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The true face of Messi?



Lionel Messi has had his conduct questioned after quotes published by Spanish site El Confidencial suggested that the Argentine insults and bullies his team-mates.


Widely regarded as the world’s best footballer, Messi has been accused in the past of not being the ideal team man, and the latest quotes - if accurate - could indicate that the Argentine struggles to control his anger towards other players at the club.


The story - headlined "the true face of Messi" - was allegedly filtered out via Spain U19 stars Alejandro Grimaldo and Gerard Deulofeu, and claims that the unrest in the Barcelona dressing room has been kept firmly under wraps previously due to a Mafia-style 'omerta' – a law of silence.


Messi's "favourite victim at the moment" is said to be Spanish 22-year-old Cristian Tello, to whom Messi has apparently delivered such gems as "What are you doing? You're new here, and you're nobody!" and "Pass me the ball, you're here to play for me."


Tello was allegedly left in tears after these exchanges, a situation which the report claims was made even worse by the fact that the other players in the changing room blanked him even when he broke into the first team.


Messi is also reported to have attacked Chilean striker Alexis Sanchez, who signed from Udinese for 37 million euros in 2011, saying, "Considering how bad you are, I've no idea how you cost so much," and, "Stop shooting so much and give me the ball."


The story remains firmly in the ‘unconfirmed’ bracket, and even if Messi did use the language in question it's certainly easy enough to imagine that he did so with tongue firmly in cheek, in the spirit of training ground banter.


But Eurosport Spain’s journalist Jorge Ordas says it’s not unusual for such reports to emerge regarding Messi's standing within the squad.

"Well, it’s not the first time that it has been said Messi that is not a good team-mate," Ordas said.


"He had some troubles with David Villa last year and he probably has a special personality.

"But honestly, I can’t imagine Leo Messi saying that to other players – that is just my opinion."

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Guest firetotheworks

He's in the top 3 players of all time, I reckon he should be passed to instead of shooting. I also agree with his alleged opinion on Sanchez. Having said that, if it's true, there's no need to be a dick, like.

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He's in the top 3 players of all time, I reckon he should be passed to instead of shooting. I also agree with his alleged opinion on Sanchez. Having said that, if it's true, there's no need to be a dick, like.


In your top 3 maybe. Maradona, Garrincha and Pele were all better footballers. ;)

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None of this seems to come out when he's on the pitch. I've never seen him moaning to a team-mate. It's one of the qualities I admire about him.


He does tend to hang on to the ball, so it wouldn't surprise me if now and then someone complains that he should have passed to them. Perhaps he doesn't handle criticism well, I don't know.

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It's pretty well known that Messi's not a people's person; barely talks with other members of the squad and mostly keeps to himself. Pinto and Mascherano are the only ones he has a relationship off the pitch. Those quotes are a bit strong though, if true.


Fully agree with him on Alexis though :anguish:


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Guest firetotheworks

Jesus, who would you have to be to tell Messi what he should have done? I'm sometimes watching him on TV, with a full view of what's in front of him and I'll think about what he should do and then he'll do something better, perfectly. His decision making is almost impecable, it's one of his best attributes.

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None of this seems to come out when he's on the pitch. I've never seen him moaning to a team-mate. It's one of the qualities I admire about him.



Sorry but what? Over the last two seasons he's been moaning more than anyone in that team. Brought this up with VI some time back, he's really starting to become a bit of a selfish prick tbh in terms of attitude. Was one game where they won like 4-0 but he hadn't scored and Iniesta shot over the goal in the last play of the game instead of passing to him and he gave Iniesta a right bollocking and then just walked off the pitch like a child.


I like Messi nowadays, but I used to LOVE Messi. He's really starting to get a bad attitude and none of those reports (if true) would surprise me.


As for being a great player, no one can deny him of that and anyone who suggests CRonaldo is a better player or even close to being as good is out of their minds.

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Jesus, who would you have to be to tell Messi what he should have done? I'm sometimes watching him on TV, with a full view of what's in front of him and I'll think about what he should do and then he'll do something better, perfectly. His decision making is almost impecable, it's one of his best attributes.


It's a joy to watch him play. Him and Iniesta are on different levels when it comes down to football from the rest of the world. Their close control is just amazing and everything seems so easy.

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Heard people saying he and Neymar has a falling out aswell ? Not sure this is true but I do get that impression from him while watching Barca sometimes. The way he strolls around until he gets the ball. The thing is he can do what he wants he's fucking Messi :)


Henry used to be similar at Arsenal and I suppose Shearer with us too when someone would shoot instead of crossing (Robert :))


I guess some players who are that good it's a thin line between confidence in ability and arrogance.

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Guest firetotheworks

Tbh, if you're Henry, Messi or even Shearer, then you're fully justified in getting pissed off if a team mate tries to do something that they're inferior to you at. If you're Gary Neville and you've got the opportunity to cross the ball in, but Beckham's free on the right, you give it to Beckham, don't you?

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Tbh, if you're Henry, Messi or even Shearer, then you're fully justified in getting pissed off if a team mate tries to do something that they're inferior to you at. If you're Gary Neville and you've got the opportunity to cross the ball in, but Beckham's free on the right, you give it to Beckham, don't you?

What about if Beckham is playing for Real Madrid at the time?


*grabs coat; jumps off bridge*

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The true face of Messi?



Lionel Messi has had his conduct questioned after quotes published by Spanish site El Confidencial suggested that the Argentine insults and bullies his team-mates.


Widely regarded as the world’s best footballer, Messi has been accused in the past of not being the ideal team man, and the latest quotes - if accurate - could indicate that the Argentine struggles to control his anger towards other players at the club.


The story - headlined "the true face of Messi" - was allegedly filtered out via Spain U19 stars Alejandro Grimaldo and Gerard Deulofeu, and claims that the unrest in the Barcelona dressing room has been kept firmly under wraps previously due to a Mafia-style 'omerta' – a law of silence.


Messi's "favourite victim at the moment" is said to be Spanish 22-year-old Cristian Tello, to whom Messi has apparently delivered such gems as "What are you doing? You're new here, and you're nobody!" and "Pass me the ball, you're here to play for me."


Tello was allegedly left in tears after these exchanges, a situation which the report claims was made even worse by the fact that the other players in the changing room blanked him even when he broke into the first team.


Messi is also reported to have attacked Chilean striker Alexis Sanchez, who signed from Udinese for 37 million euros in 2011, saying, "Considering how bad you are, I've no idea how you cost so much," and, "Stop shooting so much and give me the ball."


The story remains firmly in the ‘unconfirmed’ bracket, and even if Messi did use the language in question it's certainly easy enough to imagine that he did so with tongue firmly in cheek, in the spirit of training ground banter.


But Eurosport Spain’s journalist Jorge Ordas says it’s not unusual for such reports to emerge regarding Messi's standing within the squad.

"Well, it’s not the first time that it has been said Messi that is not a good team-mate," Ordas said.


"He had some troubles with David Villa last year and he probably has a special personality.

"But honestly, I can’t imagine Leo Messi saying that to other players – that is just my opinion."



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Sounds like Messi has a bit of Jordan-itis, which is actually expected.


Needed, really. At least once you get that good. I mean, look at any of those Messi skills vids and you'll see him do hot shit, pass the ball and then the guy who gets the ball misses. I wondered if Messi had it in him to start getting in faces.

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I kind of love Kobe now. All he cares about is winning, which you have to respect. The other guys all want the fame and money but they don't put in the work. Kobe is all work, no play.


It's amazing how much more tolerable Kobe's shit is when he has capable team mates. None of that bullshit was flying when it was Kobe and Smush. He has no one to blame but himself for not having somewhere around 7 or 8 rings.


I'm not shocked Messi might be picking up some of Kobe's personality traits. I imagine Kobe (a noted Barca fan) hasn't been mentoring him in intimidation and cuntishness. Those Messi quotes are vintage Kobe.

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