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They won't feel like that when they're league is scrapped due to lack of interest if Rangers go


What, they just don't bother with a football league anymore?


The knock on effects could see more teams struggle, not to that extreme imo but once TV money dries up and attendances start dropping each week it will put serious financial straims on most SPL clubs.


Why would attendances at other clubs drop each week? There's nothing to say that lack of Rangers effectively takes football fans out of circulation.

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Scottish football is just sooo s***.


ffs we get the point folks.






































































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They won't feel like that when they're league is scrapped due to lack of interest if Rangers go


What, they just don't bother with a football league anymore?


The knock on effects could see more teams struggle, not to that extreme imo but once TV money dries up and attendances start dropping each week it will put serious financial straims on most SPL clubs.


Not sure this is really that true. The league is already fucked, the teams get fuck all attendances and I red somewhere that the financial gains from the old firms for he other clubs were not as great as you would imagine(think the article is in the thread somewhere). The league needs to start over, it's fucked and has been for years and years and hopefully this will be the shakeup it needs.

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Guest Roger Kint

They won't feel like that when they're league is scrapped due to lack of interest if Rangers go


What, they just don't bother with a football league anymore?


The knock on effects could see more teams struggle, not to that extreme imo but once TV money dries up and attendances start dropping each week it will put serious financial straims on most SPL clubs.


Why would attendances at other clubs drop each week? There's nothing to say that lack of Rangers effectively takes football fans out of circulation.


There was a survey discussed on the radio last week that suggested a sizable number of Rangers fans fill out lesser clubs attendances and that a large number of Celtic fans only buy season tickets to guarantee the Old Fiirm games rather than wanting to go to see anyone else. If this was true then surely there would be a drop everywhere. What happens to Celtic if their next season tickets didnt include Rangers games? Surely there would have to be a sizable drop in cost otherwise only an idiot would buy one.

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Guest Roger Kint

They won't feel like that when they're league is scrapped due to lack of interest if Rangers go


What, they just don't bother with a football league anymore?


The knock on effects could see more teams struggle, not to that extreme imo but once TV money dries up and attendances start dropping each week it will put serious financial straims on most SPL clubs.


Not sure this is really that true. The league is already fucked, the teams get fuck all attendances and I red somewhere that the financial gains from the old firms for he other clubs were not as great as you would imagine(think the article is in the thread somewhere). The league needs to start over, it's fucked and has been for years and years and hopefully this will be the shakeup it needs.


I agree with what you are saying, will look for that article as like i said to Matt the story told last week was very different.

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They won't feel like that when they're league is scrapped due to lack of interest if Rangers go


What, they just don't bother with a football league anymore?


The knock on effects could see more teams struggle, not to that extreme imo but once TV money dries up and attendances start dropping each week it will put serious financial straims on most SPL clubs.


Not sure this is really that true. The league is already fucked, the teams get fuck all attendances and I red somewhere that the financial gains from the old firms for he other clubs were not as great as you would imagine(think the article is in the thread somewhere). The league needs to start over, it's fucked and has been for years and years and hopefully this will be the shakeup it needs.

That maybe true but the likes of ESPN all have get out clauses if theirs no old firm games. I can't see them re-negotiating at a similar price if their isn't any old firm games, I mean who wants to watch games like Kilmarnock vs Motherwell?


The loss of TV money will filter down to the rest of the clubs and we could see other SPL clubs go to the wall as well.

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They won't feel like that when they're league is scrapped due to lack of interest if Rangers go


What, they just don't bother with a football league anymore?


The knock on effects could see more teams struggle, not to that extreme imo but once TV money dries up and attendances start dropping each week it will put serious financial straims on most SPL clubs.


Not sure this is really that true. The league is already fucked, the teams get fuck all attendances and I red somewhere that the financial gains from the old firms for he other clubs were not as great as you would imagine(think the article is in the thread somewhere). The league needs to start over, it's fucked and has been for years and years and hopefully this will be the shakeup it needs.


I agree with what you are saying, will look for that article as like i said to Matt the story told last week was very different.


Can't find that article now, think it was GM who posted it though, maybe it wasn't in this thread.

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I'll be honest they have no one to blame but themselves spending money that was'nt theres just like Portsmouth.......


The only ones i feel sorry for are the fans and all the people that will lose their jobs.


But as a club i couldnt care less, they should'nt have spent stupid money that wasnt theres to begin with......


I mean Michael Ball for 6.5M ffs  :lol:


(this is assuming they go under ofcourse)

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Scottish football is just sooo s***.


ffs we get the point folks.














f*** off! :lol:

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lol at the SFA


""Principally, it is the belief of the Board, taking into account the prima facie evidence presented today, that Mr Craig Whyte is not considered to be a Fit and Proper person to hold a position within Association Football.""


Bit late for that.


Governing bodies  :rolleyes:

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Guest Howaythetoon

Its the likes of Whyte that should be in the shit not Rangers. Its always the clubs and the fans that suffer, never the cunts that are the real culprits.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tuesday 20 March 2012

4:46 pm

Alex Thomson


At 86 former Rangers director Hugh Adam may be hard of hearing, but hard of recollection and understanding he most definitely is not.


Meeting at his house just outside Glasgow for his first TV interview since the current Rangers implosion began, he is precise in what he wants to say. He’s made notes in preparation for our visit.


After some time on camera it becomes clear Mr Adam wants to go significantly further than in a couple of previous, ground breaking interviews with the Daily Mail.


He already told that paper that there were, double contracts to pay players under the so-called Employee Benefit Trusts (EBTs) introduced by Sir David Murray who lavishly expanded Rangers on borrowed money until its spectacular collapse and sale for £1.


Murray flatly denies double contracts, saying there were just discretionary payments.


But speaking to Channel 4 News Hugh Adam goes further.


He’s clear that these other payments to players were not declared to the football authorities the Scottish FA (SFA) and Scottish Premier League (SPL): “No I ‘m quite sure they didn’t declare them. I’m quite sure. The SFA isn’t pure in all this you know either. If something was put in front of them they’d have to examine it.  It’s not a standard business.”


The SFA says it followed the rule book and denies wrong doing (blog to follow).


Now until the SPL inquiry is complete we don’t know whether or not the payments were declared. If they weren’t every player Rangers fielded with out telling the SFA/SPL full details of their money, would be ineligible and Rangers have to forfeit the match 3 – 0 to the other side. A lot of silverware in Govan could end up being moved and re-engraved. But like I say, it is all an if at the moment, assuming the SPL can be trusted competently to investigate itself in effect, over all this.


Is it cheating, I ask: “It is. It is. But in football it’s standard practice. I mean it’s not serious cheating in that they were not putting money into their own pockets. The point is nobody really knew it was going on. You were a director and that was because you wanted to get a seat in the directors’ box.”


And he paints a bizarre picture of life at Ibrox across the past fifteen years or more. A club where few – if any – of the directors were, he says, interested in directing Rangers at all. Everyone more or less happy to leave things to Sir David Murray and hop along to Ibrox to enjoy the box and the hospitality and that was really the meaning of being a director at Ranger PLC and that was it, beginning, middle and end. On that Hugh Adam is quite open.


Of the EBT scheme itself he confirms again there were other payments made to players but nobody knew much and nobody asked.


All in all it paints a strangely autocratic picture of a football club that was for some time expanding, winning and living the football dream. Sir David Murray came, expanded the business, talked big then crashed and burned


And all the while everyone just seemed prepared to go along with the dream on borrowed time and a vary large amount of borrowed money.



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Tuesday 20 March 2012

4:58 pm

Alex Thomson


First off, some good news. Unlike many in Scottish Football the Scottish FA are prepared at least to be up for it and open when it comes to taking hard questions. And all that from their new boss Stewart Regan who has come into the game from that other quiet non-controversial sporting backwater – Yorkshire County Cricket Club.


Yesterday at his Hampden Park office we sat down, he asked for question areas in advance which is reasonable – many do. But nothing was ever off limits. He also put me in touch with his counterpart at the SPL who is currently on holiday.


So when they talk about transparency they clearly want to act upon it at least to this extent. I say only this because a few years ago getting into Hampden Park to do this with the old-school blazers and suits would – by the open admission of many senior people in the Scottish game – have been completely impossible.


So we have come some way.


Equally, as Henry McLeish told Channel 4 News last night – there is still a long way to go and not least when it come to the financial governance of football in Scotland. And here many say the new-look SFA under Stewart Regan, is still found wanting.


A burning issue for the SFA is why nobody acted or questioned when a man called Craig Whyte came on the scene to buy Rangers for the princely sum of a quid and take up the debt left by Sir David Murray who had seen the club expand, think big, live big on other people’s money, then fall spectacularly into debt.


Had anybody spent a very short time looking into Mr Whyte they would have seen him for what an SFA investigation now declares him to be – an unfit and improper person to run a football club.


So why didn’t the SFA do anything. Mr Regan quotes back the rule book at me:


“We can’t stop people getting involved in a business. A plc. We ask for a declaration from a club.” A declaration that that person is fit and proper.


Incredibly, this is what happened at the biggest club in Scottish football, a world brand, brought to its knees and going to a new buyer about whom the authorities simply didn’t ask any meaningful questions, by their own admission.


AT; “Did the SFA conduct any due diligence on this individual?”


SR: “No. We asked for a declaration from the directors and the individual.”


AT: “That’s incredible. This was the biggest club in Scotland on its knees. A new man suddenly comes in and the SFA does no due diligence whatsoever?


Time for a new rule book?


Mr Regan suggested they had all followed the rules to the letter, I suggest this was running away from governance rather than showing governance and leadership. Again the rule book was quoted back at me. We had a debate about whether or not the SFA and SPL need a new rule book at this point.


It squarely suggests that the cosy old world of SFA SPL and the big two Glasgow clubs may have changed to some extent – but as Henry McLeish says, still has a long, long way to go and is badly in need of a new rule book.


The SFA say there is no need for them to apologise to the Rangers fans for allowing someone unsuitable to run the country’s biggest club, to buy it for a pound, then decline to pay the taxman to the tune of several million pounds. This is as far as Mr Regan will go:


“We didn’t fail. We complied with the process. That said, there are a number of leanings. Football around the world needs to look at doing things differently.”


No doubt, but I suspect the legions of Glasgow Rangers fans around the world want and deserve a little more of the game’s leadership than some “leanings” and an attempt to shift responsibilities into some presumed but vague global malaise afflicting footy’s world family.


Many will say this is dangerous complacency of the kind which has brought the Scottish game into the state of financial disrepute that now swirls around the Ibrox stadium.


“I don’t think we need to apologise to Rangers fans. We followed the regulations. It’s easy to find a scapegoat. The previous regime at Rangers Football Club needs to have a look at themselves over all this. The SFA process has worked very well up to now.”


Well, that’s highly debatable. Many see the SPL and SFA down the years as little more than cosy clubs with revolving doors between Rangers and their boards, and not a few directors sitting on governing bodies and the Ibrox board?


But at the least a man who was not even in Scotland during the period of in question is prepared to answer for the bizarre days before his tenure and there is action too, the SFA today writing to all Scottish clubs demanding all details of any payments to players beyond their contracts.


But hang on – the SFA rules state very clearly that all clubs have to send all payments to the SFA and SPL anyway. So why send a letter appealing to clubs not to cheat please?


Curiouser and curiouser.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Fucking hell. :lol:


Begs the question, which I've still not heard an answer to, why were they allowed to rack up so much debt? How long did HMRC allow them to get away with it before they took further action?


Christ knows how the club was being run but £134m is now too big an amount to be repaid.

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Guest neesy111

Fucking hell. :lol:


Begs the question, which I've still not heard an answer to, why were they allowed to rack up so much debt? How long did HMRC allow them to get away with it before they took further action?


Christ knows how the club was being run but £134m is now too big an amount to be repaid.


Most of it is down to PAYE avoidance etc they were doing.  So basically the bankrolling done under the Souness, Walter Smith (1st spell) and Dick Advocat was funded partially by avoiding tax.


Hope the authorities throw the book at them tbh.

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Fucking hell. :lol:


Begs the question, which I've still not heard an answer to, why were they allowed to rack up so much debt? How long did HMRC allow them to get away with it before they took further action?


Christ knows how the club was being run but £134m is now too big an amount to be repaid.


Most of it is down to PAYE avoidance etc they were doing.  So basically the bankrolling done under the Souness, Walter Smith (1st spell) and Dick Advocat was funded partially by avoiding tax.


Hope the authorities throw the book at them tbh.


Never realised it went back that far. Certainly explains the size of the debt but I'd still like to know how long HMRC let it go before they acted.

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  • 3 weeks later...
He told Press Association Sport: “Tell me how it is going to affect me? I couldn’t care less. It makes no difference to my life whatsoever - and good luck collecting the money.


Given the situation at Rangers and the fate of some of his previous businesses, I'm pretty sure he could have picked his words a little better.

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Why on earth would they ban them from buying players for 12 months? Surely that will destroy them? I'd have thought the Scottish FA would be bending over backwards to save one of their biggest clubs rather than sticking the knife in :lol:

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By punishing Rangers by association, they are most likely trying to hurry the process which rids the club of any involvement of Whyte.


I reckon this is a huge carve up, HMRC will blow a fuse and demand its cash via liquidation.

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