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7-4? f*** off yanks, you aren't allowed these scores in this sport.


So is the expansion to Orlando looking good then? Ridiculous that the MLS hasn't put a team in Florida after Miami/Tampa folded.


It was 2-2 in regular time.  In extra time Orlando's fitness shone through. 


Miami always seems like a good idea until you look at how they support all their other sports franchises.  Tampa, much the same without all of the glamour.  We only have one "top flight" professional sports team in Orlando and it's supported well through good and bad which is a positive sign.

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Why the fuck does anyone go to Florida?


Why wouldn't they?  On top of the reasons already mentioned we have arguably the best beaches in the world, a few natural wonders that are only here (Everglades), and some of the most interesting culture in the country due to our melting-pot of a population.  There's a reason that Orlando is the #1 tourist destination in the country and its not just for the nice weather (which there is, almost entirely year-round).

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Why the fuck does anyone go to Florida?


Why wouldn't they?  On top of the reasons already mentioned we have arguably the best beaches in the world, a few natural wonders that are only here (Everglades), and some of the most interesting culture in the country due to our melting-pot of a population.  There's a reason that Orlando is the #1 tourist destination in the country and its not just for the nice weather (which there is, almost entirely year-round).


Yes, but it's full of shitheads.

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Why the fuck does anyone go to Florida?


Why wouldn't they?  On top of the reasons already mentioned we have arguably the best beaches in the world, a few natural wonders that are only here (Everglades), and some of the most interesting culture in the country due to our melting-pot of a population.  There's a reason that Orlando is the #1 tourist destination in the country and its not just for the nice weather (which there is, almost entirely year-round).


Yes, but it's full of shitheads.

As someone who grew up in South Florida but currently living in Boston, I think the shithead quotient is far, far higher up here.

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Florida is fucking class, I was born here and lived here my whole life. The heat can get a little crazy, like the fact that its about 100 degrees in my car right now, but regardless - its awesome.


Luca just trying to steam roll my state :lol: so cold!

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First, who wants constant, unrelenting heat? Isn't that the very definition of hell? A never ending inferno.


Then there's hurricanes, sink holes, snakes, George Zimmerman, voter ID laws, Gloria fucking Estefan, alligators, shark attacks, and all these cunts....




If I wanted to visit some place warm I'd choose Syria over Florida.

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First, who wants constant, unrelenting heat? Isn't that the very definition of hell? A never ending inferno.


Then there's hurricanes, sink holes, snakes, George Zimmerman, voter ID laws, Gloria fucking Estefan, alligators, shark attacks, and all these cunts....




If I wanted to visit some place warm I'd choose Syria over Florida.


Valid point.

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Orlando is nice, the Keys are nice, the Gulf Coast is nice (in spots), the Everglades are one-of-a-kind.


Miami is an absolute shithole.


Certain areas are class tbf


To be honest, if Florida is indeed infested by retired New Yorkers, I don't think I could find a place more loathsome to be in.


Overblown stereotypes thrown about by people in this thread :lol: Florida is a super relaxed and very good state man. Sun, beaches, natural beautiful bodies of water surrounding the state and a really class diverse population.



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Florida is the greatest place on earth. It has absolutely everything and I can't wait to move there. Been gone 2 days and miss it already.


Luca's a blithering idiot and the sooner people stop paying attention to him the better.

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:lol: I love Ronaldo's love of Orlando. I've only spent time there and mostly the Tampa area, hoping to go back soon. My gramps still lives there so I'm sure I'll be down eventually. It's a pretty hilarious place to read about, but I always associate it with family and Universal/Disney and that's good enough.
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:lol: I love Ronaldo's love of Orlando. I've only spent time there and mostly the Tampa area, hoping to go back soon. My gramps still lives there so I'm sure I'll be down eventually. It's a pretty hilarious place to read about, but I always associate it with family and Universal/Disney and that's good enough.


I was born in Tampa and lived in Orlando the past 10 years.


Regarding Orlando -- The central business districr downtown and th neighborhoods surrounding are really great places to live, work and play. Although the attractions area is a bit crazy, it's massively essential to this  city, county and state. We should be so lucky to have a major demand generating business/area of town that attracts an array of local and foreign tourists who add to our diverse area -- on top that the attractions business is a great source of jobs and employment for the people of Central Florida. I really love living here and enjoy it. :thup:


:lol: It's weird how the ire of Ronaldo feels like a compliment. It's like being hated by Ann Coulter.


:lol: Ouch.


Nah I think Ronaldo's probably a chill dude in real life.


Ron's an awesome guy.

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