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Premier League oppose calls for return of terraces

Guest michaelfoster

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  • 11 months later...



How dare this Margaret Aspinall guilt football fans who want to bring safe standing in. Aside from being just stupid ("96 reasons safe standing should not be brought in" - go on, name them - "there is nothing safe about standing" ...really?) her suggestion that the many football fans, including myself, who want to emulate the successful safe standing of the Bundesliga is somehow an affront to the campaign to hold people to account for the Hillsbrough tragedy is disgraceful - "I feel insulted that while people are trying to fight for justice for Hillsborough, that this campaign is growing now."


Shame on Margaret Aspinall for abusing the deaths of 96 football fans.

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Guest malandro

Ibrox, Heysel, Hillsborough, Valley Parade..... None of these disasters were caused by standing.


Are there any examples of standing being unsafe?

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Guest WashyGeordie

I can't see how Hillsborough can continue to be an argument against standing, given the outcome of the recently published independent panel findings.


Exactly, proper contradiction.


Infact... We need this man:



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Thing is, it's in every clubs interest to get behind this.


Absolutely mental in this day and age that a reasoned debate is quashed as quickly as this has been previously. 


Control of safe standing areas these days is massive compared to the days of terrace football.  Just looking at the German example is reason alone for them to have a re-think.


Everyone will have a ticket.  Everyone will have to go through a turnstile (not sneak in two at a time or over a wall). Everyone will have an allocated seat number.


There is no need for barriers to be in place as everyone is on CCTV these days.  Policing is better and more controller.


Technology dictates that were track-able and traceable for the majority of our time in a city in this country these days. 


On the back of the recent Hillsbrough findings there can't really be an argument against this. 


We all knew standing had bugger all to do with it anyway. 

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I'd be amazed if we back this. Paying money to change the ground to sell tickets at a cheaper price, makes no financial sense, especially in light of what happen with the L7 corner.


Yep, I can't see many Premier League clubs getting behind this too actively TBH.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

I'd be amazed if we back this. Paying money to change the ground to sell tickets at a cheaper price, makes no financial sense, especially in light of what happen with the L7 corner.



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Everyone who argues against it (that i've heard) seem to completely misunderstand the point.  They go on about it as if it's a return of terracing and packing them in.  From what I understand everyone still has a seat (the same size as usual) but it's lockable in an up position and there is a metal bar in front that you can lean against when standing.  This means that you can stand all game but sit during the intervals and there is no danger of falling forward.  I don't see how it makes it anything other than safer.


It's really a classic case of "I don't care about the facts, I have an opinion."

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What's the point if one safe standing place takes up just as much space as a seat unless you were to build a new stadium? Even then, no club would ever implement this unless they could charge more for a standing place than a seated one.


Technically it should be allowed, but why bother when it would never happen in reality?

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What's the point if one safe standing place takes up just as much space as a seat unless you were to build a new stadium? Even then, no club would ever implement this unless they could charge more for a standing place than a seated one.


Technically it should be allowed, but why bother when it would never happen in reality?


It doesn't. Dortmunds ground loses 15,000 on it's capacity when it's an all seating game.

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I had too many bad experiences with standing at St James when the ground was a mess to let this bother me in the slightest, not that I can go to the matches now anyways, since I live on a different continent now.

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I sent the following email to the hillsbrough campaign following the comments I posted above, and received a reply from the chair, if anyone's interested.


My email


Dear Sir/Madam,

> I would like to express my disappointment at the comments of your chair Margaret Aspinall regarding the campaign to bring safe standing to football in England. Her comments are a disgraceful attempt to shut down sensible conversation with her use of emotive, aggressive, gult-tripping, hyperbolic and, really quite silly comments. (96 reasons not to bring in safe standing? I challenge her to name those 96. 96 names of people who died under a different system do not even amount to one reason.).


> But mainly, her suggestion that support by many football fans, including myself, to emulate the safe standing success of other countries is somehow an affront ("insulting") to the campaign for accountability for the tragic events of Hillsbrough is abhorrent.


> I think everybody is willing to listen to sensible arguments against the system. Importantly, from somebody who recognises the campaign is not for a return to 1980s unregulated standing with cages. However, Ms Aspinall is clearly more interested in hijacking a worthy cause than inviting any discussion. Shame on her.


> As an aside, regarding the comment "there is nothing safe about standing", I have stood at every single away match I've been to as a Newcastle supporter, and if there's anything remotely dangerous about it, it's falling over seats.


> Thank you

> Grant Macdonald


Her reply


Dear Grant,

Thank you for your email which I read with great interest.

You are entitled to your opinion as I am certainly entitled to mine.

In no way shape or form was I aggressive and I take issue with this. 

I'd like to let you know that I don't only speak on behalf of myself, these are the views of the vast number of families who lost loved ones on 15th April 1989.


We, as a group, do not enjoy arguing over standing, we have more to worry about at this moment in time, but we always think people's safety is paramount.

It could have been so many more who died that day, only for the fans who done so much to try to save so many lives.


We must not go backwards, cars are safer now they have seat belts, planes carry black boxes and aviation safety standards are constantly evolving, similarly, football stadia are safer becasue they are all seater.  Unfortunately it always costs lives before lessons are learnt.


People refer to safe standing in Germany, but that is now proven not to be the case as there has been a significant rise in violence:



We need to learn and move forward not backwards to the standards and way fans were treated in the 80's.

I am not saying violence was any part of Hillsborough, it clearly wasn't, but with seating it is much easier to identify troublemakers and remove them from the ground when there is seating.


I would appreciate you not using that tone you did to me again, I am the chairman and therefore the main voice of the Hillsborough Family Support Group, but I am expressing the views of all our bereaved family members.


Best wishes,


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