager didn't show the same lack of patience with him as he seems to be here or we'd be really screwed.


Like he had a choice with Demba, man. :lol:


Demba Ba is by a mile the most proven goalscorer in the squad. And he'd demonstrated excellent suitability to English football.


I never said he wasn't, he's absolute quality.


So's Ben Arfa though and he won't show it if he's used fleetingly and only against the best three teams in the country.

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You compared the patience shown to Demba and to Ben Arfa.


One has a track record of scoring goals that nobody else in the squad can get near, and he also had a track record of doing very well in England prior to joining us. You can't really compare the two.

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Dont think you can critisize Pardew too much. It seems his hands are tied. Not sure he could have done a great deal about today. The reason why we lost was because we didnt have a centre half on the pitch, and as everyone expected, Perch and Simpson got battered.


Not sure, other than bring Ben Arfa into the fold he can do much. Hopefully Coloccini is back and we've got a commanding prescence at the back. But then you've still got the question of centre midfield? Bring in a youngster like Abeid? Play Alan Smith?


Our strength in depth is absolutely shocking and there is very little Pardew can do about it.

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Starting to think there's a problem between Pardew and Ben Arfa like. I can understand him not starting today, but the fact that he was left on the bench for the whole game is a bit concerning.

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Ben Arfa's certainly got no track record. You just talk utter nonsense on a permanent basis these days.


You're the one manufacturing ammunition against Pardew. Comparing the patience afforded to Ba and Ben Arfa really is scraping the barrel, even for you.

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

Starting to think there's a problem between Pardew and Ben Arfa like. I can understand him not starting today, but the fact that he was left on the bench for the whole game is a bit concerning.


Very much doubt it.

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I hardly mentioned Pardew, simply defended Ben Arfa against some utter drivel being thrown at him because he did little in three games against top class sides, much like Ba did incidentally, and I wouldn't criticize him for it either.

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Starting to think there's a problem between Pardew and Ben Arfa like. I can understand him not starting today, but the fact that he was left on the bench for the whole game is a bit concerning.


Very much doubt it.


Aye, it's not like he has a track record of upsetting managers. :thup:

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I hardly mentioned Pardew, simply defended Ben Arfa against some utter drivel being thrown at him because he did little in three games against top class sides, much like Ba did incidentally, and I wouldn't criticize him for it either.


You were talking about patience.


He had to (beyond benching him a couple of times) extend a little patience to Demba, he had no choice. With Ben Arfa he most certainly does.

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Starting to think there's a problem between Pardew and Ben Arfa like. I can understand him not starting today, but the fact that he was left on the bench for the whole game is a bit concerning.


Bit of a leap (just in respect of today's game). Not an ideal game to introduce Ben Arfa from the bench once Gosling went off. Shola was helping on set pieces, and Sammy is a tall lad too.


No clue why he's typecast him exclusively as a number ten (or much less if HBA is unhappy with that), but would certainly bring him on to the right flank ahead of OB1 at this juncture. Obertan has been given ample opportunity to show his worth. He hasn't, and deserves at least a stint on the bench.

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It's astounding the lack of patience shown to Ben Arfa considering that he's had only 5 games in the Premiership in his career and has just returned from a year-long injury. You would think that someone of his quality would be given a lot more chances to settle into a new league.

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