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Guest palnese

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Guest Heneage

Mancini must cycle back to Alderley Edge every day just laughing at the situation he's found himself in.

Was the same at Inter tbf. Not in terms of finances, but his rivals were royally up the shitter when he won his Scudettos.

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We've sent Gary Gardner to Coventry on loan.


I have absolutely no idea why, he should be in our first team, not theirs.


He;s the best youth product I've ever seen at our place. In fact, I reckon he's a future England captain, he's that good.

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We've sent Gary Gardner to Coventry on loan.


I have absolutely no idea why, he should be in our first team, not theirs.


He;s the best youth product I've ever seen at our place. In fact, I reckon he's a future England captain, he's that good.


I know a guy who has played against him when they were both younger and said he was absolute class.

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We've sent Gary Gardner to Coventry on loan.


I have absolutely no idea why, he should be in our first team, not theirs.


He;s the best youth product I've ever seen at our place. In fact, I reckon he's a future England captain, he's that good.


Coventry will fuck him up no doubt.

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We've sent Gary Gardner to Coventry on loan.


I have absolutely no idea why, he should be in our first team, not theirs.


He;s the best youth product I've ever seen at our place. In fact, I reckon he's a future England captain, he's that good.


Coventry will fuck him up no doubt.


I went to Spurs on Monday and it was the most depressing moment following Villa for a good ten years, no doubt about it.


Next day I went to watch the youth team play Ajax in the NextGen series, they won 3-0, Gardner scored a hat trick, and the kids were brilliant. It made me feel like maybe things might get better.

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So you're not pleased with McLeish then, brummie?


To be quite honest, in many senses, he's a bog standard manager from the same pot you get the likes of Pardew, Hughton, and many others, so it really becomes about how he gels with the club.


I didn't sign up for all that "he used to manage the shit, so we hate him" nonsense at all. I don't care if he was their manager. I care that his record there was so mediocre, though.


What i will say is that - certainly on our forums - discontent has been growing with his negativity, and since Monday it has gone into overdrive. The words "embarassing" and "humilaiting" have been used a lot, and I think they're appropriate in that case.


In 35 years watching us, I have seen lots of really, really poor performances, worse than Monday, but I can't think of very many where we went out so shamefully negative from the start.


There are actually quite a few Villa fans prepared to give him a decent chance. He's a likeable, affable bloke, who often talks sense. The absolute worst thing he could do, though, is start to play the sort of football that made even Birmingham fans want him out. Monday night was a real slap in the face, the first warning that that is actually what he really intends to do.


He might have got away with it at Blues, but he'll get murdered if he tries it with us.

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I think I'd personally rephrase the question to: is he as bad as you thought he would be?  Still such a perplexing appointment.


Perplexing is the word.


I still can't really believe it. Lerner's been a great chairman in terms of spending money, but he knows absolutely zero about football, and whatever he knew, he seems to be in the process of forgetting.

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So you're not pleased with McLeish then, brummie?


To be quite honest, in many senses, he's a bog standard manager from the same pot you get the likes of Pardew, Hughton, and many others, so it really becomes about how he gels with the club.


I didn't sign up for all that "he used to manage the shit, so we hate him" nonsense at all. I don't care if he was their manager. I care that his record there was so mediocre, though.


What i will say is that - certainly on our forums - discontent has been growing with his negativity, and since Monday it has gone into overdrive. The words "embarassing" and "humilaiting" have been used a lot, and I think they're appropriate in that case.


In 35 years watching us, I have seen lots of really, really poor performances, worse than Monday, but I can't think of very many where we went out so shamefully negative from the start.


There are actually quite a few Villa fans prepared to give him a decent chance. He's a likeable, affable bloke, who often talks sense. The absolute worst thing he could do, though, is start to play the sort of football that made even Birmingham fans want him out. Monday night was a real slap in the face, the first warning that that is actually what he really intends to do.


He might have got away with it at Blues, but he'll get murdered if he tries it with us.


Cheers for the response, I remember you posting a couple of games into the season just wondering if you'd changed opinion.


One thing I will say, it's not only Villa fans who have commented on the style of football. I've seen fans of loads of different clubs on Twitter and other messageboards all coming out with the same observations and 'humiliating' type comments. Seems the whole of football could see it coming except Lerner and whoever else makes these decisions at Villa.


The midfield of Heskey - Petrov - Herd - Hutton on Monday is one of the most disgustingly negative and bizarre things I've ever seen from a top flight manager. To think how ineffective the 2 right backs were at stopping Bale anyway.

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Another point, I honestly think 90% of football fans who are stuck supporting one of the 'also-rans' (that just about every club has become) would be willing to sit and suck up mediocrity so long as their team was playing an offensive or atleast expressive style of football. Mediocrity only becomes an issue when it's coupled with dull and intrinsically negative football. If you're going nowhere AND watching shite every week then apathy sets in.

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He has played Heskey in midfield a lot this season. Needless to say, you can imagine the reaction from the fans. It is utterly inexplicable.


Monday's line up and approach was beyond belief. We played for a draw from the kick off, and to keep the score down after they took the lead. That sort of thing is the quickest way to get himself hounded out.


Also, although I think N'Zogbia (who had his best game against Norwich but then got dropped for Spurs) and Given are fantastic signings, Hutton is the worst full back I have ever seen at Villa Park.


lerner is clueless. We lost 8,000 season ticket holders over the summer. Eight thousand. And that was for a reason.


After god knows how many years myself, if we carry on like this for the rest of the season, I am seriously thinking of jacking it in myself.

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Another point, I honestly think 90% of football fans who are stuck supporting one of the 'also-rans' (that just about everybody club has become) would be willing to sit and suck up mediocrity so long as their team was playing an offensive or atleast expressive style of football. Mediocrity only becomes an issue when it's coupled with dull and intrinsically negative football. If you're going nowhere AND watching dross then apathy sets in.


For the last few years, we've been "top six, try to push to move on"


We've now, in the space of a little over a year, become "middle of the table, maybe a bit higher if we're lucky"


I can put up with that, if it's entertaining in the meantime. But not if it is dross to watch.


Incidentally, even under MON, when we were frequently very good to watch away from home with the counter attacking thing, for the last three years, we were fucking dreadful at home. Then we had last year's rubbish under Houllier, and now this.


The result is that for getting on for five whole years, we have been truly terrible to watch at home. And that's not an exaggeration, I hardly miss a home game, and I would struggle to list half a dozen exciting home matches in five years.


No wonder the crowds have plummetted.

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Honestly, I hate football.


It has a net detrimental effect on my life.


I could put all the "that made me happy" things in one column, and all the "that made me really sad" stuff in another, and the latter column would be fucking enormous, whilst the former would be barely visible to the human eye.

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Yep, as a neutral I never enjoyed watching you under O'Neill. It always seemed like a glossier version of the Allardyce numbers game only with wingers crossing ad infinitum.


Apart from the manager and his tactics I think the centre of your midfield looks like your achilles heel. I rate Petrov (as an outsider of course, so not really an authority) as probably your best and most consistent in that position but he doesn't seem to have the legs to do a job in there for 90 minutes. Seems a bit mad that Makoun and Gardner are now out on loan when they really couldn't have been much worse than the lightweight, crab types that you've been playing there all season.


There's probably the players on your books to set up a pretty tasty front 6.

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Villa have got some good players, really should be doing better. Bent & Agbonlahor upfront, Zoggy & Albrighton on the wings, couple of young interesting options in the centre plus Ireland, really Villa should be an attacking team. Damn shame for them Martinez didn't join.



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Can't really play Zoggy and Albrighton in the same side though. Only time N'Zogbia has ever really produced the goods is wide right. (although I do remember Albrighton playing left for U-21s)


Plus Bent has never played well in a front 2 in his entire career.


I agree there's a decent set of players to be put together though.

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If he grew some balls and broke bents shyness with a partner mentality, it would help his England chances for one, told Zoggy it's the left or left out and trained him everyday there, it could work.


Zoggy is more effective on the left than heskey that's for sure. Get bent and agbonlahor firing their pace between them would frighten most defences half to death at the thought of playing against them, not to mention the pace on the wings.


Sometimes players just need to be broken, don't think there is anything there set in stone. A winning team is a happy team, whod have thought Raylor would have his best moments, best form for us at LB? Would have asked for a toke on the blunt had you said that at the start of the season.


Unfortunately for brummie, it's only going to get worse, the more they lose, more pressure that builds he'll get more negative, refuse to play attacking players and close up, play for draws.





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Also, interesting to hear your comments on Hutton because I'm sure there's many on here who'd have liked to sign him and replace Simpson.


In 35 years of attending matches, he's the worst full back I have ever seen play for us.


Gormlessly dives into tackles, gets pulled out of position easily, gives away free kicks, seems to have a proclvity for hand balls.


Fucking rubbish.


And, really, that is in no way an exaggeration. He's absolutely terrible. I find it hard to believe we paid 4m for him, but the thought he went to Spurs for 9m is just beyond belief.

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