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Alan Pardew


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Top 3 are City, United and Chelsea in any order you like and 4th at the moment i'd say is between Arsenal and Spurs....


I have said many times i don't think they are much better than us at our best if at all the problem we have not seen our best since demolishing Stoke at the end of last season.


I think top 4 would have been very do-able if we actually got the players we wanted in the summer in fact i would have been confident of it.


The points total isn't so great to totally rule it out 4 points off Spurs who have hardly been impressive but i really can't see it.


I'd bite your hand off for a deep run in Europe or/and FA Cup and 7th tbh.


Yep, that would be a good season for us. Whether it'd be enough to convince these players who apparently believe they could play for a top four side to stay at the club is another question, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.


The funny thing is that Pardew keeps going on about 4th as a genuine target and yet if any of the fans said the same they'd be shouted down as typically deluded and with unreasonable expectations etc. We signed one f***ing player for the first team in the summer, and he's featured in about half the games so far. That's not the actions of a team trying to improve on their league position and take one of the biggest steps forward possible.


4th. :lol:


Win tomorrow and we will be 1 point behind 4th. May as well aim at it for now.

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People mocking him for aiming for 4th need to take a look at Arsenal & Spurs tbh. No reason we can't challenge them again this season.


I don't think anyone's 'mocking' him for aiming for 4th, that's what we should be aiming for - but performances will have to improve drastically to get us anywhere near and maybe he'd be better keeping quiet about Champions League prospects until they do. If it was me, I wouldn't dream of saying those things before a trip to Anfield for a start, asking for egg on your face.

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People mocking him for aiming for 4th need to take a look at Arsenal & Spurs tbh. No reason we can't challenge them again this season.


You can only go by what you've seen so far and I'm far from convinced. But yes, we have the players to put together a very decent team which could challenge if everything clicks and we get them playing in a coherent effective fashion.

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People mocking him for aiming for 4th need to take a look at Arsenal & Spurs tbh. No reason we can't challenge them again this season.


I don't think anyone's 'mocking' him for aiming for 4th, that's what we should be aiming for - but performances will have to improve drastically to get us anywhere near and maybe he'd be better keeping quiet about Champions League prospects until they do. If it was me, I wouldn't dream of saying those things before a trip to Anfield for a start, asking for egg on your face.


Yeah. Timing's completely off.

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Speaking of 4th if we do pull off the miracle tomorrow we will be 1 point off 4th :lol:


Unlikely but still maybe he's not as nutty as we claimed :lol:


It's not like Spurs and Arsenal have been impressive and Everton who have been impressive have dropped points while looking good and quite frankly i don't see them going on big winning runs.


I would still snap your hand off for 7th and a cup run mind but i wouldn't rule it out completely. 4th is really going to be about whose the least shit really as none of the contenders look any better than the rest.

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I still can´t help but feel we are wasting so much talent and potential with not having a proper offensive plan. We have so much in us!


Saying that it was great to see the line up with a offensive set up and Cabaye as a really offensive player. Ben Arfa, Cabaye etc are so much better when playing offensively. We shouldn´t play after our opponent, but go for it!


But. Can this be a start for something better?

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I still can´t help but feel we are wasting so much talent and potential with not having a proper offensive plan. We have so much in us!


Saying that it was great to see the line up with a offensive set up and Cabaye as a really offensive player. Ben Arfa, Cabaye etc are so much better when playing offensively. We shouldn´t play after our opponent, but go for it!


But. Can this be a start for something better?

So far I think we're moving better and is the first time I can recall in recent memory where we're switching flanks during an attack with any kind of rapidity
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I still can´t help but feel we are wasting so much talent and potential with not having a proper offensive plan. We have so much in us!


Saying that it was great to see the line up with a offensive set up and Cabaye as a really offensive player. Ben Arfa, Cabaye etc are so much better when playing offensively. We shouldn´t play after our opponent, but go for it!


But. Can this be a start for something better?

So far I think we're moving better and is the first time I can recall in recent memory where we're switching flanks during an attack with any kind of rapidity


I agree. Therefore I said "I feel".

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I'm not arguing?


??? I think this can be the best half this season. So I agree with what you said that we has been moving better than before. But I just wanted to add that I think we have more in us. Hopefully that will come.

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Guest Dontooner

We are still very defensive, but the players have shown they need very little chances to Make Things Matter.

We are like Jame Bond Movie or Robin Hood...One shot One kill

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I´m getting sick of this. We plays alright in the first half (It could even have been our best half), get the lead, even if I don´t think we deserved it.


But then, what happens? Like every single time we start do defend. Defend, defend, defend and defend. For 45 minutes! No wounder we are dropping the lead like flies.


I said it at half time, even if we were playing alright, that I still think we have more potential. But Pardew is coaching this team like we haven´t. It´s just pure pathetic.


Please do not that this post isn´t a overreaction. It´s just pure frustration that we won´t reach the potential that we have.


Super unlucky with injuries. But that has nothing to do with the intention. We will have a touch time the next few weeks.

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