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Reports: Talks held with Jay Bothroyd


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Hope he can maintain his confidence in front of goal if he joins, as he seems to have scored a hell of a lot of goals already this season. Hopefully help towards securing prem position. Review in the summer.

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Good buy in my opinion.



Going to pay £1million for him , he'll get around £20K a week , he's scoring goals in the championship for fun , I just have one of those feelings were he could be a good player in the premier league . I never ever felt that about Besty and have so far been proven right.

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Good buy in my opinion.



Going to pay £1million for him , he'll get around £20K a week , he's scoring goals in the championship for fun , I just have one of those feelings were he could be a good player in the premier league . I never ever felt that about Besty and have so far been proven right.


By his two Prem apps and three goals? :lol:


Not saying he's a Prem quality player, mind.

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Good buy in my opinion.



Going to pay £1million for him , he'll get around £20K a week , he's scoring goals in the championship for fun , I just have one of those feelings were he could be a good player in the premier league . I never ever felt that about Besty and have so far been proven right.


It's hardly as if Bothroyd's never had a shot in the Premier League though.

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I hope this is the end of Xisco.

There was never a beginning of Xisco or a middle of Xisco. When he leaves this club he never will have occured. It is a duration of nothingness.


As long as his signing is of very small financial signifigance, I will be fine with this.  He's done well for himself recently and there's a chance he's finally realised the gifts he has been given. I'm willing to take that risk if we are not pinning the financial future of the club to this player.

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if we play west ham maybe...


but i can't see him waiting possibly 2 years on our bench


Why would you ever take my comment seriously? :lol:


Obviously underwhelmed by this signing but this is the kind of player you sign in January. It's more a "Wayne Routledge" month than a "Hatem Ben Arfa" month. Only exceptions are if you're covered in money or terminally stupid.

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This....is fucking dreadful.


Does Pardew not understand the word pace or something? is it a buzz word he picked up in the Casino's? He bangs on about us need pace as a priority this window then tries to buy, bentley, Larsson and Bothroyd.  :idiot2: :harry:


Bothroyd offers nowt different to Shola or Best. Carroll will be gone this summer, dont think they would be stupid enough to sell him this window. Stranger things happen round here though.


Bit of a Kevin Gallagher/Sibbers signing, actually its alot like when we were hoping for Moses and ended up with Best. 


Could be a shrewd signing if the price is right, but only if we ship Xisco and Best out then sign another striker with pace.

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I've never seen Bothroyd but I've been told that he's allegedly pretty quick for his size. We'll see.


Also kind of funny how we're all assuming that this will go through just because we don't like the player and when we're linked with anyone excited we just assume that it will never happen. :lol:

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