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The 2011-2012 Betting Thread: Last call for 2011/12 football, pretty much


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The 6/1 for Newcastle to qualify for the CL is a bit misleading. We'd have to get through a qualifier for them to pay out!


Wish I could bet on us not to qualify - I'd happily lose money to see us qualify tbh :lol:


Having a very similar mentality on Saturday. Putting a bit of money on Liverpool to qualify. :lol:


Tbf, we're serial bottlers against those cunts. But if I lose money then ho hum.


I was going to bet on Everton anyway, but this is good to know :razz:


No, I'll be very surprised if you don't win. They're horrendous and Pienaar and Fellaini are looking boss right now :thup:


Pienaar's cup-tied.

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I would make Everton the favourites. Form won't count for much in a cup semi and a derby, but Liverpool are probably fielding their third choice keeper and he looked extremely nervous against Blackburn.


Poor bloke has been through hell, I know. But after Wednesday, I did wonder if Dalglish would be asking too much of him if he picked him this weekend.

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