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Alan Pardew


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I think all we're really looking for is for Pardew to act like a sensible person, like not having shit players as favourites and playing to our own strengths. Its amazing how difficult common sense comes to modern football managers.

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He's not a popular target of criticism on here but I honestly think some of our tactical problems start at the very back with Tim Krul. His kicking is very poor and that stats are there to back it up:


Goalkeepers - Pass Success (%)

Vorm – 68.5

Cech - 66.1

Szczesny – 65.6

Reina – 63.6

Friedel - 61.6

De Gea – 56.6

Hart – 52.2

Foster - 53.2

Howard – 50.1

Krul - 42


Krul averages 24 passes a game so in your average match Krul is going to give the ball away 14 times. It's not exactly tocket science that if you have a goalkeeper who consistently gives the ball away then were going to struggle to play passing fooball.


This obviously isn't helped by the fact Danny Simspon and Mike Williamson have the two lowest pass completion rates of our back 8 (midfield + defence) which probably makes it difficult to ask Krul to play a short passing game.


In contrast Colo and Santon are our two most successful passers so if we were to sign two players to play CB and RB who could pass a ball then we'd potentially significantly improve our side by giving us the option to play out from the back.

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There aren't many keepers who can kick it long and accurate as far as I know. Vorm has the highest pass completion rate simply because he takes the short pass more often than other keepers, and that's obviously down to their style of play.


Frankly I'd rather he passed it out to Williamson than to kick it long - it worked pretty well when he did it in the Arsenal game.

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For that stat to be meaningful you'd have to know how many were short passes and how many were punts.


Every keeper gives the ball away almost every time he's expected to hoof it long. That's why giving it back to the GK should be a last resort for defenders, and they should be heavily criticised for doing it too much.

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One of my main issues with Krul's kicking, aside from the two or three per game that he's obviously played with his eyes closed, is that he kicks it so fucking high. Is there really any need? It gives the defenders more time to judge; they've already got it easier than the receiving strikers because they're attacking the ball - as opposed to Ba who's trying to hold it up. Having time to judge the trajectory just makes it all the more a simpler task to deal with for the CBs.

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Guest Dontooner

I agree with some of that Jayson,some players just don't respond to coaching,obertan being one but when we have played this style of football most of the season against all types of opposition,Brighton included,it makes me conclude that Pardew is setting them up that way,with Keegan we'd be playing dominant,possession based football and pushing the other team about not lumping it and hoping Ba would save our asses because that's what happened a lot early season.watch back some of those early performances and we played like this a lot of the time.the difference was,we could say the team was gelling,we're getting points.thugs have changed andog term success is bred on good football,simple as that


TBH. we have been playing Hoofing and crossing as the primary tactic all season, its just whether you see it or you don't. Recently when the percentage football isnt working as much, more has came to see the type of football we play and can clearly see its demerits. I am sure many will hop back on the Pardew's Wagon when we start winning and finish high up the table irregardless of how we play. Well in reality the world has too many Muppets, so its not surprising.


Just for the sake of analyzing Pardews Tactics and why its not working as well as earlier in the season. He is missing Leon best, his formation and tactics works better with two strong,aggressive,robust and hardworking outlets looking for a cross or a hoof to shield the ball to play it back to midfield so it could push up. I dont rate Best as a long term striker in this team, but the honest answer is he suits this play much better than most of the players we have. Forcefully fitting the players into this set up probably would not work too well.

some see what isn't there though. 'primary tactic all season', what crap!


What is our primary tactic as you see it then Madras? If in fact there is one.

there hasn't been one. we've mixed it up. we have gone long more than i'd like but it's been no way the primary tactic. work your way back game by game and ask if hoofing it was our main tactic, you'll be surprised

Posted "Hoof and Cross Pardew" Many times, but somehow only the hoof is registered. Crossing is also a primary tactic of ours which yield the most goals for us this season. However we have very little goals coming from the middle or through balls hence we either got goals hoofing to the strikers for knock downs or cross and tried to put one on them. Why the displeasure in stating the truth astonishes me.

cross meaning aimless high ball into the middle, or pass from wide ?


have a look through a fixture list and remember the goals, see how many actually came from the way you describe.

Crossing come from the wide areas, Simpson,Obertan,jonas,Ba,Best rings bell, crossing means from one end of a intersection to another therefore it must come from wide areas. Hoof is long ball to strikers or medium high balls that bypass midfield. My complain is we have very very little short passes that led to goals or innovation to create more space. We often go long or put in crosses rather than try short passes to create, very once side mix passing imo. We only go short in our own half most pf the time.

all clubs cross it in (anyone got stats to hand on who crosses the most ?) and we do short pass it quite a bit possibly too much in their half where it often gets aimless and the buck gets passed.. what has lead recently to going long more than i'd like is getting to 30yds out and then tiote to cabaye to jonas to cabaye to tiote. no movement from the middle allowing the forwards to get wrapped up and limiting the options rather than a game plan of lumping it.

Well, i stated short passes to create or score, i believe we are terribly weak in that particular department. If you have a further look at it, you realize we play very little one two's as well , it being a decreasing basic tactic in our game....therefore the only type of forwarding play that are getting us dangerous or putting us on the score sheets are either long or crosses.

We concur our short passes gets us no where ..

ooh clever, trying to make i said something i didn't. thats been the case of late whereas for you it's been all season. have you been through the fixture lisyt yet and spotted out the games we went long as a primary tactic. my OP in the hooof ball done that for the recent games till that time, feel free to comment.

Sorry i dont record all the matches but have watched every match this season like many have. Well i will say this again, i register us as Hoofing the ball long And Crosses as a primary tactic to score goals. Not many goals or scoring opportunities have came through the middle of the park involving the centre midfield. Also said either you see it or you dont. Honestly, thats how i see us playing all season, you can have your own opinion certainly i am entitled to mine. It not like i started watching football recently, i have watched football for 8 euros and worldcups since i was 10. I think i can hold my own conversation when it comes to football.

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very simple, or you would think it would be.


a manager looks at his current squad, see the strength,  play to their strength.


So we look, and quite clearly quality defenders is not what we got in abundance maybe just one.  We got good quality midfielders, good strikers.


what shall we do?



rocket science?

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Just got up on the last 10 pages. Incredible, now some people are saying Cabaye is mediocre when it's patently bloody obvious he's shackled by manager instruction, got to maintain team shape - that's what wins games you know, sorry, stops you losing. Only it doesn't as our last few losses show.


Pardew has got more and more scared of slipping away from the top the longer we stayed up at that end of the table. Ironically it is that very fear that looks like ultimately ensuring we don't stay there.

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There aren't many keepers who can kick it long and accurate as far as I know. Vorm has the highest pass completion rate simply because he takes the short pass more often than other keepers, and that's obviously down to their style of play.


Frankly I'd rather he passed it out to Williamson than to kick it long - it worked pretty well when he did it in the Arsenal game.

Looking at the post I was a bit too critical on Krul himself. It is very much about the type of passing you play. However, the Stoke keepers who play a lot of long balls still manage to kick at over 52%.


The problem we've got (which the second bit of my post eluded to) is that Williamson and Simpson are actually very poor passers of the ball. Williamson on Monday was an anamoly (87% pass sucess). His season average is 76.1% and Simpson's is 76.3%. This stops us from playing a short passing game as teams are simply going to press harder on Simpson and Williamson to push for the mistake

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Successful kick will take into account whether the striker ends up with the ball, yeah?  Stoke are gonna have a better percentage because their strikers are better equipped to win/bring down high balls.

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Successful kick will take into account whether the striker ends up with the ball, yeah?  Stoke are gonna have a better percentage because their strikers are better equipped to win/bring down high balls.




Also, even the passing statistics of the defenders are open to interpretation, because if they played more short passes they might succeed more. They are probably not bad passers if they had more confidence, instructions and open targets.

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Successful kick will take into account whether the striker ends up with the ball, yeah?  Stoke are gonna have a better percentage because their strikers are better equipped to win/bring down high balls.


it makes sense if we had Best in the team, he seems to be the only man in our attack in the entire squad that can bring a ball down and keep it.


Ba is not that type of player despite his height and build, and he's definitely not a number 10 which pardew seems to want him to play as when we got 2 forwards in the line up,  it didnt work when Ba paired with shola,  doesnt work when he gets paired with Cisse.


Ba is a poacher and is exactly the same mould as Cisse,  one man up top with HBA in behind is the way to go, or one man up top with  2 wide players beside him one on each side, (4-3-3)

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Guest neesy111

Successful kick will take into account whether the striker ends up with the ball, yeah?  Stoke are gonna have a better percentage because their strikers are better equipped to win/bring down high balls.




Also, even the passing statistics of the defenders are open to interpretation, because if they played more short passes they might succeed more. They are probably not bad passers if they had more confidence, instructions and open targets.


It still shows we are giving up possession too often though.

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Successful kick will take into account whether the striker ends up with the ball, yeah?  Stoke are gonna have a better percentage because their strikers are better equipped to win/bring down high balls.




Also, even the passing statistics of the defenders are open to interpretation, because if they played more short passes they might succeed more. They are probably not bad passers if they had more confidence, instructions and open targets.


It still shows we are giving up possession too often though.


Oh yeah, 'course.

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Guest Deadmau5


“I think our fans will be disappointed, and what we need is a pick-me-up now.


“We need to get a win – we’re well aware of that.


“No-one needs to tell us.


“We’ve got Norwich at home, and it looks like a great opportunity.”


But Pardew is acutely aware that nothing is a given in the Premier League.


Indeed, even a 2-0 cushion against relegation-haunted Wolverhampton Wanderers could not bag a victory two weeks ago, while the last home game against Sunderland turned into a dogfight.


Games against Swansea City and West Brom this season on Tyneside also only yielded a point, underlining the toughness of the top flight these days.


But even after defeat at Arsenal, Pardew is confident his side will eventually get their just rewards.


Pardew said: “We’ll have to work like we did on Monday night if we’re going to get it.


“We’ll be under a lot of pressure.




Read More http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/newcastle-united/nufc-news/2012/03/14/alan-pardew-nufc-need-a-win-to-pick-us-up-now-72703-30528233/#ixzz1p6be691c



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Lost his bottle perhaps?


Wish he would just think "fuck it" and take the shackles off altogether. He did a great job to get us so high up earlier this season with a pragmatic, hard-working approach, but he's in severe danger of undermining everything if things keep going as they are. We can certainly go back to the more cautious selections/tactics where necessary, or if it backfires spectacularly, but sometimes you just need to stick your best players on the park in their correct positions and say "have a fucking go at them lads". Don't abandon the basics altogether, of course, but due to the nature of our support - particularly at home - if we were to go this way I think he'd certainly win back/win over a lot of people who are starting to lose faith in him/have never had faith in him. It's not always about simply working harder than the opposition, you need to get your better players on the ball and involved in the game in the right areas. We keep showing glimpses, but there hasn't been a game for a good while now where we can honestly say we've "controlled it" and looked like the "big team". I might be wrong but I can't remember Demba having a chance from open play in the last two games, for instance.


Get the ball down from the 'keeper, spread the centre-halves and push the fullbacks on, move it sharply and get some fucking options for the man in possession. We are well capable of doing it if the leash is slackened a bit more and the lads are allowed to/able to play without as much fear.

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He's a cock.


I can see most Newcastlefans in a few weeks/months/years time when we all think to ourselves i can't believe how bad this guy really was as our manager with the players he had. What a wasted opportunity it was to kick on.

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Lost his bottle perhaps?


Wish he would just think "f*** it" and take the shackles off altogether. He did a great job to get us so high up earlier this season with a pragmatic, hard-working approach, but he's in severe danger of undermining everything if things keep going as they are. We can certainly go back to the more cautious selections/tactics where necessary, or if it backfires spectacularly, but sometimes you just need to stick your best players on the park in their correct positions and say "have a f***ing go at them lads". Don't abandon the basics altogether, of course, but due to the nature of our support - particularly at home - if we were to go this way I think he'd certainly win back/win over a lot of people who are starting to lose faith in him/have never had faith in him. It's not always about simply working harder than the opposition, you need to get your better players on the ball and involved in the game in the right areas. We keep showing glimpses, but there hasn't been a game for a good while now where we can honestly say we've "controlled it" and looked like the "big team". I might be wrong but I can't remember Demba having a chance from open play in the last two games, for instance.


Get the ball down from the 'keeper, spread the centre-halves and push the fullbacks on, move it sharply and get some f***ing options for the man in possession. We are well capable of doing it if the leash is slackened a bit more and the lads are allowed to/able to play without as much fear.


That's right, players respond to a feeling of freedom on the pitch, look at tottenham. You can teach players all the discipline you like and it can make the team hard to beat but all it does in the long-term is make them afraid to express themselves and break the rules, do the unexpected. We just look clueless on the ball at times because half the time we're looking backwards not forwards. Hatem breaks the rule and he's only just gotten into the team properly; imagine if Sammy hadn't got an injury - see you later Hatem, we need hard workers

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He's a cock.


I can see most Newcastlefans in a few weeks/months/years time when we all think to ourselves i can't believe how bad this guy really was as our manager with the players he had. What a wasted opportunity it was to kick on.


I wouldnt go that far, he's done a good job over the course of the season so far (obviously it's still to be judged where we finish) but for months now i've had a nagging doubt that we could do better. I keep saying it but next season really is crunch time for Pardew if we improve the squad over the summer as much as we did last year. If he keeps on with this defend first mentality he's gonna make us and himself look pretty stupid.

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I really don't think we'll be doing this well results wise next year. Just feels like we're as high as we are due to luck rather than design. With the players we have in our squad our attacking play should have more coherence than it does. At the minute we don't look like we know how to attack teams other than lump the ball forward. It wasn't that way at the beginning of the season (when a lot of the new comers were still fresh to our training ideas probably).


I fear things have turned and that we'll be on a downward slope from now on with Pardew. I just don't see any attacking promise from our team these days and our defence can't cope with the constant pressure either.

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Man, you would think we were 20th in the league FFS. Give the lads some credit for being high up the league, two thirds of the season has gone, the league table isn't an accident.


And to start to write off next season, jesus, I don't know where to start with that one.


We are going through a bad patch compared to earlier in the season and the form/confidence of the team isn't good at the moment. Pardew is more conservative than some of us would like but we are fans and he's a professional manager who is judged on results. There's a lot of air between those two viewpoints.


If we pick up a decent win against Norwich we could turn things around. Things in football go in streaks and they change very quickly.


You can always identify improvements and potential within any team, no matter who the manager is. It's only because we've achieved something great so far that we even have the luxury of worrying about the style of football.


Just think the whinging is way out of proportion with the problems.

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“I think our fans will be disappointed, and what we need is a pick-me-up now.


“We need to get a win – we’re well aware of that.


“No-one needs to tell us.


“We’ve got Norwich at home, and it looks like a great opportunity.”


But Pardew is acutely aware that nothing is a given in the Premier League.


Indeed, even a 2-0 cushion against relegation-haunted Wolverhampton Wanderers could not bag a victory two weeks ago, while the last home game against Sunderland turned into a dogfight.


Games against Swansea City and West Brom this season on Tyneside also only yielded a point, underlining the toughness of the top flight these days.


But even after defeat at Arsenal, Pardew is confident his side will eventually get their just rewards.


Pardew said: “We’ll have to work like we did on Monday night if we’re going to get it.


“We’ll be under a lot of pressure.




Read More http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/newcastle-united/nufc-news/2012/03/14/alan-pardew-nufc-need-a-win-to-pick-us-up-now-72703-30528233/#ixzz1p6be691c



Centre of his footballing world, the moron.

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