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Margaret Byrne, April 1st 2013 - "To accuse him now, as some have done, of being a racist or having fascist sympathies, is insulting not only to him but to the integrity of this football club."


Paolo Di Canio, December 24th 2005 - "I am a fascist"



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Guest bimpy474

That's like a statement we would have put out a few years ago. Completely baffling and fly's in the face of all the evidence, nah the facts :lol:.

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I believe in my pillars and I have values. What offends me more than anything is not because they touch me; they touch what my parents gave to me; the values they gave to me. This is not acceptable.


Basically him saying it's offensive to slag him off for being a fascist, followed by


To accuse him now, as some have done, of being a racist or having fascist sympathies, is insulting not only to him


Implying it's insulting to call someone a fascist, basically doing exactly what he was complaining about.  Ace.

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As if they've thrown out the 'Some of my best friends are black' defence.




It is Sunderland, that defence was probably deemed credible in the era they are still living in.

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Guest bimpy474

Dont think his a racist tbh, he's just raving mental as we shall soon see in a managerial light too.


It's going to be fun whatever happens.

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I don’t want to talk any more about politics – I am not a politics person.


Incredibly common comment from fascists by the way, ideologically it's always seen as being 'anti-politics' know that's a damned if you do, damned if you don't statement, but part of the appeal is always 'politics is corrupt we'll just beat them up' side of it

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Guest bimpy474

Him goose stepping along the touchline in the derby if Sunderland score, we will know the truth then :lol:

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