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Pitch invasions

Guest toonlass

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Is that a ginger Mike Ashley i see?



whats ganning on with that lad's hood?

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Thing is it's not exactly an isolated incident. Had it just been the first time then I suppose you could put it down to fan exuberance but it happens every fucking time we play down there. Regular as clockwork some mongs will run on. The FA need to get hold of this and do something concrete to stop it.


Fine them £200k for every fan that sets foot over the barriers,

£500k for getting onto the pitch itself and

a match without home fans for every idiot who goes anywhere near a Newcastle player. 

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Guest johnson293

I know it would never happen but I'd laugh my tits off if they got the point they scraped today docked.


Its gonna take something like that thpough, before the club acts towards those idiots who do it, otherwise, they just keep brushing it under the carpet, and hoping it doesn't happen again.


However history has shown, that without action, they will not learn - it isnt just the recent derbies, it also happened at that England Friendly held at the SoS too, didn't it?


Even after the last derby down there (when they won 2-1) - fans confronted Given, and there was bother on the pitch after the final whistle - both Quinn and Keane basically laughed it off as jubulation at finally beating us.

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Guest toonlass

If the FA were to deduct points from them for repeated infringements, and to any other team that has supporters going on the pitch that would soon stop them. On RTG last week there were threads encouraging both pitch invasions and supporters throwing coins and bottles at away fans.

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If the FA were to deduct points from them for repeated infringements, and to any other team that has supporters going on the pitch that would soon stop them. On RTG last week there were threads encouraging both pitch invasions and supporters throwing coins and bottles at away fans.


Sunderland definitely have crowd control problems inside their stadium as illustrated by the frequency of pitch invasions.

Their management and chairman tend bury their heads in the sand and Bruce was very quick to blurt the party line yesterday.

The notion of "fair minded supporters" handing over the culprits is absolute poppycock. It was a desperate attempt to deflect attention from the seriousness of the situation. Surprised the BBC or anyone else bought into that rubbish.

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Got this off The Guardian ,a bit more info and at least it sounds there were proper officials watching.


Sunderland fan bailed after alleged attack on Newcastle's Steve Harper


• Seventeen-year-old supporter bailed until March, police say

• Football Association awaiting reports before taking action

The alleged incident happened after Steve Harper conceded a 90th-minute equaliser at the Stadium of Light.


The Football Association was today awaiting reports into the trouble which flared during and after the Wear-Tyne derby between Sunderland and Newcastle at the Stadium of Light.


A 17-year-old has been released on bail by Northumbria Police in connection with an alleged confrontation with the Newcastle goalkeeper Steve Harper on the pitch in the immediate aftermath of Asamoah Gyan's 90th-minute equaliser. Police said the arrested teenager was bailed until March and that investigations were ongoing.


A total of 24 arrests were made, with rival fans clashing in ugly scenes on the final whistle. The FA had a crowd control adviser present at the match and will consider his report and that of the referee, Howard Webb, once they receive them. An FA spokesman said: "We are awaiting reports this morning and will be proceeding from there."


The Sunderland manager, Steve Bruce, praised the home fans who handed the teenager over after his confrontation with Harper. "All I saw was Steve Harper on the floor," Bruce said. "I didn't know what had happened at the time. I would like say a 'well done' to the Sunderland fans who gave the kid up – and he is a kid, that's what I can't understand either, the age of the lad."


Northumbria Police said the majority of fans behaved well but a small number were intent on causing trouble. Around 48,000 supporters attended the match at the Stadium of Light where there was a large police presence, who kept the supporters apart outside the ground by using an 8ft metal fence.


Despite warnings to troublemakers in the run-up to the game, some fans still caused problems, police said. Temporary Chief Superintendent Steve Neill, match commander, said: "The crowd was mainly good-natured and the overwhelming majority wanted nothing more than to enjoy the action on the pitch in an atmosphere free from violence and disorder.


"However, there were still some troublemakers who were determined to spoil things for the genuine fans. We had anticipated the potential for disorder and had the resources in place to deal with it swiftly and firmly.


"The policing operation went well and I would like to commend the actions and professionalism of all the officers involved who managed to defuse a number of difficult situations. I would also like to thank the stewards for their assistance."


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I think time has come around again that away support shouldn't be allowed to these games.


As a punishment though, next seasons game should be held a SJP instead of the SOL. It happens after every game there, they are like Boro in the fact that they have to cause trouble. It's time we took a stand and just said to Sunderland, "Fuck it, your fans don't come here and we don't go there".



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Got this off The Guardian ,a bit more info and at least it sounds there were proper officials watching.


Sunderland fan bailed after alleged attack on Newcastle's Steve Harper


• Seventeen-year-old supporter bailed until March, police say

• Football Association awaiting reports before taking action

The alleged incident happened after Steve Harper conceded a 90th-minute equaliser at the Stadium of Light.


The Football Association was today awaiting reports into the trouble which flared during and after the Wear-Tyne derby between Sunderland and Newcastle at the Stadium of Light.


A 17-year-old has been released on bail by Northumbria Police in connection with an alleged confrontation with the Newcastle goalkeeper Steve Harper on the pitch in the immediate aftermath of Asamoah Gyan's 90th-minute equaliser. Police said the arrested teenager was bailed until March and that investigations were ongoing.


A total of 24 arrests were made, with rival fans clashing in ugly scenes on the final whistle. The FA had a crowd control adviser present at the match and will consider his report and that of the referee, Howard Webb, once they receive them. An FA spokesman said: "We are awaiting reports this morning and will be proceeding from there."


The Sunderland manager, Steve Bruce, praised the home fans who handed the teenager over after his confrontation with Harper. "All I saw was Steve Harper on the floor," Bruce said. "I didn't know what had happened at the time. I would like say a 'well done' to the Sunderland fans who gave the kid up – and he is a kid, that's what I can't understand either, the age of the lad."


Northumbria Police said the majority of fans behaved well but a small number were intent on causing trouble. Around 48,000 supporters attended the match at the Stadium of Light where there was a large police presence, who kept the supporters apart outside the ground by using an 8ft metal fence.


Despite warnings to troublemakers in the run-up to the game, some fans still caused problems, police said. Temporary Chief Superintendent Steve Neill, match commander, said: "The crowd was mainly good-natured and the overwhelming majority wanted nothing more than to enjoy the action on the pitch in an atmosphere free from violence and disorder.


"However, there were still some troublemakers who were determined to spoil things for the genuine fans. We had anticipated the potential for disorder and had the resources in place to deal with it swiftly and firmly.


"The policing operation went well and I would like to commend the actions and professionalism of all the officers involved who managed to defuse a number of difficult situations. I would also like to thank the stewards for their assistance."



Absolute baloney from Bruce, as usual, saying "well done" to Sunderland fans. It just happens too often at the SoL Steve you're just trying your best to deflect attention from a very serious problem.

Sunderland web forums were full of threats last week, encouraging people to smuggle weapons into the ground, attack opposition fans and even go on the pitch to attack players and sadly that's just what happened. Once again.

Last night there were many of them congratulating the actions of the 17 year old who attacked Harper.


Time for a very clear statement from the FA, but don't hold your breath waiting for one from Saint Niall or SAFC.

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Crocked fans


The chairman of a Romanian football team is becoming so exasperated by the behaviour of the club's fans that he is planning to install a moat around the pitch - filled with crocodiles.



Steaua chairman

Steaua Nicolae Balcescu are in danger of being expelled from the Fourth Division unless they can prevent fans from invading the pitch.


"This is not a joke - we can get crocodiles easy enough and feed them on meat from the local abattoir," said club chairman Alexandra Cringus.


"The ditch is planned to be wide enough that no one could manage to jump over it. Anyone who attempted to do so would have to deal with the crocs.


"I think that the problem of fans running onto the pitch will be solved once and for all."


That may be true - but the next problem Mr Cringus might have to deal with is an unusually high turnover of ball boys.

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Sunderland fan who shoved Harper has been taken to Newcastle training ground this morning by his Dad to apologise to him.


If true, no doubt stage managed clap trap to deflect from the big problem they have with crowd control.

The real issue is not the specifics of the 17 year old who got on the pitch to attack Harper but the problem they have in general with crowd control, weapons inside the stadium etc.

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