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Forum Service Issues and Updates

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I'm glad the pressure group 'Formation for Forum' finally broke you guys down, and you've spent some money.




We have our own Ashley, Llambias and Pardew! ;) (JH is Pardew :shifty:)


It is my job to bang on Dave and Rich's door and get them to spend some money to improve the forum.


We will miss the previous server. It has been a great servant to this website, but I have been assured by the board that every penny will be reinvested into Newcastle-Online.


In the meantime, it is my job to ensure that posting goes on to a standard that matches how we have started this season.


Is there any chance we can bring in a young Italian server on loan from Red Café?

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I'm glad the pressure group 'Formation for Forum' finally broke you guys down, and you've spent some money.




We have our own Ashley, Llambias and Pardew! ;) (JH is Pardew :shifty:)


It is my job to bang on Dave and Rich's door and get them to spend some money to improve the forum.


We will miss the previous server. It has been a great servant to this website, but I have been assured by the board that every penny will be reinvested into Newcastle-Online.


In the meantime, it is my job to ensure that posting goes on to a standard that matches how we have started this season.


Is there any chance we can bring in a young Italian server on loan from Red Café?


I'd say yes, but we'll offer under their valuation and end up with some shitty second hand server from Cuba with 1mb RAM space.

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Just to let people know that I'm attempting round 2 tonight, so there'll be further downtime.


Keep an eye on the maintenance messages while it's switched off and I'll do my best to keep people in the loop.


Thanks again for the patience.

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Anyway people, it'll be naturally sluggish for a while as it builds the cache and all that stuff. All the images you see will have to load again from scratch as well. So if new pages are taking a little while longer to load, then that's why.


Aside from that I'll be keeping as best an eye on it as possible, but if there's any quirks other than the dodgy characters that have cropped up due to the conversion to the UTF8 character set (�) then please give us a shout in here or via PM. If these symbols have cropped up in your titles/signatures then you'll need to fix them yourselves, but if it's a username thing (like AlanSkaerare's Swedish character turning into a � for example) then just give us a PM with the proper character in and we'll swap it for you.


The work isn't done yet as we're currently running without a few underlying components that give us about 30% extra speed, but we appear to have migrated all of the databases and files successfully.


Next step: SMF 2.0. Soon. I'm doing a trial run right now on a separate part of the site. The theme is already made.

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I can log in and everything is normal until I go into a thread I'm logged out. It seems to happen on my laptop but not my phone which uses the same  wifi connection.  When I try to log in on my laptop the forum doesn't recognise my password.




Forget that, the laptop is working OK now.  It looks like it's just a matter of time until it sorts itself out and recognises your usual password.

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Really odd. Had to reset my password to get access. OK now though.


I can log in and everything is normal until I go into a thread I'm logged out. It seems to happen on my laptop but not my phone which uses the same  wifi connection.  When I try to log in on my laptop the forum doesn't recognise my password.




Forget that, the laptop is working OK now.  It looks like it's just a matter of time until it sorts itself out and recognises your usual password.


Thanks you two, I'll keep an eye on this one. Hopefully just teething problems/cache stuff with your old data from the old server.

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Cracking job, Rich :thup:


I've tried flushing the dns but looks like it's provider based. So patience is needed until it propagates :)


I had adjusted the TTL a few days ago as as well, on everything (just to try and speed it up). Some use that was!

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An initial look hints that it might be something to do with the conversion to UTF-8 from Latin1 in the character set of the forum.


Do the blank posts contain foreign characters like é for example?

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