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Wigan Athletic 4 - 0 Newcastle United - 28/04/12 - post-match reaction from pg48


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Oh my God! We won't qualify for CL, because we're losing to Wigan.


Wait, Chelsea lost against Wigan?! We'll get into the CL FINAL!


Because that's what people are saying :lol: :rolleyes:

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

Losing to Wigan.


-Brazil Logic-


May as well be Relegated.


:lol: This is bullying, now.


Is it because I am white?

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Defenders have fallen apart confidence wise again.


Because they've been completely uphauled and repositioned 20 minutes into a game.i wouldnt know what to fucking do either :lol:

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Guest Roy the Irish Magpie

Fine think what you want but champions league has always been a bridge too far, europa league it is, like I said though that's still top notch for us. Not basing this souly on today either or the last 6 matches, they have been great, but form is temporary, and we're a top 6 team but not top 4. Hopefully I'm proved to be a muppet though and we finished fourth but I doubt it.

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Fine think what you want but champions league has always been a bridge too far, europa league it is, like I said though that's still top notch for us. Not basing this souly on today either or the last 6 matches, they have been great, but form is temporary, and we're a top 6 team but not top 4. Hopefully I'm proved to be a muppet though and we finished fourth but I doubt it.


Fair enough. :thup:

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