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The other games today - 2011/12


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Wish this wankfest over the 'Clasico' would stop. Always ends up the same way, two brilliant football teams that shame themselves every time they play each other by diving, cheating and fighting in lumps. Yet people here still get worked up about it as if it was their own team, get a f***ing grip.


Aye. It's incredible that folk take an interest in the biggest fixure on the planet. Disloyal pricks should just watch a recording of Saturday's 0-0.


Taking an interest is one thing, but the arguments that happen on here because of this fixture are often nothing short of embarrassing.


You're right like, it's pretty weird that people discuss an eventful football match on a football forum. Very bizarre.


Think he's referring to the zeal involved (e.g Dresden, Pissi etc)


This. Seem to remember it turned into a slanging match during the CL Semis last season as well.

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Wish this wankfest over the 'Clasico' would stop. Always ends up the same way, two brilliant football teams that shame themselves every time they play each other by diving, cheating and fighting in lumps. Yet people here still get worked up about it as if it was their own team, get a f***ing grip.


Aye. It's incredible that folk take an interest in the biggest fixure on the planet. Disloyal pricks should just watch a recording of Saturday's 0-0.


Taking an interest is one thing, but the arguments that happen on here because of this fixture are often nothing short of embarrassing.


You're right like, it's pretty weird that people discuss an eventful football match on a football forum. Very bizarre.


Think he's referring to the zeal involved (e.g Dresden, Pissi etc)


Pissi is a Barca fan and Dresden has admitted to sexually fantasizing about Jose Mourinho. You may as well complain that the grass is green.

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Tbf, I'd much rather listen to Dresden argue his pro-Real points than the usual 'both teams are a disgrace, i hate this fixture /crycry' brigade.


If you don't like it, don't watch.  Nee one's forcing you to.


People want to watch the two best footballing sides on the planet. Both sides are a disgrace though.


Everyone enjoys a good moan anyway  :-*

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I'm no big fan but Real play in a similar way for the rest of the season, been much more offensive in these 2 games and pre-season than they were last season which IMO ultimately cost them the league.

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Tbf, I'd much rather listen to Dresden argue his pro-Real points than the usual 'both teams are a disgrace, i hate this fixture /crycry' brigade.


If you don't like it, don't watch.  Nee one's forcing you to.


I don't hate the fixture, I just can't enjoy it as much as I used to when every game descends into farce like it does now.

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Tbf, I'd much rather listen to Dresden argue his pro-Real points than the usual 'both teams are a disgrace, i hate this fixture /crycry' brigade.


If you don't like it, don't watch.  Nee one's forcing you to.


I don't hate the fixture, I just can't enjoy it as much as I used to when every game descends into farce like it does now.


No different to the shenanigans that used to happen when Man United met the Arsenal.

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Tonight was an excellent match, don't let a disgraceful tackle and a bit of handbags after ruin it for you.


Oh, it won't. Bar diving, any sort of non-footballing entertainment is welcomed.


Disgraceful tackles and scraps add to the fun, what sort of self-respecting derby wouldn't include them? Both clubs are still a disgrace though  :snod:

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Tbf, I'd much rather listen to Dresden argue his pro-Real points than the usual 'both teams are a disgrace, i hate this fixture /crycry' brigade.


If you don't like it, don't watch.  Nee one's forcing you to.


I don't hate the fixture, I just can't enjoy it as much as I used to when every game descends into farce like it does now.


No different to the shenanigans that used to happen when Man United met the Arsenal.


Can't deny that like.

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Tonight was an excellent match, don't let a disgraceful tackle and a bit of handbags after ruin it for you.


Oh, it won't. Bar diving, any sort of non-footballing entertainment is welcomed.


Disgraceful tackles and scraps add to the fun, what sort of self-respecting derby wouldn't include them? Both clubs are still a disgrace though  :snod:


You support a club which hands out contract to players who cannot run; namely the c*** in your avatar. Far more of a disgrace.

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Tonight was an excellent match, don't let a disgraceful tackle and a bit of handbags after ruin it for you.


Oh, it won't. Bar diving, any sort of non-footballing entertainment is welcomed.


Disgraceful tackles and scraps add to the fun, what sort of self-respecting derby wouldn't include them? Both clubs are still a disgrace though  :snod:


You support a club which hands out contract to players who cannot run; namely the c*** in your avatar. Far more of a disgrace.


Ronny man, do you have some sort of Ameobi put down daily quota? :lol:


And of course our club is a disgrace, but it's our disgrace  :aww:

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Honestly have no time for either side they're both detestable bunch of cunts


I can sign up for this.


Even tho I like Real, I accept they're all cunts. Where as Messi et al. are all saint-like in the eyes of their "fans" around here.


Messi is a saint and football is a better place with him in it.


There are a few theatrical whingers in the squad who are clearly dislikeable to a neutral, but Messi is definitely not one of them.


He is a filthy cheat. He is Maradona Mk.II in every way. I'm just waiting for his coke addiction.

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