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Mathieu Debuchy


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Its hardly a coincidence that offers for Douglas, Debuchy and De Jong have all been described as derisory at one time or another.


Teams have pegged on to what we're trying to do, I.e, bring in quality players on the cheap and therefore to avoid being made a mug of are raising the price.... only in this instance the price they were holding out for was allegedly only about a million more, why not just pay the f***er, bring in a quality fullback and get 2-3 million for Simpson to make up for any extra paid.


I simply can't understand this, there's playing hardball and then there's just being plain naive and stupid.


Theres no way we can get a RB as good as Debuchy for under the 8 million euros they apparently want, therefore we will end up with Simpson IMO. And hes f***ing s***, don't care what any opta stat's or fanboys say.


Absolutely spot on.


We've had bids for Douglas and De Jong described as derisory?


Back to the point, we've clearly had a lot of success bagging players on the cheap, it's not so much that sides are clicking on to our strategy but more to do the realisation that you're not going to conclude all your negotiations on the cheap, sometimes you have to pay the going rate. We're not talking an excessive fee here, but a fair price for a quality player.


Without any form of knowledge of how negotiations have gone it's impossible to gauge if this is the second in a series of offers or if we're genuinely playing hardball with a final offer and we indeed consider Lille's price tag excessive. It'll also be interesting to see who we bid for as a plan B if there indeed is one. Personally while I'd be disappointed with missing out on this fella I've said all along I'd prefer to sign a left back as opposed to a right back, I feel we'd see even more from Santon in the latter position.

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I think in Chelsea's case yeah, I think other clubs may not be bothering as much because the agent has told them of his intentions and probably knows it's just a matter of time.


Yeh, which makes our inability to get a deal sorted all the more infuriating.

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Agree. We should start chucking money at teams. Fuck value...


On the one hand I think he is actually worth their valuation, on the other you get people with every transfer screaming 'just pay the extra £xm ffs!!!!', if they were in charge of transfers we would splash our entire budget the day after the window opens with one player signed and we would have likely done a Liverpool (Carroll/Henderson).

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Do we actually know Lille's current valuation of the player? Do we know we're refusing to pay it or are we still negotiating? Do we know ourselves or Lille haven't moved the goal posts during negotiations?


It's difficult to tell where this deal is at other than we've had a second bid rejected.

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£6.2m which is apparently their value is hardly overspending and would still be a great deal.


Also we offered £12m for De Jong did'nt we? i highly doubt spending 6.2m on Debuchy would hardly effect other transfers and we was willing to spend 12m on Carroll.

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£6.2m which is apparently their value is hardly overspending and would still be a great deal.


Also we offered £12m for De Jong did'nt we? i highly doubt spending 6.2m on Debuchy would hardly effect other transfers and we was willing to spend 12m on Carroll.


We obviously value De Jong/Carroll more than we do Debuchy.

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£6.2m which is apparently their value is hardly overspending and would still be a great deal.


Also we offered £12m for De Jong did'nt we? i highly doubt spending 6.2m on Debuchy would hardly effect other transfers and we was willing to spend 12m on Carroll.


We obviously value De Jong/Carroll more than we do Debuchy.


Obviously as they are strikers and a lot younger, but the point remains i doubt the extra million here and there would effect us that badly with other targets.

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£6.2m which is apparently their value is hardly overspending and would still be a great deal.


Also we offered £12m for De Jong did'nt we? i highly doubt spending 6.2m on Debuchy would hardly effect other transfers and we was willing to spend 12m on Carroll.


We obviously value De Jong/Carroll more than we do Debuchy.


Obviously as they are strikers and a lot younger, but the point remains i doubt the extra million here and there would effect us that badly with other targets.


Then we spend an extra here and there with other signings and we end up with one less player :dontknow:

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Guest dazzanufc1892

the fact that the euro markets will not be lowering the base rates has really helped us today. More clubs will not be seeing the financial help that they hoped for, and the pound just got stronger. We may as well wait until the next inevitable market dip, and the amount we are offering will continue to rise, without us having to increase our actual bid in £'s.


plus don't forget, we pay upfront, european clubs will want to cash in whilst the euro still has some value, hold them to ransom on this fee, they will need the money more than us in the long run.

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Just spent the last 20 mins catching up on this thread, and it makes for depressing reading :sad:

Basically we haven't got a clue what's happening have we?

Was really hanging my hat on this guy coming here I must say.

Would be a terrific upgrade at RB for what seems to me, a fair price.

I think he would have transformed our right sided options dramatically in both directions.

Comfortable on the ball, cool under pressure, strong, quick  :sad:


Can't help feeling this deal is dead.

To be fair to Lille, they have a big season ahead of them and can ill afford to have distractions towards the back end of the window.

They'd be well within their rights to just draw a line under this saga and shut the whole thing down. No more calls fielded, no more paper talk, no more press conference questions etc.

They don't NEED to sell, they would prefer NOT to sell but would consider €8 million an agreeable figure to say goodbye to the current French International right back.

I fear it's that simple.


I dearly hope we're not but I think we're dead in the water on this.


That said it's late and I'm tired so maybe the morning will find me in a cheerier mood.



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The debate for our board is money vs time with the squad in pre season, people talk as if the windows been closed already. We have no reason to hurry this deal up if Ashley doesnt think that its worth spending an extra 1-2 million just so Debuchy has an extra 1-2 weeks or whatever with us in pre season. That is not a small amount of money.

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£6.2m which is apparently their value is hardly overspending and would still be a great deal.


Also we offered £12m for De Jong did'nt we? i highly doubt spending 6.2m on Debuchy would hardly effect other transfers and we was willing to spend 12m on Carroll.


We obviously value De Jong/Carroll more than we do Debuchy.


Obviously as they are strikers and a lot younger, but the point remains i doubt the extra million here and there would effect us that badly with other targets.


Then we spend an extra here and there with other signings and we end up with one less player :dontknow:


Maybe but i still doubt it, in any case for me this is the most important signing out of anything this summer. It fills the last weak spot in the first team the other signings are depth while important it isn't as important getting a fullback in who can only contribute on the ball.


Probably will still happen, but if we miss due to a difference of 750k-1.5m then it's a bit silly IMO especially when you consider we have shown this summer we have money. ( or at least we are putting offers in that suggest we do)

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Not trawling back through loads of pages, so no idea if these quotes have been posted.


Friday, 3rd August, 2012



Lille coach Rudi Garcia has told Mathieu Debuchy to knuckle down for the season ahead with the club.


Debuchy was the subject of a second bid this summer from Newcastle United yesterday, but the €6M put on the table by the Magpies has been judged not good enough by the 2011 Ligue 1 champions.


And the transfer saga, which has swirled around Debuchy for most of the last month, has now been comprehensively ended by Lille’s president Michel Seydoux, who has declared that the 27-year-old will not leave.



Seydoux believes that not only is Newcastle’s offer a drastic undervaluation of the France international, it also leaves Lille without time to buy an adequate replacement ahead of a crucial August which sees the club involved in the Champions League qualification round.


Debuchy has been vocal over his desire to leave Lille this summer and was relishing the opportunity to play for Newcastle.


Coach Garcia has now told him to forget this and concentrate on another season with the French giants.


"A coach always prefers to have the best players and Mathieu is one of the best full-backs in France, if not Europe", said the Lille boss to France Football.


And Garcia urged Debuchy not to feel down about missing out on a dream move and instead give his all for his current club.


"He is disappointed. He hoped to leave. It is a normal reaction.


"Now he has to work hard for the season.


"Mathieu is a responsible boy, this is one of the oddities of the transfer season."


Read more at http://www.insidefutbol.com/2012/08/03/forget-newcastle-and-focus-on-lille-rudi-garcia-advises-mathieu-debuchy/66435/#qKukEfCBlzlmUX9M.99


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