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Berbatov and Johnson would improve the mackems, no doubt about that imo. But as is the case with most of the "stars" who sign for them, it would turn sour for them eventually (as in, it'll get to the point where they can't wait to leave).

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It's one thing putting a bid in for Berbatov, it's hardly a difficult thing to do to phone up Man United and say "We'll give you £10m". Frankly that's about the easiest thing in the world to do.


However it's another thing getting the money together for his wages as well, which will be extortionate.


And it's yet another thing altogether to get him to agree to move to that fucking backwards, inbred cesspit of a village.


I'd suggest this one's a non-starter. And even if by some miracle they do manage to throw enough of the Queen's pounds at him that he's willing to forego all logic, common sense and footballing ambition for one last massive payday, then he'll quickly realise what a hole of a place he's in and just sit and rot there on ridiculous money for the next 5 years, which will be a massive millstone round the neck of the club until 2017.


Win-Win really for us, whatever happens.

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Anyway, you'd think they'd have learnt from our days of spunking countless millions on fees and wages for over-the-hill stars. Barnes, Rush, Pearce, Kluivert, Butt, Smith, Duff, Babayaro etc etc, worked out f***ing splendidly for us, didn't it? A policy that ultimately led us from title chasers to mid table to relegated.


They don't have the luxury of having so far to fall, or the luxury of having the income to support such a policy for as long as we did. MON seems determined to recruit a team of 30+ hasbeens though, on silly wages, which Bruce had already started doing with O'Shea and Brown.


Long may it continue IMO. Berbatov for Sunderland!

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They can't afford to throw the money at him, or Johnson.


Both will move if a) They want a new challenge and fancy slugging it out at a midtable club or b) They have no better offers and are desperate to move.


Both seem unlikely IMO.

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They can't afford to throw the money at him, or Johnson.



Can they afford not to though?


MON seems to have learned nothing, and these are his transfer targets. They either back him and get these guys in, or they get nobody in and risk him walking because he feels he's not been supported.


I can envisage either scenario happening tbh, but they're still broadly in the honeymoon period now and possibly their heirarchy is blinded by the bullshit he'll be peddling to them as we all know he's a good motivator and speaker. There's a fair chance he'll talk them into doing something financially stupid on the back of undeliverable promises.


Then if (Or perhaps when) that doesn't work out, they get into the situation of either cut their losses and get rid of him or back him further. It's the situation Lerner found himself in, and eventually had to draw the line when things got desperate financially. Villa nearly went down as a consequence. The Sunderland board could draw the line at any point, including now, but equally they could back him and throw money at his targets. Depends on how much faith they have in him.

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Anyway, you'd think they'd have learnt from our days of spunking countless millions on fees and wages for over-the-hill stars. Barnes, Rush, Pearce, Kluivert, Butt, Smith, Duff, Babayaro etc etc, worked out f***ing splendidly for us, didn't it? A policy that ultimately led us from title chasers to mid table to relegated.


They don't have the luxury of having so far to fall, or the luxury of having the income to support such a policy for as long as we did. MON seems determined to recruit a team of 30+ hasbeens though, on silly wages, which Bruce had already started doing with O'Shea and Brown.


Long may it continue IMO. Berbatov for Sunderland!


Agreed, it's hilarious.

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Guest bimpy474

Wouldn't Berbatov end up like Heskey did for Villa, much better player but at that age and the wages he might get.


Mental, go for it Artie, you go girl, dismiss the myths about you.

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Guest bimpy474

Please tell me you didn't just compare Heskey to Berbatov? :lol: :lol:


Ages not ability, british based stuff, you know the regular Artie Ziff checklist.


Unfortunately i did didn't i :(

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I see Berbatov as their potential Viduka. Massively talented but painfully slow and really can't be arsed.


Only they'll probably have to shell out £10m for him, because Ferguson's no mug and knows how desperate they are, and will therefore feel obligated to give him at least a 4 year contract on utterly hilarious wages. It'll be enough to ensure they finish mid-table this season as he'll be their best striker by a mile, but ultimately he'll prove to be a massive white elephant and will strangle their potential to move forward for the next half-decade as he declines in ability and fitness (He's already a 31-year-old self-confessed chain smoker with a motivation problem), but continues to draw shitloads of dosh out of the club.

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Guest bimpy474

I see Berbatov as their potential Viduka. Massively talented but painfully slow and really can't be arsed.


Only they'll probably have to shell out £10m for him, because Ferguson's no mug and knows how desperate they are, and will therefore feel obligated to give him at least a 4 year contract on utterly hilarious wages. It'll be enough to ensure they finish mid-table this season as he'll be their best striker by a mile, but ultimately he'll prove to be a massive white elephant and will strangle their potential to move forward for the next half-decade as he declines in ability and fitness (He's already a 31-year-old self-confessed chain smoker with a motivation problem), but continues to draw shitloads of dosh out of the club.


Viduka thats it. Cheers Chris. Much better comparison ;)

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Guest johnson293

Sorry if this is Giggs, but wow....




Couldn't find an email for the FA, just a contact form which you need to sign up to use so sent an email to the independent football ombudsman instead:


R.e. Alan Pardews conduct against Tottenham (18/08/2012).


Can I just say that Alan Pardew pushing the linesman at the sports direct arena was absolutely disgraceful. My young son was watching that and it is setting an extremely bad example. I'm absolutely disgusted by his conduct and feel he should be made an example of to avoid this sort of behaviour in future!





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