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Alan Pardew


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Game was over after Shola came on for HBA. He should have but Marveux on at that stage. Hoofing the ball to Hangelands head was sad to watch really. Especially, when our forwards did not make any efforts to win the ball.  I dont think we won any headers in their box. And all this after we played (= HBA played) some nice football in the second half. 


Jonas playing full 90 mins  :sad:


I would not mind him getting the sack, but Ashley porbably would just hire someone like Kinnear..


this especially stands out imo. 20 min. left. marveaux could have been able to continue what arfa started. Shola is done in the PL.


Colo was so so. Maybe more competition would do him good as well....none should be sure of a starting place.


Think we should still go for 4-3-3. central midfield of Anita and tiote behind cabaye.


New: RB or LB if santon moves to RB...think he might be better there actually.


New: CB: real quality needed


New: LW. pacey, tricky with and eye for assists and goals.


Striker: depends. if Ba leaves obviously. But i think we should play only play one of cisse and ba....if we have arfa and a new quality LW.


its only three new players if ba stays.



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Guest icemanblue

Sewpafan says relax.


Aye, good stuff.


I'm sure that I'm not the only one to have posted that the mood between supporters they know personally is in stark contrast to this place, Twitter and others. If you know differently, I'm happy to be proved wrong.


I've not heard one person at the match, or in social interactions, say that they want Pardew out now.

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Guest neesy111

Sewpafan says relax.


Aye, good stuff.


I'm sure that I'm not the only one to have posted that the mood between supporters they know personally is in stark contrast to this place, Twitter and others. If you know differently, I'm happy to be proved wrong.


I've not heard one person at the match, or in social interactions, say that they want Pardew out now.


Since when did you know most of the crowd at SJP?

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I think one of the most annoying things about us is the way we attack, every game we barely create anything unless it's a moment of brilliance from one of our better players yet constantly other teams (pretty much every team we play) carve us open and play dangerous balls into our box. We may survive this season under Pardew, but if we want to improve as a team we need a better manager (anyone who can get us playing decent football tbf).

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Guest icemanblue

Sewpafan says relax.


Aye, good stuff.


I'm sure that I'm not the only one to have posted that the mood between supporters they know personally is in stark contrast to this place, Twitter and others. If you know differently, I'm happy to be proved wrong.


I've not heard one person at the match, or in social interactions, say that they want Pardew out now.


Since when did you know most of the crowd at SJP?


Think about what you're typing, man. Where did I say that?

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Sewpafan says relax.


Aye, good stuff.


I'm sure that I'm not the only one to have posted that the mood between supporters they know personally is in stark contrast to this place, Twitter and others.


So what? Your average fans go to enjoy a game not become pseudo managers.

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Sky Sports seemed to be starting it last night. Long shot of him walking off the pitch at the end followed by the 27 years stat.


It's starting then. They'll be right on him by the end of the month, and everyone's tune will have changed.


Sky have been busy though, with Rafa and stirring that pot, but it looks like he might get enough results to keep them at arms length and why they've been buzzing round MoNg. Really Sky will want one of them sacked before the end of Jan, and can play each manager off against each other till one cracks.

:lol: What?


Sky love a good sacking man. There's the build up, the stat off, the fans opinion, former players opinion, then the chairman giving his backing, then the event itself. They then have one clubs supporters tuned in 24-7 while they interview everyone they can, put forward their own candidates, unsettle other clubs fans and then they get to the appointment where they can ask questions the fans want to hear, usually with Jim White asking you to get in contact with him personally at u2us@skysports, tell us what you think...


They love it.  :lol: to miss out on that, during a transfer window where they can speculate more about players coming and going, well, probably a stackable offence for their producer or something.


To then have two local rival clubs struggling together, I imagine sky sports office is buzzing. Double Xmas bonus this year.

I agree like, the revel in it, I just don't know if they would go as far as actively plotting to have a manager sacked :lol:
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Guest icemanblue

Sewpafan says relax.


Aye, good stuff.


I'm sure that I'm not the only one to have posted that the mood between supporters they know personally is in stark contrast to this place, Twitter and others.


So what? Your average fans go to enjoy a game not become pseudo managers.


Not sure where you're going with that?

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We need to stick with a manager through the really tough times, as we were always going to have one. We'll get it right, just need to battle on, so try to look past the next game against Man City as we've got no hope in that one. Keep the faith!


We're hopefully spending in January so lets see who we get in and how that changes our season :)

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Sewpafan says relax.


Aye, good stuff.


I'm sure that I'm not the only one to have posted that the mood between supporters they know personally is in stark contrast to this place, Twitter and others. If you know differently, I'm happy to be proved wrong.


I've not heard one person at the match, or in social interactions, say that they want Pardew out now.


What makes you think I was talking about you? :laugh:


It's tosh. Plenty people on here go to games and are deeply upset with Pardew. Just because you haven't met any of them, it doesn't mean they don't exist or they're not "regular fans". You've just chosen to extrapolate a sweeping generalisation based on a very small sample (ie. your social circle) of the 50,000odd faithful. And I do think you've actively said that to denigrate the credibility of opposing viewpoints to yours rather than actually having a reasoned debate where you can scrutinise differences of opinion (funnily enough).


FWIW I don't want Pardew out now. I want him out after this tough run in December*


* - with the proviso we have someone lined up who is actually an upgrade, this time.

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Guest neesy111

Sewpafan says relax.


Aye, good stuff.


I'm sure that I'm not the only one to have posted that the mood between supporters they know personally is in stark contrast to this place, Twitter and others. If you know differently, I'm happy to be proved wrong.


I've not heard one person at the match, or in social interactions, say that they want Pardew out now.


What makes you think I was talking about you? :laugh:


It's tosh. Plenty people on here go to games and are deeply upset with Pardew. Just because you haven't met any of them, it doesn't mean they don't exist or they're not "regular fans". You've just chosen to extrapolate a sweeping generalisation based on a very small sample (ie. your social circle) of the 50,000odd faithful. And I do think you've actively said that to denigrate the credibility of opposing viewpoints to yours rather than actually having a reasoned debate where you can scrutinise differences of opinion (funnily enough).


FWIW I don't want Pardew out now. I want him out after this tough run in December*


* - with the proviso we have someone lined up who is actually an upgrade, this time.



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Guest icemanblue

Sewpafan says relax.


Aye, good stuff.


I'm sure that I'm not the only one to have posted that the mood between supporters they know personally is in stark contrast to this place, Twitter and others. If you know differently, I'm happy to be proved wrong.


I've not heard one person at the match, or in social interactions, say that they want Pardew out now.


What makes you think I was talking about you? :laugh:


It's tosh. Plenty people on here go to games and are deeply upset with Pardew. Just because you haven't met any of them, it doesn't mean they don't exist or they're not "regular fans". You've just chosen to extrapolate a sweeping generalisation based on a very small sample (ie. your social circle) of the 50,000odd faithful. And I do think you've actively said that to denigrate the credibility of opposing viewpoints to yours rather than actually having a reasoned debate where you can scrutinise differences of opinion (funnily enough).


FWIW I don't want Pardew out now. I want him out after this tough run in December*


* - with the proviso we have someone lined up who is actually an upgrade, this time.


The fact you posted it after one of my posts? I don't know, guess it was a hunch.


I wasn't making a point about the validity of one set of opinions versus the other. Nor did I claim that there would be no dissenting voices amongst the matchday support. In fact, my original post was in response to TT insinuating that people's opinions would be swayed by an increase in negative media coverage, which is somewhat unrelated to your subsequent rant.


My point was that there's a vast difference in 'mood', at the minute, between those I see socially, crowds at home and away games and those online. I'm not the only to have mentioned this. In fact, as recently as last night, a couple of 'our own' posted about the positive support amongst the away crowd. I don't understand why this happens, and can only speculate that it's down to some not wanting to air their 'controversial' views in front of their family and peers. Preferring instead to do it from behind the social safety of a screen and keyboard.


Still, sewpafan, reasoned debate, etc. lololololol

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Officially turned. I want him gone. Respect the man for what he did last season but he's failed his players and us. Even if the Board hung him out to try from a transfer perspective, and he's had some terrible luck with form, injuries etc. but he's the manager, and the table does not lie. He's failed to get the best out these players and he's failing us.


Revisiting my clearly angry and upset post last night with a more clear head...Think I vastly overreacted and hold my hand up on that one.


I'm back on the fence. Tired of managerial merry-go-round, tired of the negative press that we get because of it, but I'm also tired of what sort of crap we've been putting out there this campaign.


I just want the results to change and starting to not care how, just want it to change.

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What about the results from the Chronicle survey then, 5% wanted Pardew to go.




Nearly 20% are very happy? :lol:

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Guest neesy111

What about the results from the Chronicle survey then, 5% wanted Pardew to go.




Nearly 20% are very happy? :lol:


Would like to see the margin of error on the poll?  Probably haven't even done one.

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