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Gabriel Obertan signs for Anzhi

Optimistic Nut

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Ryan Taylor right midfield with Santon at left back is my guess.


I'd go with this although a Simpson/Raylor combination down the right is a bit scary.....


Well, at least they'll be some sort of end product from Raylor I guess and Simpson can concentrate on defending.

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Obertan: 0 tackles| 0/4 ground duels| 0/1 aerials| 26/36 passes| 0 chances created| 0/1 dribbles| 0 crosses| 0 shots

Apparently those are his stats for yesterday... lord above.


Holy shit, that says it all really.. can you find his league stats so far ? I bet they won't look much better.

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Obertan: 0 tackles| 0/4 ground duels| 0/1 aerials| 26/36 passes| 0 chances created| 0/1 dribbles| 0 crosses| 0 shots

Apparently those are his stats for yesterday... lord above.


Where's that from?

The ever reliable twitter. Hence why i said apparently. Doesn't seem far wrong though.

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Obertan: 0 tackles| 0/4 ground duels| 0/1 aerials| 26/36 passes| 0 chances created| 0/1 dribbles| 0 crosses| 0 shots

Apparently those are his stats for yesterday... lord above.




0 tackles? There's a surprise. But he tracks back so well don't you know?



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Obertan: 0 tackles| 0/4 ground duels| 0/1 aerials| 26/36 passes| 0 chances created| 0/1 dribbles| 0 crosses| 0 shots

Apparently those are his stats for yesterday... lord above.


as in 26/36 made it to our players? thought it would have been far less, certainly appears to lose it more often than not

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Guest bimpy474

Call me old fashioned but i like my winger to have a go at a full back and get a cross in, Shitebulb does neither with equal excellence....what exactly is the point of him being on the pitch if so.

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Obertan: 0 tackles| 0/4 ground duels| 0/1 aerials| 26/36 passes| 0 chances created| 0/1 dribbles| 0 crosses| 0 shots

Apparently those are his stats for yesterday... lord above.


as in 26/36 made it to our players? thought it would have been far less, certainly appears to lose it more often than not


I think he's actually ok in possession, the problem is he doesn't really want the ball and does fuck all with it when he has it. Other than that he can usually find a team mate after faffing about for a bit.

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