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Fascist this and fascist that. Why hasn't he been hounded out of England yet? Why was he allowed back in the country to begin with? Are Swindon fans who wanted the club to keep him "a bit special" too?


His political views are absolutely irrelevant. He's a football manager, end of story


Thats the thing, you cant just dismiss it like that, it's not him coming out as a Tory or a Eurosceptic, he's a self confessed fascist, and a lot of people - quite rightly - still have a problem with that.


You're right, he's entitled to his views, as that's the sort of thing we protect in a modern democracy - see what your average fascist thinks of that.


I'm not even debating that. That's obviously a given. We haven't a clue what most footballers or managers political ideals are. All I'm saying is, he seemed to get on with his footballing job fine at Swindon (as in, without letting his political views get in the way), so why not just focus on the footballing aspect of this appointment? Why do we always seem to cling to details that deter from the matter at hand.


If he'd been a convicted murderer, or a rapist, it would be a completely different story. The day political opinions become a crime is the day the democracy dies.


Because he brought politics into his footballing career.


No one is suggesting he should be locked up, they're simply pointing out he's not a very nice person to have associated with your club.

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So this carry-on is still going I see.


Fascist this and fascist that. Why hasn't he been hounded out of England yet? Why was he allowed back in the country to begin with? Are Swindon fans who wanted the club to keep him "a bit special" too?


His political views are absolutely irrelevant. He's a football manager, end of story. It's typical of the media to stir up this circus around him now because they have f*** all else to fill their column inches with. The title race is over, and their favorite teams are out of the CL.


I hope he fails miserably because of who he manages, and there's nothing I can do about his political preferences.




Di Canio is just an ignorant person with ignorant views that he clearly knows very little about. To cancel season tickets and cause outrage because of someone's supposed beliefs (well as I've heard he hasn't interefered his supposed 'beliefs' with his job at Swindon so don't see why he would do it now). We have had far worse offenders than Di Canio at our club such as Bramble, Bowyer and Barton and yet we managed to sell out every home game for years.

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Fascist this and fascist that. Why hasn't he been hounded out of England yet? Why was he allowed back in the country to begin with? Are Swindon fans who wanted the club to keep him "a bit special" too?


His political views are absolutely irrelevant. He's a football manager, end of story




Number of black managers in the top flight = zero.




Chris Hughton says hello  :razz:


Fair enough, but even so, it's a depressing statistic, especially the "fascists 1" bit.


I agree about the sentiment. I just disagree with the labeling. It shouldn't matter IMO what or who anyone is. As long as they are not convicted felons, and do not impose their views on others, it shouldn't matter.

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Guest neesy111

I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics. FWIW I think Di Canio should have a look at himself if he supports the belief and firm stance that Benito Mussolini apparently had...:lol: The opportunist that he was and the left-wing to right-wing switch is really a firm stand. The man clearly knows nothing about his supposed beliefs and should have a look into history books.


We seriously need to thrive for football free from politics, it's beyond ridiculous at times. Di Canio is an ignorant person, but I can bet my house that this man will be as happy as ever if Di Canio wins them a trophy (:p won't happen :lol:).


I'd also like to thank Cajun and TT for getting me to see the great enjoyment that this is. :lol:


Di Canio was the one that brought his political beliefs into football, not the other way round.  His actions while at Lazio were a disgrace and he was rightly banned for bringing the game into disrepute.


Also you can't sperate politics from most things in life, football isn't a exception.

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I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics. FWIW I think Di Canio should have a look at himself if he supports the belief and firm stance that Benito Mussolini apparently had...:lol: The opportunist that he was and the left-wing to right-wing switch is really a firm stand. The man clearly knows nothing about his supposed beliefs and should have a look into history books.


We seriously need to thrive for football free from politics, it's beyond ridiculous at times. Di Canio is an ignorant person, but I can bet my house that this man will be as happy as ever if Di Canio wins them a trophy (:p won't happen :lol:).


I'd also like to thank Cajun and TT for getting me to see the great enjoyment that this is. :lol:


Di Canio was the one that brought his political beliefs into football, not the other way round.  His actions while at Lazio were a disgrace and he was rightly banned for bringing the game into disrepute.


Also you can't sperate politics from most things in life, football isn't a exception.


Have you seen the Lazio fans? Why doesn't every club across Europe protest against them? Why don't clubs refuse to play against them? As someone else said earlier in this thread, most of this "fascism" in football is just pathetic gang mentality to make oneself look hard.


There are plenty of other clubs and fans with extreme views. If we're going to pander to anyone who gets offended at opinions, we'll never play any football.

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I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics. FWIW I think Di Canio should have a look at himself if he supports the belief and firm stance that Benito Mussolini apparently had...:lol: The opportunist that he was and the left-wing to right-wing switch is really a firm stand. The man clearly knows nothing about his supposed beliefs and should have a look into history books.


We seriously need to thrive for football free from politics, it's beyond ridiculous at times. Di Canio is an ignorant person, but I can bet my house that this man will be as happy as ever if Di Canio wins them a trophy (:p won't happen :lol:).


I'd also like to thank Cajun and TT for getting me to see the great enjoyment that this is. :lol:


Di Canio was the one that brought his political beliefs into football, not the other way round.  His actions while at Lazio were a disgrace and he was rightly banned for bringing the game into disrepute.


Also you can't sperate politics from most things in life, football isn't a exception.


Have you seen the Lazio fans? Why doesn't every club across Europe protest against them? Why don't clubs refuse to play against them? As someone else said earlier in this thread, most of this "fascism" in football is just pathetic gang mentality to make oneself look hard.


What's your point?

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I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics. FWIW I think Di Canio should have a look at himself if he supports the belief and firm stance that Benito Mussolini apparently had...:lol: The opportunist that he was and the left-wing to right-wing switch is really a firm stand. The man clearly knows nothing about his supposed beliefs and should have a look into history books.


We seriously need to thrive for football free from politics, it's beyond ridiculous at times. Di Canio is an ignorant person, but I can bet my house that this man will be as happy as ever if Di Canio wins them a trophy (:p won't happen :lol:).


I'd also like to thank Cajun and TT for getting me to see the great enjoyment that this is. :lol:


Di Canio was the one that brought his political beliefs into football, not the other way round.  His actions while at Lazio were a disgrace and he was rightly banned for bringing the game into disrepute.


Also you can't sperate politics from most things in life, football isn't a exception.


First of all, him bringing it in or not, my point is that people is caring more about his political views than his managerial abilities.


As for separating politics from most things in life you've must never have played any sports. When you walk into the pitch, you don't care if the other man is a socialist sympathizer or a right-wing extremist. All you care about is winning. That's what sports is about, it's entertainment. Would you refuse to watch a movie if the director said he had fascist views? Sports is entertainment, deal with it. I understand that it's hard to separate politics from most things in life, I'm just saying that people should thrive for it. Obviously that would only happen in an ideal world.

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"Don't bring politics into football!" whines man who whipped off his shirt to expose Mussolini tattoos and fascist-saluted the crowd when playing left-wing or Jewish-linked teams. (Not an Onion article)

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I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics. FWIW I think Di Canio should have a look at himself if he supports the belief and firm stance that Benito Mussolini apparently had...:lol: The opportunist that he was and the left-wing to right-wing switch is really a firm stand. The man clearly knows nothing about his supposed beliefs and should have a look into history books.


We seriously need to thrive for football free from politics, it's beyond ridiculous at times. Di Canio is an ignorant person, but I can bet my house that this man will be as happy as ever if Di Canio wins them a trophy (:p won't happen :lol:).


I'd also like to thank Cajun and TT for getting me to see the great enjoyment that this is. :lol:


Di Canio was the one that brought his political beliefs into football, not the other way round.  His actions while at Lazio were a disgrace and he was rightly banned for bringing the game into disrepute.


Also you can't sperate politics from most things in life, football isn't a exception.


Have you seen the Lazio fans? Why doesn't every club across Europe protest against them? Why don't clubs refuse to play against them? As someone else said earlier in this thread, most of this "fascism" in football is just pathetic gang mentality to make oneself look hard.


What's your point?


He actually made his point quite clear...read it again.

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He's got DUX tattooed on his thigh, and has spent a lot of time being unapologetic for his views, and giving the fascist salute at the scumbag element in Lazio's support.


I love the way it gets turned into "he obviously doesn't know much about fascism, like" or "he's not really a fascist".


Fascist supporters like Lazio's following are repulsive, but dodgy supporters is one thing, appointing one of them as your manager is another entirely.

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I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics. FWIW I think Di Canio should have a look at himself if he supports the belief and firm stance that Benito Mussolini apparently had...:lol: The opportunist that he was and the left-wing to right-wing switch is really a firm stand. The man clearly knows nothing about his supposed beliefs and should have a look into history books.


We seriously need to thrive for football free from politics, it's beyond ridiculous at times. Di Canio is an ignorant person, but I can bet my house that this man will be as happy as ever if Di Canio wins them a trophy (:p won't happen :lol:).


I'd also like to thank Cajun and TT for getting me to see the great enjoyment that this is. :lol:


Di Canio was the one that brought his political beliefs into football, not the other way round.  His actions while at Lazio were a disgrace and he was rightly banned for bringing the game into disrepute.


Also you can't sperate politics from most things in life, football isn't a exception.


Have you seen the Lazio fans? Why doesn't every club across Europe protest against them? Why don't clubs refuse to play against them? As someone else said earlier in this thread, most of this "fascism" in football is just pathetic gang mentality to make oneself look hard.


What's your point?


My point is that it's this "label" that people carry around and choose to identify with, that does the sum total of fuck all in reality. Fascism is not in power now, and if people know what's good for them, they'll never vote for it to be in power ever again anywhere in the world. In footballing context it's nothing more than a "I'm well 'ard" image. IMO

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Christ some people are really defending this, it's like RTG have invaded the forum :lol:


As other have mentioned, HE was the one who brought his political beliefs into football, not the other way around. If he hadn't acted the way he has would anyone even know?

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Guest neesy111

I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics. FWIW I think Di Canio should have a look at himself if he supports the belief and firm stance that Benito Mussolini apparently had...:lol: The opportunist that he was and the left-wing to right-wing switch is really a firm stand. The man clearly knows nothing about his supposed beliefs and should have a look into history books.


We seriously need to thrive for football free from politics, it's beyond ridiculous at times. Di Canio is an ignorant person, but I can bet my house that this man will be as happy as ever if Di Canio wins them a trophy (:p won't happen :lol:).


I'd also like to thank Cajun and TT for getting me to see the great enjoyment that this is. :lol:


Di Canio was the one that brought his political beliefs into football, not the other way round.  His actions while at Lazio were a disgrace and he was rightly banned for bringing the game into disrepute.


Also you can't sperate politics from most things in life, football isn't a exception.


First of all, him bringing it in or not, my point is that people is caring more about his political views than his managerial abilities.


As for separating politics from most things in life you've must never have played any sports. When you walk into the pitch, you don't care if the other man is a socialist sympathizer or a right-wing extremist. All you care about is winning. That's what sports is about, it's entertainment. Would you refuse to watch a movie if the director said he had fascist views? Sports is entertainment, deal with it. I understand that it's hard to separate politics from most things in life, I'm just saying that people should thrive for it. Obviously that would only happen in an ideal world.


Following entertainment and playing sports is absolutely different.  I do boycott stuff from my political beliefs and plenty of others do as well.

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I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics. FWIW I think Di Canio should have a look at himself if he supports the belief and firm stance that Benito Mussolini apparently had...:lol: The opportunist that he was and the left-wing to right-wing switch is really a firm stand. The man clearly knows nothing about his supposed beliefs and should have a look into history books.


We seriously need to thrive for football free from politics, it's beyond ridiculous at times. Di Canio is an ignorant person, but I can bet my house that this man will be as happy as ever if Di Canio wins them a trophy (:p won't happen :lol:).


I'd also like to thank Cajun and TT for getting me to see the great enjoyment that this is. :lol:


Di Canio was the one that brought his political beliefs into football, not the other way round.  His actions while at Lazio were a disgrace and he was rightly banned for bringing the game into disrepute.


Also you can't sperate politics from most things in life, football isn't a exception.


First of all, him bringing it in or not, my point is that people is caring more about his political views than his managerial abilities.


As for separating politics from most things in life you've must never have played any sports. When you walk into the pitch, you don't care if the other man is a socialist sympathizer or a right-wing extremist. All you care about is winning. That's what sports is about, it's entertainment. Would you refuse to watch a movie if the director said he had fascist views? Sports is entertainment, deal with it. I understand that it's hard to separate politics from most things in life, I'm just saying that people should thrive for it. Obviously that would only happen in an ideal world.


Eh? Football and politics are intrinsically linked.

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Christ some people are really defending this, it's like RTG have invaded the forum :lol:


As other have mentioned, HE was the one who brought his political beliefs into football, not the other way around. If he hadn't acted the way he has would anyone even know?


No one is defending it. I'm asking the same question Disco just asked. Where was all this condemnation when he came back to manage in this country? Are Swindon and League 2 fans less important than mackems and the PL audience?

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Christ some people are really defending this, it's like RTG have invaded the forum :lol:


As other have mentioned, HE was the one who brought his political beliefs into football, not the other way around. If he hadn't acted the way he has would anyone even know?


It's not defending it, it's just people are making a bigger meal out of this than it should be tbf. We should be laughing at him being a League 1 manager taking over at Sunderland, rather than him being a 'fascist'.


I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics. FWIW I think Di Canio should have a look at himself if he supports the belief and firm stance that Benito Mussolini apparently had...:lol: The opportunist that he was and the left-wing to right-wing switch is really a firm stand. The man clearly knows nothing about his supposed beliefs and should have a look into history books.


We seriously need to thrive for football free from politics, it's beyond ridiculous at times. Di Canio is an ignorant person, but I can bet my house that this man will be as happy as ever if Di Canio wins them a trophy (:p won't happen :lol:).


I'd also like to thank Cajun and TT for getting me to see the great enjoyment that this is. :lol:


Di Canio was the one that brought his political beliefs into football, not the other way round.  His actions while at Lazio were a disgrace and he was rightly banned for bringing the game into disrepute.


Also you can't sperate politics from most things in life, football isn't a exception.


First of all, him bringing it in or not, my point is that people is caring more about his political views than his managerial abilities.


As for separating politics from most things in life you've must never have played any sports. When you walk into the pitch, you don't care if the other man is a socialist sympathizer or a right-wing extremist. All you care about is winning. That's what sports is about, it's entertainment. Would you refuse to watch a movie if the director said he had fascist views? Sports is entertainment, deal with it. I understand that it's hard to separate politics from most things in life, I'm just saying that people should thrive for it. Obviously that would only happen in an ideal world.


Following entertainment and playing sports is absolutely different.  I do boycott stuff from my political beliefs and plenty of others do as well.


I'd guess you didn't agree with the criminals we had at our team couple of years back and boycotted our games? Come on, double standards.

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Probably Imogen Thomas but where was all this vitriol from the press when he joined Swindon?


League 1 club, Premier League club.


Obviously one is going to get more media attention than the other. That's why 90% of football followers will know Chelsea won today but how did Crawley get on this weekend? :dontknow:

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I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics. FWIW I think Di Canio should have a look at himself if he supports the belief and firm stance that Benito Mussolini apparently had...:lol: The opportunist that he was and the left-wing to right-wing switch is really a firm stand. The man clearly knows nothing about his supposed beliefs and should have a look into history books.


We seriously need to thrive for football free from politics, it's beyond ridiculous at times. Di Canio is an ignorant person, but I can bet my house that this man will be as happy as ever if Di Canio wins them a trophy (:p won't happen :lol:).


I'd also like to thank Cajun and TT for getting me to see the great enjoyment that this is. :lol:


Di Canio was the one that brought his political beliefs into football, not the other way round.  His actions while at Lazio were a disgrace and he was rightly banned for bringing the game into disrepute.


Also you can't sperate politics from most things in life, football isn't a exception.


Have you seen the Lazio fans? Why doesn't every club across Europe protest against them? Why don't clubs refuse to play against them? As someone else said earlier in this thread, most of this "fascism" in football is just pathetic gang mentality to make oneself look hard.


What's your point?


My point is that it's this "label" that people carry around and choose to identify with, that does the sum total of fuck all in reality. Fascism is not in power now, and if people know what's good for them, they'll never vote for it to be in power ever again anywhere in the world. In footballing context it's nothing more than a "I'm well 'ard" image. IMO


By that same logic neo-Nazi's are okay because they're not likely to wield any form of political power.

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I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics. FWIW I think Di Canio should have a look at himself if he supports the belief and firm stance that Benito Mussolini apparently had...:lol: The opportunist that he was and the left-wing to right-wing switch is really a firm stand. The man clearly knows nothing about his supposed beliefs and should have a look into history books.


We seriously need to thrive for football free from politics, it's beyond ridiculous at times. Di Canio is an ignorant person, but I can bet my house that this man will be as happy as ever if Di Canio wins them a trophy (:p won't happen :lol:).


I'd also like to thank Cajun and TT for getting me to see the great enjoyment that this is. :lol:


Di Canio was the one that brought his political beliefs into football, not the other way round.  His actions while at Lazio were a disgrace and he was rightly banned for bringing the game into disrepute.


Also you can't sperate politics from most things in life, football isn't a exception.


First of all, him bringing it in or not, my point is that people is caring more about his political views than his managerial abilities.


As for separating politics from most things in life you've must never have played any sports. When you walk into the pitch, you don't care if the other man is a socialist sympathizer or a right-wing extremist. All you care about is winning. That's what sports is about, it's entertainment. Would you refuse to watch a movie if the director said he had fascist views? Sports is entertainment, deal with it. I understand that it's hard to separate politics from most things in life, I'm just saying that people should thrive for it. Obviously that would only happen in an ideal world.


Eh? Football and politics are intrinsically linked.


Historically, yes absolutely. But it's sickening. And I for one was hoping that we'd seen the end of that link with football becoming a global sport.

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Guest neesy111

Christ some people are really defending this, it's like RTG have invaded the forum :lol:


As other have mentioned, HE was the one who brought his political beliefs into football, not the other way around. If he hadn't acted the way he has would anyone even know?


It's not defending it, it's just people are making a bigger meal out of this than it should be tbf. We should be laughing at him being a League 1 manager taking over at Sunderland, rather than him being a 'fascist'.


I understand some people will be making a big deal out of Di Canio's appointment because they want their 5 minutes in the media, but for others of us this is actually a big deal.


Say what you want, but the last thing I want is something to 'cry about' - nor am I a raging lefty.


I am going to terminate my season ticket until he leaves, and will return once he leaves I will give the club my money.


I understand why for many of you it doesn't matter what his ideology is; and that to you you see football and politics as separate etc. but I just can't.


I absolutely believe he has the right to whatever political opinion he wants - but having some political opinions make you unfit for certain jobs.


Do you agree with the fact it would be inappropriate for someone who believes in abolishing the age of consent to teach kids?


Do you agree with the fact it's right that BNP members can't serve in the police force, as being a national socialist may prevent you from doing your job properly?


Personally I believe it's also completely inappropriate that a club which takes a strong anti-racism platform and should be open to all in the community to appoint a fascist as our manager.


However it's not even just that he's a fascist - he's chosen to introduce it into his football. He chose to perform nazi salutes - twice - once against Lazio's fiercest rivals with traditionally Jewish support and once against a club with left wing support. That salute was used by those who killed Jews and who killed leftists.


Regarding fascism - I think some of you need to research on what it means. The fascism he is talking about re. Mussolini is not somehow a 'light' fascism that's actually about just being nationalistic. It's about the government controlling every aspect of citizens lives - the term totalitarian was invented under fascist Italy. Mussolini himself said their was no such thing as a private sphere. Fundamental to this belief was that certain races, or groups, are better than others. Mussolini killed 10's of thousands in Africa in brutal & oppressive wars that were purely for the conquest of land and Mussolini personally oversaw the movement of thousands of Jews from Italy to Hitler so they could be executed in concentration camps. He took over the country by force and oppressed political dissent.


There are many children alive today who have no idea who their parents/ grandparents are and it's because of Mussolini.


You can't be an Italian fascist and not be racist in one form or another. You can't have researched Mussolini, chosen to have a tattoo of him on you and not sympathise with some of the genocide he committed- it's simply too much of a defining feature of what he was.


Regarding the 'worked with black players' 'they're my friends' all I would say is that many, many racist people associate with people of other races (it baffles me too; but it's true). Simply saying 'I have black mates' doesn't really do it. I would also observe at Swindon he was investigated for racism and while the FA did nothing Swindon felt it necessary to apologise to the player involved.



Overall I completely respect those fans who choose to keep going but for me unfortunately it's a very sore point and the reason I'm posting this is because I want to make clear many of us who are upset about this aren't going on the TV or papers and aren't making a fuss for the hell of it we are genuinely very upset about this and feel like there has been a betrayal of some higher principle which is more important than success on the field.


Read more: http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=771017&page=22#ixzz2PFPuWxqc


Decency still exists on the SMB.

That's a cracking post, has to be the best post ever made on there.


Don't agree. People seriously needs to separate football from politics. FWIW I think Di Canio should have a look at himself if he supports the belief and firm stance that Benito Mussolini apparently had...:lol: The opportunist that he was and the left-wing to right-wing switch is really a firm stand. The man clearly knows nothing about his supposed beliefs and should have a look into history books.


We seriously need to thrive for football free from politics, it's beyond ridiculous at times. Di Canio is an ignorant person, but I can bet my house that this man will be as happy as ever if Di Canio wins them a trophy (:p won't happen :lol:).


I'd also like to thank Cajun and TT for getting me to see the great enjoyment that this is. :lol:


Di Canio was the one that brought his political beliefs into football, not the other way round.  His actions while at Lazio were a disgrace and he was rightly banned for bringing the game into disrepute.


Also you can't sperate politics from most things in life, football isn't a exception.


First of all, him bringing it in or not, my point is that people is caring more about his political views than his managerial abilities.


As for separating politics from most things in life you've must never have played any sports. When you walk into the pitch, you don't care if the other man is a socialist sympathizer or a right-wing extremist. All you care about is winning. That's what sports is about, it's entertainment. Would you refuse to watch a movie if the director said he had fascist views? Sports is entertainment, deal with it. I understand that it's hard to separate politics from most things in life, I'm just saying that people should thrive for it. Obviously that would only happen in an ideal world.


Following entertainment and playing sports is absolutely different.  I do boycott stuff from my political beliefs and plenty of others do as well.


I'd guess you didn't agree with the criminals we had at our team couple of years back and boycotted our games? Come on, double standards.


Double standards, that's fucking cheap.

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