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Guest firetotheworks

Exactly the same for me. Performance is fine, search function still slower. I'm using Chrome, just searching for words that I've searched in the past - documentary, ashley, keegan etc. It's taking between 13 seconds and a minute to complete the search.

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Exactly the same for me. Performance is fine, search function still slower. I'm using Chrome, just searching for words that I've searched in the past - documentary, ashley, keegan etc. It's taking between 13 seconds and a minute to complete the search.


On Wednesday you said it was consistently slow and posting and editing were cack. ;)


We know about the Tapatalk and search issues, but isn't anything else any better now?

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Guest firetotheworks

Exactly the same for me. Performance is fine, search function still slower. I'm using Chrome, just searching for words that I've searched in the past - documentary, ashley, keegan etc. It's taking between 13 seconds and a minute to complete the search.


On Wednesday you said it was consistently slow and posting and editing were cack. ;)


We know about the Tapatalk and search issues, but isn't anything else any better now?


It still is compared to before the original server change, but it's still usable and fine as opposed to very good. :lol:


Tapatalk and the search functions were the only big issues. Editing and posting are still a bit slow but they're usable in my experience. 

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Tapatalk still doesn't seem to be working for me even after upgrading to the latest version and unfollowing/refollowing NO.


Edit - just seen your post Dave, good to see it's in the pipeline :thup:

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Still don't understand the Tapatalk problems. A few people tell me it's absolutely fine. Just checked it myself and getting the loading problem on boards, but the feeds work normally. Really odd, I would have thought it would be all or nothing if it's a problem with how the server is set up.

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What's the setup for the app like? You see any endpoints or owt or it just a plug and play thing? Boards take ages to load for me but not tried feeds. Seems cachey but no idea why it would affect boards but not feeds. It's like it's making a call for the entire board when selecting Football or Chat which takes ages to load as the content will be huge. But the call for the feed is like it's just looking for recently edited topics.


EDIT: Feeds are quick.

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You just install it as a forum mod which installs a bunch of scripts, then you check the permissions are 755. That's it, the only proper settings relate to registration and spam control. The plugin hasn't been updated by Tapatalk in yonks now, unlike the app. It does feel like a cache problem, but then it was playing up before I even changed any of that on this server.

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