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The other games today - 2011/12


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Guest neesy111

FourFourTom: Real Madrid led La Liga by 13 points on the 10th of March, now they're only 4 points ahead. Barcelona v Madrid - 22nd April - will decide it

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Did they show Rooneys tackle in the first couple of minutes? That's a clear sending off as well, Mason just gives a free kick to make sure that there can't be any punishment after.

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Possibly one of the worst I've seen. He clearly lifts his leg to do it too, scumbag.


Reminds me of the Graveson challenge on Bernard in 2003.


Disgraceful from Balotelli.

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Did two before his yellow. He's a bellend. I hope he has a career ending injury, because he doesn't give a toss about ending someone else's.


Nail on head, but because he carries on like a 'funny' prick people love him.


Reminds me a bit of the whole Ranger thing on here, when he was no harm people loved his shit banter then he was shit/a cunt and people had no time for him.To me Balotelli is the same but a few levels up.

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