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Alan Pardew


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come on lads lets not use Saylor's injury as a reason for the lack quality of football we play lol


Really?  One centreback can really dictate that much play?  Besides our most technical defender by a large margin is Colo not Saylor.


Saylor is decent, Williamson is s***.  That a big difference.


btw, LLB, you really sounds like we are a top4 team and playing s*** football that didn't utilize our players and as a result we are not in contention for the 4th spot. Am I getting it wrong?


are you nuts? how did you get that impression.


my point is, having saylor in the team is not going to change the style of our gameplay.


Your main point is that we aren't playing our best and our result should be better by playing the style of football that Pardew didn't deploy.  So can I assume that you believe we have a top4 squad and should be challenging for the Champions League?

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Tiote, Steven Taylor, Ryan Taylor


Best was starting games regularly before his injury. Marveaux would have been on the bench instead of fucking Donaldson.


I also count little Shane, Obertan (bench), Harper and Lovenkrands amongst the injured.

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people been making some grumbles about how tired our squad look, it's no surprise going by how we play. 


What we do is we run our selves to the ground because we choose to.  Because we refuse to even try to keep the ball and pass it around, we prefer to let the opposition do that instead, whilst we run around like headless chickens trying to break up their play lol


when we finally do get the ball we hoof it aka lose the ball or let the opposition have it and then we try to break up their play again, when we finally get the ball, hoof,


and then process repeats and rinse repeat.


We're running too much cause we don't keep a hold of the ball when we get it and that isn't due to having bad players it's cause they are INSTRUCTED to hit the front early.


that is exactly my point Parky  O0


Pardew did well to get the message across to the entire side in seconds after we scored, must be using earpieces like. No chance it could have anything to do with some players just lacking the right mentality. Just like Shola purposely only becomes lethal in training i imagine. Bloody Pardew man.

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Very strange game yesterday. We started the game really well I thought (there was a definite emphasis on passing it around, and Krul and Williamson didn't hoof it in the first 15 mins at all), but as soon as we scored and the crowd got on Williamson's back for that insane moment in the first half, we seemed to lose confidence in our ability to pass it around. That being said, without playing well at all after that, we still could have easily scored another 3 or 4 goals.


All of the players did look shattered / low on confidence like (apart from Perch, who was immense, and Cisse).


With all that being said though, I was still disappointed when I left the game. Felt like we should have dominated more.


I agree in the past few months we haven't played good football, but the early signs yesterday was that we were trying to. So I'm not sure how much Pardew was to blame yesterday. It was clear in the first 15 mins that they were instructive to keep it down and pass it. The player's confidence seemed to revert them to hitting it long the longer the game wore on though.


I'd agree with that on balance. It's the manager's job to try and instil and maintain that confidence though. Reverting to awful football isn't the answer.


I agree. But I'm just trying to be balanced in my opinion. It was frustrating viewing yesterday. Initially I'd say it was the players fault for resorting to long ball / deep defending, but Pardew should have sorted it. What I'm getting at though, is that it was clear that our game plan was  initially to try and play "proper" football, so I'm not on the "Pardew sets up to play long ball" bandwagon just yet.


I think performances like Norwich and Arsenal highlight why we should be training in a way that encourages football based on passing and moving. We tried to do it at Arsenal and essentially got nowhere and we tried to do it yesterday but stopped after 15 minutes. If the players were doing it day in day out they wouldnt look so bloody clueless on the odd occasion that Pardew decides he wants us to pass it about a bit.


That's the impression I get as well. We definitely were trying to pass the ball around yesterday but it looked like the players had no idea how to go about it. It's one of the reasons I keep going back to what Keegan did after trying to repair the club following Sam Allardyce's disastrous reign. He coached passing, preached it, fiddled with formations to get it working and publicly took all responsibility for poor results when it wasn't working. Within 10 games he had us purring like a rolls royce engine.


Pardew has had almost a full season and the players look more bemused now than at the start of it. I'll be amazed if we repeat the success of this season next year if he's still boss tbh.

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What did Cabaye do btw? Read on here that he was mouthing off at Pardew, but I missed it at the game.


Didn't do much I thought, just looked unimpressed by whatever Pardew said to him on the sidelines.

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What did Cabaye do btw? Read on here that he was mouthing off at Pardew, but I missed it at the game.


From what I gather, the story is pretty much this:


When Shola came on, he told Cabaye to push up into a position just behind Ba, ie. it was instructions to attack. When Gosling came on though, Cabaye was then pretty much told to hang back and let Gosling play in an advanced role. Yohan was understandably unimpressed. Nothing major to worry about imo.

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What did Cabaye do btw? Read on here that he was mouthing off at Pardew, but I missed it at the game.


From what I gather, the story is pretty much this:


When Shola came on, he told Cabaye to push up into a position just behind Ba, ie. it was instructions to attack. When Gosling came on though, Cabaye was then pretty much told to hang back and let Gosling play in an advanced role. Yohan was understandably unimpressed. Nothing major to worry about imo.


According to the reports in the local rags Cabaye was playing in 5 different positions at various points yesterday. Probably exaggeration but he probably didn't know whether he was coming or going by the time 90 mins were up. I just hope the players aren't losing confidence in the manager's football philosophy - whatever it is. 

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What did Cabaye do btw? Read on here that he was mouthing off at Pardew, but I missed it at the game.


From what I gather, the story is pretty much this:


When Shola came on, he told Cabaye to push up into a position just behind Ba, ie. it was instructions to attack. When Gosling came on though, Cabaye was then pretty much told to hang back and let Gosling play in an advanced role. Yohan was understandably unimpressed. Nothing major to worry about imo.


According to the reports in the local rags Cabaye was playing in 5 different positions at various points yesterday. Probably exaggeration but he probably didn't know whether he was coming or going by the time 90 mins were up. I just hope the players aren't losing confidence in the manager's football philosophy - whatever it is. 


Looked like he played in a advanced role to the left, in stead of in the hole were he should play for a more broad specter of distribution. He didn't link up with HBA as much as he should be doing. He'll be back in the middle with Tiote when Ryan Taylor is back. Which hasn't worked for a good while. Guthrie looks more suited to that role.

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And Pardew reckons Cabaye as his MOTM. I don't think Cabaye would lose confidence for receiving this praise?


Pardew is no fool. He may have praised him in public in an attempt to smooth over any differences they had.

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Guest neesy111

Why does Pardew sound like such a pussy?


We wouldn't have been able to win 5 games? Well, no shit, if you insist on launching balls to two strikers who like it to their feet. We won't 4 if you keep this shit up.


I've given up listening to him, talks like a politician.

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

Fwiw, I think it was the Chelsea game and the way they pounced on the counter with us exposed that really started the negative approach from Pardew. Since then we've been a lot more conservative.

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Guest neesy111

Fwiw, I think it was the Chelsea game and the way they pounced on the counter with us exposed that really started the negative approach from Pardew. Since then we've been a lot more conservative.


Yeah that did seem to be catalyst though putting Ryan Taylor on Sturridge with Lovenkrands LW to offer no support was a tactical disaster.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Reasons for our poor football


Taylor got injured






Fuck off, the reasons why we play piss poor football lie in the dugout and the feet of our league one manager.


But hey we are sixth. 6th. Top 6.


Far too many excuses and heads in the sands. Those that date to criticise the manager's tactics are unreasonable, too demanding, obviously have agendas, couldnt care less we are 6th, and not just any old 6th but TOP SIXTH.


We generally get outpassed and tacticslly outplayed in the majority of our games be it home or away or the league or cup.

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Reasons for our poor football


Taylor got injured





our league one manager


Fuck off, the reasons why we play piss poor football lie in the dugout and the feet of our league one manager.


But hey we are sixth. 6th. Top 6.


Far too many excuses and heads in the sands. Those that date to criticise the manager's tactics are unreasonable, too demanding, obviously have agendas, couldnt care less we are 6th, and not just any old 6th but TOP SIXTH.


We generally get outpassed and tacticslly outplayed in the majority of our games be it home or away or the league or cup.



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Reasons for our poor football


Taylor got injured






f*** off, the reasons why we play p*ss poor football lie in the dugout and the feet of our league one manager.


But hey we are sixth. 6th. Top 6.


Far too many excuses and heads in the sands. Those that date to criticise the manager's tactics are unreasonable, too demanding, obviously have agendas, couldnt care less we are 6th, and not just any old 6th but TOP SIXTH.


We generally get outpassed and tacticslly outplayed in the majority of our games be it home or away or the league or cup.



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