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Andy Gray Sacked by Sky; Richard Keys resigns - join TalkSport


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The thing that weirds me out about both recordings is the way they go on. Neither sound like they're just having jovial banter, they actually sound deadly angry. :lol: Pair of weirdos tbh.


yep- their tone and manner sounds like a couple of internet weirdos planning a murder.


Worse than Peter Sutcliffe, probably.



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The thing that weirds me out about both recordings is the way they go on. Neither sound like they're just having jovial banter, they actually sound deadly angry. :lol: Pair of weirdos tbh.


yep- their tone and manner sounds like a couple of internet weirdos planning a murder.


Worse than Peter Sutcliffe, probably.


The former Chester winger?

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The fact they released their own footage making him look even worse, suggests they want rid like.


They're hanging him out to dry so that Sky doesn't get the blame.


Aye, not that i've seen them do if i've heard they are and that really is the final nail in the coffin.


Redknapp is rubbing his hands in glee at this news. Just think years of Jamie Redknapp commentating and kissing up to his dad at Spuds then England.


Seems like they've waited a long time for this, whoever their replacements are they'll be cheaper. Hughton should apply, he'd get several times more there than he did here.

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Guest Heneage

The fact they released their own footage making him look even worse, suggests they want rid like.


They're hanging him out to dry so that Sky doesn't get the blame.

I had this debate with my Dad tonight and he made a great point that if we're just hearing this now imagine what's been said in the past and gone unnoticed. The audio doesn't sound like it's recorded in studio, more like it's been taken from an audio line in one of the trucks. In which case you wonder has one of them shopped him, be it an annoyed intern or production manager.


I don't think Sky could stick by him at all. Both Keys and Gray had their warning with the Walcott incident last season, but this is a whole different ball park because it's sexism and they deserve to go.

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Guest KeithKettleborough

I don't have Sky so think its a shame it wasn't Clem, Claridge or a few of the other Beeb "experts".

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Guest Heneage

The Walcott thing was nowt to do with Gray, was it?


I wasn't saying it was, my point was that incident showed Keys being caught when he thought he was off mic. I'd have been very careful what I'd say after that.

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Sky have come out of this with no credit at all - if they felt that strongly about what had been said, they would have fired the 2 guys pronto...sexism laws all on their side.


They've bigged it up on Sky News as if they had done something wonderful in the cause of women's emancipation. What happens now ? The miscreants return after a few weeks and all is forgotten ? Do me a favour ; either fire them or say their views are their own , not Sky policy.


Pathetic load of posers, frankly...and the 2 idiots as well..!

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I might be completely wrong here coz have not heard the audio myself, but why is it wrong to be sexist in private? Most of us do that when we are amongst friends in say a bar and I'm sure women say nasty things about men to when they have their sorority or women only gatherings.


I would have a problem if they did this on air in their official capacity but why should they be restricted in their private thoughts?


Like I said, I could be completely wrong here coz everyone one seems to be condemning them, so maybe someone can tell me what I'm missing?? 

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I might be completely wrong here coz have not heard the audio myself, but why is it wrong to be sexist in private? Most of us do that when we are amongst friends in say a bar and I'm sure women say nasty things about men to when they have their sorority or women only gatherings.


I would have a problem if they did this on air in their official capacity but why should they be restricted in their private thoughts?


Like I said, I could be completely wrong here coz everyone one seems to be condemning them, so maybe someone can tell me what I'm missing?? 


i think you have a point to the extent that this wasn't intended for broadcast. on the other hand, they're still saying that stuff "at work", and in the case with the tv cameras gray is saying it in front of multiple people/colleagues.

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I might be completely wrong here coz have not heard the audio myself, but why is it wrong to be sexist in private? Most of us do that when we are amongst friends in say a bar and I'm sure women say nasty things about men to when they have their sorority or women only gatherings.


I would have a problem if they did this on air in their official capacity but why should they be restricted in their private thoughts?


Like I said, I could be completely wrong here coz everyone one seems to be condemning them, so maybe someone can tell me what I'm missing?? 


i think you have a point to the extent that this wasn't intended for broadcast. on the other hand, they're still saying that stuff "at work", and in the case with the tv cameras gray is saying it in front of multiple people/colleagues.


Well I guess it would depend on what "at work" means. Normally you would have a code of conduct for as long as you are in your company's office/building. But with tv personalities/pundits, I get a feeling that they are 'off work' once the show is over and cameras stop rolling. Have no idea whether they said it in front of other colleagues, or was just a private banter. But if the BNP can have a political public platform to air their borderline racist views in public, I'm struggling to see why what Keys and Gray did were wrong when they never meant it for public consumption.


In fact if anything they should be suing whoever it was who taped them for breach of privacy.

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It's all about whether SKY want to be associated with people who hold unpopular views like that.....or rather, whether SKY want to be "seen" to be associated with these people.


When push comes to shove, sky will do what suits them best and suits their business. Whether that's standing by Keys and Gray while the appologise and everything dies down, or whether they take the moral high road and dump them at the side of the road.

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Sorry if anyone has mentioned it but wasn't Andy Gray involved in the phone tapping allegations against the News of the World?

That might have lost him some friends at Murdoch Central.


Yes and that, my friend, tells you all you need to know about how and why the audio has been made available in this way. News Corp really makes you sick.


And I'm not defending them being "sexist", but I am saying it's a storm in a teacup, and ample demonstration (just like the Gordon Brown "bigoted woman" bootlegs were in the last General Election) of Rupert Murdoch's hypocrisy and power.


Can't wait for that Cunture Secretary, Jeremy whateverhisnameis, to sign over the full rights to Sky to the evil empire.



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