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Not sure if the faux Man City kit was a masterstroke or a f*** up.


Masterstroke: Every so-called Man City fan who previously never cared about the MLS will profess to love NYCFC.

f*** up: Every NYC-based Premier League fan who has been supporting a team other than Man City is never going to support that team / buy that kit.


From my perspective, it just makes them dislikable. They could've been the team with soul in NY. Instead they're the Man City reserve team.


So New Yorkers can either support a Man City reserve team or a team named after an energy drink. They've really dropped the ball in the biggest possible market.

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Think NYCFC had the better draft. NY's got a lot of potential firepower between Lampard, David Villa, and Mullins, but outside of Grabavoy, there's not much going on in that midfield. Defense looks pretty solid with Wingert, Williams, John, Hernandez, and Brovsky.


Orlando's attack is basically resting on Kaka, and Jairo Arrieta is their only striker for the moment. I like the look of their young midfielders Molino, Ceren, Estrela, and Ribeiro, but they're unproven at this level. Collin and Okugo gives them a very good CB partnership (though I wonder if they'll move Okugo to DM), and they've also got the young guys Turner, Redding, and Ramos to fill out the back line, as well as Heath Pearce.


I like Orlando's potential, but NY might be more MLS-ready, especially if they another midfielder or two.

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  • 2 weeks later...

TFC's endless Jermain Defoe saga drags on with no end in sight:






The rumour mill has already churned out several names that TFC might bring in if Defoe is sold. The two most consistenly-mentioned players are Liverpool midfielder and former English national team captain Steven Gerrard and playmaking Dutch midfielder Wesley Sneijder, who’s currently playing with Turkish side Galatasaray.



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Announcing Brek Shea today.



Shell of his former, pre-injury, self. Hope he can regain some form in MLS.


think he'll be back to "his level" in terms of league now too. He's going to be lucky enough to have Kaka pull the strings for him as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The MLS are spending fortunes on has been's, why not spend that money on players in their prime and actually build the league instead? They could still attract decent names to bring in the crowds.

Not many really good players in their prime would go to MLS

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The league is doing better signing young players now. if you look at the list of designated players it isn't filled completely with old names and quite a few of the recent ones have been young player with potential. It's still over shadowed by every Gerrard, Lampard or Kaka signing though because those are what make the headlines.

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I'm assuming these USMNT players just get better deals in the MLS than they would anywhere else.


I don't mind the theory of making the MLS bigger by filling it with US superstars, but it's no good for your national team. Klinsmann will probably just drop them all and replace them with Germans.

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I'm assuming these USMNT players just get better deals in the MLS than they would anywhere else.





I'm not concerned with someone like Dempsey making the move, because he'd played long enough in England to not really have his game affected much by playing in a lesser league.


Bradley moved for money at the peak of his ability and it hasn't really worked out for him.


Mix puts in a strong shift for a season or two and he'll get looks from Europe, especially playing for Man City's NY development squad. Also a money move though.

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I'm assuming these USMNT players just get better deals in the MLS than they would anywhere else.





I'm not concerned with someone like Dempsey making the move, because he'd played long enough in England to not really have his game affected much by playing in a lesser league.


Bradley moved for money at the peak of his ability and it hasn't really worked out for him.


Mix puts in a strong shift for a season or two and he'll get looks from Europe, especially playing for Man City's NY development squad. Also a money move though.


I'm not concerned nor do I care about the way the MLS is run - the only issue I have is the schedule of the season, which IMO needs to be on the same as the other major leagues in the world.


I quite like that some of our top USMNT players are in the MLS, it helps keep the interest in the league by the every day fan who many not care much for European leagues. I also quite like some of these older players from Europe joining the league as it brings in people who may not much care for the MLS but really like a player greatly IE: My older brother is a Liverpool supporter and with Gerrard going to LA, he's already excited for the upcoming season and will be paying attention to the league.


I also find it quite ironic that people have these major opinions on the MLS and/or the players over here - I think we've got a pretty good mix of European based (+ Jurgey's Germans) and US based American players and believe we will also do quite well in the Cups if we continue to develop our game in the manner we continue to do. I assume the Germans will eventually run out when/if Jurgen moves on, but at the same time, the mix of US/Euro based players helps the younger kids who are coming up all over the world who are 1/2 American and are great footballers but may have felt unable to make it for one of the "bigger" nations out there.

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