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Premier League oppose calls for return of terraces

Guest michaelfoster

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There are far too many reasons why this will never happen.


What the fans think is rock bottom of the priority list.


Yup. Sad, but true.


It's quite naive to suggest that there are no major health and safety issues surrounding standing, even 'safe standing' models. Would love to see it during a derby game, for example.

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I don't actually care about standing at the match TBH, the issue is more ticket prices stopping certain sections of society from attending games.


If it would be used to bring down ticket prices it would be a good thing, but I don't have a strong preference to stand at the match.

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I don't actually care about standing at the match TBH, the issue is more ticket prices stopping certain sections of society from attending games.


If it would be used to bring down ticket prices it would be a good thing, but I don't have a strong preference to stand at the match.


Veering off topic slightly but the other day when the Chelsea vs City match was on I was ranting to the wife about the disgusting amount of money they've both spent and it brought up the question - why don't any of these billionaires use their ridiculously disposable income to reduce ticket prices? For the transfer fee and wages of some mug like Joleon Lescott they could, you know, help to fill the stadium. Even just making things a bit more affordable for the existing fans. Do any of them do this?

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There are far too many reasons why this will never happen.


What the fans think is rock bottom of the priority list.


Yup. Sad, but true.


It's quite naive to suggest that there are no major health and safety issues surrounding standing, even 'safe standing' models. Would love to see it during a derby game, for example.


Such as?


Would love to see a return to standing areas but unfortunately it seems English football has been sterilized beyond return. The main issue is that the second standing is mentioned, those in power think "HILLSBOROUGH, HILLSBOROUGH, DEATH!!" without actually considering the proposals.

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Massive Health & Safety issues and possible legal issues if anything were to happen.


Er, nope. Care to back any of that up? You can't. You're not to fault though, given that this story has been reported in the wrong light by various media sources. Just look at the title of this thread. Nobody is calling for a 'return of terraces' so that makes this argument pointless. The bill to introduce standing as well as the FSF are showcasing the safe standing model from Germany, in specific the one that allocates everyone a seat and has a railing. How the media has confused this with terracing only goes to show their complete ignorance on the subject.




This is safer than all seater stadiums. Why? Because you actually have a barrier infront of you preventing falls. Claims are made that currently people standing infront of seats is unsafe. So why, when this proven method is available, are these people left as 'safety risks' and not offered a safe choice? Don't say they shouldn't stand in the first place, that won't stick. If thousands of people are stood at every game that takes place on the weekend then doesn't that tell you something?


Fans want it, it can be done safely, and the bottom line is, safe standing or not, people can and will continue to stand at football. Let's give these people a safe choice, which works out perfectly for everyone.


You can find out more about the safe standing model here. The FSF are going to take an example of safe standing to football clubs all over the country to showcase this model and dispell this myth of 'terracing' being brought back.


Lastly here's an article from the Guardian that's actually balanced and knows what it's talking about: click.



Wow, couple of things: I've signed the petition and would love safe standing to be brought into Premier League games. :thup:


Unfortunately it's never going to happen and the powers that be who make the decisions will hide behind health and safety issues and the threat of litigation should anything happen. You've given a very good argument for the return of safe standing and I agree with every word, but as others have said, what the fans want is pretty much irrelevant. It's not happening - more's the pity. :(

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Guest icemanblue

Worry not, football fans. Colocho will be straight on the case, as soon as he finds out he won't be allowed to stand at the matches he doesn't go to.

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There are far too many reasons why this will never happen.


What the fans think is rock bottom of the priority list.


Yup. Sad, but true.


It's quite naive to suggest that there are no major health and safety issues surrounding standing, even 'safe standing' models. Would love to see it during a derby game, for example.


Such as?


Would love to see a return to standing areas but unfortunately it seems English football has been sterilized beyond return. The main issue is that the second standing is mentioned, those in power think "HILLSBOROUGH, HILLSBOROUGH, DEATH!!" without actually considering the proposals.




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There are far too many reasons why this will never happen.


What the fans think is rock bottom of the priority list.


Yup. Sad, but true.


It's quite naive to suggest that there are no major health and safety issues surrounding standing, even 'safe standing' models. Would love to see it during a derby game, for example.


Such as?


Would love to see a return to standing areas but unfortunately it seems English football has been sterilized beyond return. The main issue is that the second standing is mentioned, those in power think "HILLSBOROUGH, HILLSBOROUGH, DEATH!!" without actually considering the proposals.


I'm incredibly supportive of the idea, would love standing terraces to return. But it's unlikely to ever happen at all.


And as always it's because, whilst the majority are sensible and are there simply to enjoy a game of football, there will always be one or two idiots that ruin it for the rest of us.  You can control drunken idiots when they're sat down - makes them easier to spot when they stand up and make a fool of themselves. It's a bit more complicated if everyone's standing up.

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Guest Roger Kint

Worry not, football fans. Colocho will be straight on the case, as soon as he finds out he won't be allowed to stand at the matches he doesn't go to.



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So, not only did the murderers ruin Europe for everyone, they've also ruined our football grounds too.


Thanks very much, Liverpool.

Yeah but they will tell you otherwise and blame everyone but themselves.I know its a very emotive subject for Liverpool fans and i have the utmost sympathy for anyone touched by Hillsborough etc but they were involved non the less in Heysel too and yes they have been in Europe for many years running and chances are will have more likelyhood to get in trouble rather than say Everton who qualify on a rare occasion for example.It has already been pointed out that standing areas will never happen in the Premiership but what i say is why not have a Trial period with one or two clubs and surely everyone will be happy and it will show that the fans will be listened two  for a change but it needs all clubs fanbases to be organised and vote to show they really want standing areas .I wonder how much notice Manure fans are taking interest as they make such a hoo ha  and  stand at away games .
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It is all about control nobody in power wants terraces, move on or f*** off to Germany.

This is a forum people air there views why dont you fucck off to China  where you dont have free speech  ;D
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Nobody in authority wants to be the person that signs this off and another disaster happens, I guess that's the problem. It's quite easy to stick to the status quo.

This is the problem no one wants to be the scapegoat if it goes tits up
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Nice piece from Daglish on this topic in the Mail on Sunday. Basically it was a full article on how terraces are dangerous and should never see the light of day in this country again. Completely failed to recognise the systems in Germany and how they actually work. Dismissed them because Germany have never suffered a tragedy as a result of terracing.

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Any Liverpool manager will dismiss terraces, as Terraces are the scapegoat that covers up for the murderers.  Not the fact that they are a bunch of wall pushing, corpse pickpocketing cunts of the highest order.

Perhaps shouldn't have been said BUT all true, unfortunately.

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Any Liverpool manager will dismiss terraces, as Terraces are the scapegoat that covers up for the murderers.  Not the fact that they are a bunch of wall pushing, corpse pickpocketing c***s of the highest order.

Perhaps shouldn't have been said BUT all true, unfortunately.


You're damn right it's all true.  Also, this is why they wear black arm bands every 5 seconds, to try and make it look like it was their tragedy, and not their fault.  Self pitying twunts need to take a look inwards.

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Nice piece from Daglish on this topic in the Mail on Sunday. Basically it was a full article on how terraces are dangerous and should never see the light of day in this country again. Completely failed to recognise the systems in Germany and how they actually work. Dismissed them because Germany have never suffered a tragedy as a result of terracing.


Does Dalglish have any expertise in stadium design like?

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Nice piece from Daglish on this topic in the Mail on Sunday. Basically it was a full article on how terraces are dangerous and should never see the light of day in this country again. Completely failed to recognise the systems in Germany and how they actually work. Dismissed them because Germany have never suffered a tragedy as a result of terracing.


Does Dalglish have any expertise in stadium design like?

Yeah he has a degree in it apparently.

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