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A very mediocre premiership season.

Guest thenorthumbrian

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Liverpool, Chelsea and arsenal are not as good as they used to be and I don't think any of them will get back to the level they were at three-five years ago any time soon. (arsenal are capable but how much longer will arsene be around for?) if we'd had this team in any of the last five seasons and were playing as we are right now we'd have been top six most years. This is such an amazing opportunity for us to kick on though while other teams are going through a lull

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Guest firetotheworks

The top teams aren't as good and there's more scope for unlikely results. I think the Champions League has shown either the dip or end of the English ability to get to the latter stages-Chelsea not withstanding. Despite that, Chelsea still look shit and Man United have racked up a canny points total, so it still remains unpredictable and, in my eyes, entertaining.

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As many have said, the top isn't as strong as it once was. I think the season as a whole has been incredibly exciting though. I'm sure there's some bias since we're doing so well, but even if it was Everton in our spot I'd still be looking forward to the race for 3rd/4th. Much more interesting than the 3-4 year run of of Man United, Chelsea, Arsenal, and Liverpool just shuffling around the top-4. Plus it's likely the relegation battle will go down to the final day. No complaints from me.

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Don't think this season has been mediocre as such - it's certainly been entertaining and it has been more competitive this year. That is, the smaller teams aren't afraid to have a go at the likes of Man U/City/Chelsea/Arsenal etc and it has been refreshing to see tbh (Blackburn winning at Old Trafford or Swansea winning against City/Arsenal are just a few examples of this). I've enjoyed this season, it's been fun laughing at the big teams failing (in Europe or in the league).


However, you could argue that the bigger teams have indeed been poor this year, ie. there has been a clear decline in quality. If Man U do indeed win the PL, then I can see their winning side being cited as their weakest one in recent years (which would be a fair assessment tbh). The big teams, whilst still better than the majority of the teams in the league, aren't the forces they once were really (Chelsea's ageing squad, Arsenal have lost their best players and Liverpool's squad being full of overrated/overpriced players). You could argue though that Arsene will get it right next season, especially with Wilshere back but imo, it's going to be a long process before Chelsea and indeed Liverpool get back to the level they were capable of a few years ago).

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I actually think it's been a fantastic season. Look at all the other continental leagues and the fact that we don't have two out and our frontrunners who're miles ahead of everyone else is what makes this league exciting. Currently I'd say it's the best league in the world, and I'm going by just this season alone.

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It started off in a drearily dull fashion, then Manu obliterated Arsenal at the end of August and it burst into life. Been an entertaining season imo. Obviously it helps that Newcastle are doing well, but it's the first time in a long while that i've been really drawn into it. Genuinely don't know who's going down (Wolves aside) and genuinely don't know how 3-6th is gonna pan out. The title is still far from over n'all, though i would be astonished if Manu don't win it now.

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Guest BooBoo

In terms of entertainment it's been fantastic and surely as fans that's the most important aspect.


There's been no outstanding teams though and the chasing pack have reeled in the traditional top sides. It wasn't too long ago that people complained about the old Big 4 being out of sight, so it's been highly refreshing to see some of those sides struggling.

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Not enough top class players nowadays. You look at the top teams and there's very few who would fit in the top bracket of their position in the world. All the mavericks are charlatans too like Ballotelli, Barton etc

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Guest Howaythetoon

It is more competitive than it has been in many years but the fact that an ordinary Man Utd side is likely to win it says a lot, not about them, but others. It has been a very exciting season and very even accross the board of course but quality wise it isn't the greatest. I'll happilly take a competitive league over quality though. NUFC sum up the league, we are joint level with 4th but overall, save the last few matches, have performed quite poorly or shown varying degrees of poor quality in general. Arsenal likewise, one of their worst seasons but they are 3rd and have shown good form in the last 8 games or so winning wise. I think the gulf between the bottom sides all the way to the top 6 and even us in 5th isn't as big as it used to be either and likewise the gulf in terms of personal between us and the so-called big four isn't as big as it once was too. Many of our players would get a game for Man Utd for a start. I've enjoyed this and last season more than most though. Mind when your own side is doing well, it can make things seem much better in general, from football all the way to your own personal life.

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It is more competitive than it has been in many years but the fact that an ordinary Man Utd side is likely to win it says a lot, not about them, but others. It has been a very exciting season and very even accross the board of course but quality wise it isn't the greatest. I'll happilly take a competitive league over quality though. NUFC sum up the league, we are joint level with 4th but overall, save the last few matches, have performed quite poorly or shown varying degrees of poor quality in general. Arsenal likewise, one of their worst seasons but they are 3rd and have shown good form in the last 8 games or so winning wise. I think the gulf between the bottom sides all the way to the top 6 and even us in 5th isn't as big as it used to be either and likewise the gulf in terms of personal between us and the so-called big four isn't as big as it once was too. Many of our players would get a game for Man Utd for a start. I've enjoyed this and last season more than most though. Mind when your own side is doing well, it can make things seem much better in general, from football all the way to your own personal life.



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I am not trying to downgrade the achievements of Newcastle this season, United have done very well under Pardew but does anyone else think that it has been a pretty average premiership season overall.

If Man u win the title as is looking likely it will be with the poorest team they have had for a while.





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Guest Howaythetoon

It is more competitive than it has been in many years but the fact that an ordinary Man Utd side is likely to win it says a lot, not about them, but others. It has been a very exciting season and very even accross the board of course but quality wise it isn't the greatest. I'll happilly take a competitive league over quality though. NUFC sum up the league, we are joint level with 4th but overall, save the last few matches, have performed quite poorly or shown varying degrees of poor quality in general. Arsenal likewise, one of their worst seasons but they are 3rd and have shown good form in the last 8 games or so winning wise. I think the gulf between the bottom sides all the way to the top 6 and even us in 5th isn't as big as it used to be either and likewise the gulf in terms of personal between us and the so-called big four isn't as big as it once was too. Many of our players would get a game for Man Utd for a start. I've enjoyed this and last season more than most though. Mind when your own side is doing well, it can make things seem much better in general, from football all the way to your own personal life.





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The Premier League has been mediocre for ages now. I struggle to think of the last classic season.

Newcastle 4 Arsenal 4 Newcastle 5 Sunderland 1 Man U 1; Man City 6 Man U 8; Arsenal 2 aren't classic ?


Put Everton's 5-3 with Blackpool in there as well. One of the most entertaining games I've seen in a while.

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It is more competitive than it has been in many years but the fact that an ordinary Man Utd side is likely to win it says a lot, not about them, but others. It has been a very exciting season and very even accross the board of course but quality wise it isn't the greatest. I'll happilly take a competitive league over quality though. NUFC sum up the league, we are joint level with 4th but overall, save the last few matches, have performed quite poorly or shown varying degrees of poor quality in general. Arsenal likewise, one of their worst seasons but they are 3rd and have shown good form in the last 8 games or so winning wise. I think the gulf between the bottom sides all the way to the top 6 and even us in 5th isn't as big as it used to be either and likewise the gulf in terms of personal between us and the so-called big four isn't as big as it once was too. Many of our players would get a game for Man Utd for a start. I've enjoyed this and last season more than most though. Mind when your own side is doing well, it can make things seem much better in general, from football all the way to your own personal life.






I could argue the same with Man U btw.......

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Iv absolutely loved it, fascinating results every weekend pretty much. Makes betting a f***ing nightmare


What he said :D


I've loved this season, as a Newcastle fan in a city with few Newcastle fans, I've had a gut full of stick of over the years, but with the exception of the odd result, it's been terrific.


Strangely, the Spurs men I know aren't quite as vocal as they were after our drubbing down there.


They've all gone a bit sheepish :p


Ourselves aside, it's been a pretty good season for me, really enjoyed Swansea and Norwich (Carrow Road result aside). I think they've come up and given it a real go. I hope they both don't suffer from second season-itis.


Been some shocking results this season, all over the league, so all in all, it's a thumbs up from me.

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