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Right, so that's the worst over with we think. Can people be extra-vigilant again for the next day or so just keeping an eye out for any small errors or changes that pop-up. Even taking extra note of the page creation times at the bottom of every single page would help (a habit I'm now well and truly into). If these get to near a second/over a second then I'd like to hear about it.


"Page created in 0.134 seconds with 9 queries" was my latest one, but it's typically in the 0.04 seconds range for me usually.


The last posting from your IP was less than 2 seconds ago. Please try again later.


Need to keep an eye out for this happening too ^.


You've been great so far keeping us up to speed on things and it would be appreciated for a little while longer as we try and put a bow on it.


The issues I have to look at already are the Kindle/IE6 ones mentioned, and it is a known issue that the statistics aren't updating live at the moment. Anything aside from these three and we'd appreciate being told about it.


Thanks again for the patience tonight too, hate it when we have downtime but the recent stuff has been about as necessary as it can get.

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I had one of them notifications as well about posting and times, 0 seconds it was. Ended up going back and C&P my post and closing the browser as nothing else worked.


Hope you get it all sorted soon.

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Also, as I mentioned in the chat thread about avatars - if you haven't bothered to upload one again since we moved server please find a bit of time and do so.


If you want your old one back I might be able to sort that out, too, if you can tell me what it looked like. Will take a bit of digging.

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I had one of them notifications as well about posting and times, 0 seconds it was. Ended up going back and C&P my post and closing the browser as nothing else worked.


Just happened in the Betting Fred

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Have got the following a 5/6 times this afternoon:


502 Bad Gateway






On IE6.


Edit: got it clicking on page 1 of Jonas thread, and 'new' page alert for Jonas thread.


Been getting this on and off today, too. Most recently within the last hour.


On Safari, on an iPad, in Turkey.

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Thanks folks, it was just the ongoing work I mentioned a little bit earlier in the thread today.


It was done to fix the posting error that quite a few people were getting and the work is now complete :thup:


All that's left is a quick mod install and then a full backup of everything, which will take about half an hour at the most at some point during the evening.

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