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Dogawful Officiating: PL to keep VAR next season (official)


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I'm reluctant to think they're corrupt, just shit. Occam's razor.


Hanlon's innit?


I don't think you can put today's down to incompetence, the referee's gone too far out of his way to disallow it.

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I'm reluctant to think they're corrupt, just shit. Occam's razor.

it is corruption but not in the money placed in their pocket sense but the must protect and favour the big boys sense, when you total up the refs cock ups against each side theres no way the guys at the top will have as many to moan about as everybody else

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Guest bimpy474

We're complaining about the disallowed goal(quite rightly) saying the ref cheated, yet Sissoko should have gone with a second yellow for handball, and Cabaye was lucky not to. That's why i dont think it's cheating and corruption or they would have gone off, a sending off would have made sure. Its just plain bad refs that we have in this country, our refs in general are some of the worst i've seen. Just appalling at their jobs.

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I die a little inside when I see players jumping and rolling for nothing, which has happened a fair few times today. I assume they're instructed to do this to gain an advantage, but it's a long way from the game I grew up loving. Stay on your feet if you can. :mick:

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We're complaining about the disallowed goal(quite rightly) saying the ref cheated, yet Sissoko should have gone wiuth a second yellow for handball, and Cabaye was lucky not to. That's why i dont think it's cheating and corruption or they would have gone off, a sending off would have made sure. Its just plain bad ref's that we have in this country, our ref in general are some of the worst i've seen. Just appalling at their jobs.


You could look at that and say that the referee, had he sent Newcastle players off, would have drawn more attention to their overall performance (and therefore the decision they made for the goal).


Whilst I'm certain they're corrupt, I do think they do their best to hide it where possible.

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refs out to protect the premier leagues "brand names" to promote it world wide, wouldn't do to have the non entity's beating them and tarnishing the brand 


Ironic that that's exactly why the Premier League is so popular around the world, more so than La Liga, etc.

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We're complaining about the disallowed goal(quite rightly) saying the ref cheated, yet Sissoko should have gone wiuth a second yellow for handball, and Cabaye was lucky not to. That's why i dont think it's cheating and corruption or they would have gone off, a sending off would have made sure. Its just plain bad ref's that we have in this country, our ref in general are some of the worst i've seen. Just appalling at their jobs.


Fair point.


I think had our equaliser stood then we'd have finished the game with 9 men but we'll never know tbh.

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The FA and the RFA are going to drive people further and further away from the game until it collapses.

The game is hard to take serious because of the lacklustre refereeing and the most pathetic "fouls" are given as a norm.


As for the big clubs, it's the most obvious and deceitful type of refereeing, every one can see it happening but it's just the norm.


There's no way back now, that games f***ed.




The players contribute by diving and cheating in every match making it harder for the refs.

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Guest bimpy474

We're complaining about the disallowed goal(quite rightly) saying the ref cheated, yet Sissoko should have gone wiuth a second yellow for handball, and Cabaye was lucky not to. That's why i dont think it's cheating and corruption or they would have gone off, a sending off would have made sure. Its just plain bad ref's that we have in this country, our ref in general are some of the worst i've seen. Just appalling at their jobs.


Fair point.


I think had our equaliser stood then we'd have finished the game with 9 men but we'll never know tbh.


Didn't think of it like that :lol:

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We're complaining about the disallowed goal(quite rightly) saying the ref cheated, yet Sissoko should have gone wiuth a second yellow for handball, and Cabaye was lucky not to. That's why i dont think it's cheating and corruption or they would have gone off, a sending off would have made sure. Its just plain bad ref's that we have in this country, our ref in general are some of the worst i've seen. Just appalling at their jobs.


Fair point.


I think had our equaliser stood then we'd have finished the game with 9 men but we'll never know tbh.

had our equaliser stood then the players wouldn't have been as pissed off as they were and might have been more careful in how they tackled opposition. But as you say we'll never know

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We're complaining about the disallowed goal(quite rightly) saying the ref cheated, yet Sissoko should have gone wiuth a second yellow for handball, and Cabaye was lucky not to. That's why i dont think it's cheating and corruption or they would have gone off, a sending off would have made sure. Its just plain bad ref's that we have in this country, our ref in general are some of the worst i've seen. Just appalling at their jobs.


Fair point.


I think had our equaliser stood then we'd have finished the game with 9 men but we'll never know tbh.


Most of the bookings and bad tackles came after the goal decision. Quite clear that the ref caused our players to feel a massive injustice which riled them up.

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We're complaining about the disallowed goal(quite rightly) saying the ref cheated, yet Sissoko should have gone with a second yellow for handball, and Cabaye was lucky not to. That's why i dont think it's cheating and corruption or they would have gone off, a sending off would have made sure. Its just plain bad refs that we have in this country, our refs in general are some of the worst i've seen. Just appalling at their jobs.

There's no way he disallows that goal if it goes the other way. "big team bias" or corruption, doesn't matter what it is, we've been robbed by a sack less piece of shit.

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Guest bimpy474

We're complaining about the disallowed goal(quite rightly) saying the ref cheated, yet Sissoko should have gone wiuth a second yellow for handball, and Cabaye was lucky not to. That's why i dont think it's cheating and corruption or they would have gone off, a sending off would have made sure. Its just plain bad ref's that we have in this country, our ref in general are some of the worst i've seen. Just appalling at their jobs.


Fair point.


I think had our equaliser stood then we'd have finished the game with 9 men but we'll never know tbh.

had our equaliser stood then the players wouldn't have been as pissed off as they were and might have been more careful in how they tackled opposition. But as you say we'll never know


There's some merit in this, Sissoko's first yellow was for kicking the ball away after not being given a throw in, when it was clearly put out by Man City player and the linesman was right next to them. I was shouting my head off at that. When you get a decision like that it's hard to keep your cool.

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We're complaining about the disallowed goal(quite rightly) saying the ref cheated, yet Sissoko should have gone with a second yellow for handball, and Cabaye was lucky not to. That's why i dont think it's cheating and corruption or they would have gone off, a sending off would have made sure. Its just plain bad refs that we have in this country, our refs in general are some of the worst i've seen. Just appalling at their jobs.

As a referee does it not fuck you over that you have probably been consistent through out your career yet you are stuck in non-league? I mean what would you have to have done to get further up? Is there a feeling amongst non-league and lower league referee's that you have to ass kiss in order to move up?
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Guest bimpy474

We're complaining about the disallowed goal(quite rightly) saying the ref cheated, yet Sissoko should have gone with a second yellow for handball, and Cabaye was lucky not to. That's why i dont think it's cheating and corruption or they would have gone off, a sending off would have made sure. Its just plain bad refs that we have in this country, our refs in general are some of the worst i've seen. Just appalling at their jobs.

There's no way he disallows that goal if it goes the other way. "big team bias" or corruption, doesn't matter what it is, we've been robbed by a sack less piece of shit.


Sometimes this argument is very true, big teams do get the majority of decisions. But we've benefitted from poor ref decisions, does the same count in our regard ?. That's why i will always say it's poor reffing, not cheating.


We need to get better refs coming through and us an official in front of a TV screen like in Rugby/Cricket, espeically for decisions like today.

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We're complaining about the disallowed goal(quite rightly) saying the ref cheated, yet Sissoko should have gone wiuth a second yellow for handball, and Cabaye was lucky not to. That's why i dont think it's cheating and corruption or they would have gone off, a sending off would have made sure. Its just plain bad ref's that we have in this country, our ref in general are some of the worst i've seen. Just appalling at their jobs.


Fair point.


I think had our equaliser stood then we'd have finished the game with 9 men but we'll never know tbh.


Most of the bookings and bad tackles came after the goal decision. Quite clear that the ref caused our players to feel a massive injustice which riled them up.


Agree totally. There's nothing to suggest that had our goal stood then City could have upped it a gear or 2 and won regardless. All hypothetical stuff though.

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We're complaining about the disallowed goal(quite rightly) saying the ref cheated, yet Sissoko should have gone wiuth a second yellow for handball, and Cabaye was lucky not to. That's why i dont think it's cheating and corruption or they would have gone off, a sending off would have made sure. Its just plain bad ref's that we have in this country, our ref in general are some of the worst i've seen. Just appalling at their jobs.


Fair point.


I think had our equaliser stood then we'd have finished the game with 9 men but we'll never know tbh.


Most of the bookings and bad tackles came after the goal decision. Quite clear that the ref caused our players to feel a massive injustice which riled them up.


Agree totally. There's nothing to suggest that had our goal stood then City could have upped it a gear or 2 and won regardless. All hypothetical stuff though.


City looked shot after about 20 minutes to me. Never seen them struggle so badly against us.

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Guest bimpy474

We're complaining about the disallowed goal(quite rightly) saying the ref cheated, yet Sissoko should have gone with a second yellow for handball, and Cabaye was lucky not to. That's why i dont think it's cheating and corruption or they would have gone off, a sending off would have made sure. Its just plain bad refs that we have in this country, our refs in general are some of the worst i've seen. Just appalling at their jobs.

As a referee does it not fuck you over that you have probably been consistent through out your career yet you are stuck in non-league? I mean what would you have to have done to get further up? Is there a feeling amongst non-league and lower league referee's that you have to ass kiss in order to move up?


I'm at the very bottom mate, because of my boys playing i prefer to stay where i'am doing the youngsters, coach both my boys teams as well as ref when i can.


The one thing i do know is from the course and the way your taught, it's an arrogant and we do no wrong attitude. If that's the feeling i got this low down just imagine how bad it must be at the very top.

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