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The other games today - 2011/12

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Suarez should be suspended for pulling that shit repeatedly.. Seriously...


Not often I wish malice on a player, but wouldn't mind this count having a career ending injury..


Aye, hope he gets some fuck-off big wisdom teeth.

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Unbelievable pandering from the ref. Fucking no hope if they fall for it so easily.


The nerve of the Racialist to be taking his socks down and shin pads off after he's the one who threw himself out of the way of any contact :rolleyes:

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Its the holding of the leg, what a cheating cnut.


Trailing of the leg too.. He just keeps his leg straight and jumps forward. Has been doing it for years. Hated him when he was at @j@x. Just imagine this count playing for your fiercest rivals..

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