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Alan Pardew


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Said it a while ago and I'll stick by it now. When I saw our opening games Spurs, ManU, Everton away, Chelsea away and macums away I thought we'll be fine if we're mid table going into November and fully expect us to kick on from there.


We got 8 points from those games last season, this season we've got 5.


Your taking a narrow perspective to make a point. We've had a hectic schedule and key players out. We're doing OK as things stand and should kick on from here.


In 1988 two psychologists published an article arguing that positive self-deception is a normal and advantageous part of most people’s lives. [Taylor & Brown, 1988]. It turns out that people lie to themselves about three things:


They view themselves in implausibly positive ways; they think they have far more control over their lives than they actually do and; they believe the future will be better than the evidence of the present can possibly justify.



/flimsy excuse to use quote ;D


We could continue to have players out for the rest of the season, and schedule will continue to be hectic. Maybe more so since there are no more international breaks for a while and we look on course for qualification beyond the Europa group stages.


I'm being facetious obviously Benwell :) However, I am not as optimistic as you!

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I don't think we can use Europe as an excuse for poor performances, majority of european games the team is totally different to the weekend. 


The main reason for poor performances are injuries and playing in a way that does not suit our best players at all.


Until these issues are looked at i can't see much changing.


most of the players are the same as last season, we are playing the same as last season, mostly direct stuff.  only difference is the oppositions have wised up to our game.


Difference is last season or beginning of season anyway.


We had a settled defence, Raylor had good delivery from wide area and set pieces, Jonas and Obertan outwide and Best and Ba upfront.


Ok it wasn't very technical but it was very direct and it worked this is a different team.


With Santon, Cisse, Ben Arfa coming in, this team does not suit direct football and is more of a possession team with some direct entities mixed in.


Well it should be anyway but we are playing like we still have Best upfront for Ba to feed on etc etc.


We need to be changing the style to adapt to players we have it's obvious what worked with those players do not work with these.


errr really? don't you remember people moaning about our dire set plays and crosses, you mentioned jonas, obertan, raylor lol,  these players were not exactly known for their cutting edge long passes and crosses.  yeh raylor can take a good direct freekick.  and then there's simpson a rock in our defence but we all knew when he runs past the halfway line he turns into a turd and cant cross to save his life.


we have the same limitation last season as we do now.  regardless who starts.




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Your taking a narrow perspective to make a point. We've had a hectic schedule and key players out. We're doing OK as things stand and should kick on from here.


I'm taking a narrow perspective?  You mentioned the teams and I told you how we've compared this season to last.  Why do you think we’ll all of a sudden improve over what we’ve been doing so far.  Teams always have injuries and we're no exception to that, we also had injuries last season and still managed to get results.

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We've been missing the heart of our defence, we'll improve massively with those three back.


Our defence isn't the only problem, we don't keep possession and we don't score enough either.  Only 3 teams have scored less than we have at home and only 6 have scored less away, having defenders back isn't really going to change that.

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I do feel for him. It's clear he's asked for better players and was ignored.


No one can deny that Pardew hasn't got the best out of our current players; but that's a definitely a valid point. It was an insult to him that he wasn't backed in the summer.

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I do feel for him. It's clear he's asked for better players and was ignored.


No one can deny that Pardew hasn't got the best out of our current players; but that's a definitely a valid point. It was an insult to him that he wasn't backed in the summer.


Whilst it was a poor one, he can't complain really. He knew when he signed up that it'd be pretty much out of his hands.

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We've been missing the heart of our defence, we'll improve massively with those three back.


Our defence isn't the only problem, we don't keep possession and we don't score enough either.  Only 3 teams have scored less than we have at home and only 6 have scored less away, having defenders back isn't really going to change that.


The centre halves will help a lot with keeping possession and we'll be able to play it through midfield more. I also think Pardew will be more open to 4-3-3 and other formations based around passing football with our first choice defence out. It's never as cut and dry as 'the defence stop the opposition scoring and don't do anything else'. You know that though.

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Guest Dontooner

We need to play as a team with routines, playing with spirit will not get you anywhere in the long run. Delusional to think we are better than what we are. We have good players just a shit manager imo. The manager is no where close the top 6 in the premier league.

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The centre halves will help a lot with keeping possession and we'll be able to play it through midfield more. I also think Pardew will be more open to 4-3-3 and other formations based around passing football with our first choice defence out. It's never as cut and dry as 'the defence stop the opposition scoring and don't do anything else'. You know that though.


We'll see.

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We need to play as a team with routines, playing with spirit will not get you anywhere in the long run. Delusional to think we are better than what we are. We have good players just a s*** manager imo. The manager is no where close the top 6 in the premier league.


The one that finished fifth and was voted the best in the division last year?

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So, we were bossing the game and 1-0 ahead, then had a man sent off and still looked comfortable, only for a fluke OG to deny us...but Pardew is s****?


We weren't bossing the game at 1-0, we were doing what we've done for most of the season so far and hoofed the ball.  The first person that I can see who has mentioned him being s*** is you (edit, missed it, somebody did say he was shit).

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Think it's going to be a much tougher season for a miriad of reasons. Also teams are looking out for us now and have adjusted to our 'style'. We got away last year and nicked a fair few results without dominating in many games. I'd like to see a more settled ambitious formation even if it means we lose the odd game and play well because in time that will be more beneficial for all concerned.

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We need to play as a team with routines, playing with spirit will not get you anywhere in the long run. Delusional to think we are better than what we are. We have good players just a shit manager imo. The manager is no where close the top 6 in the premier league.


Pardew isn't a shit manager or anything like it, that's a disgraceful thing to say to be honest given what he's done in his time here. He has his faults but so does every other manager in the league and the majority of them are backed with more cash than he is.

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We need to play as a team with routines, playing with spirit will not get you anywhere in the long run. Delusional to think we are better than what we are. We have good players just a shit manager imo. The manager is no where close the top 6 in the premier league.


Pardew isn't a shit manager or anything like it, that's a disgraceful thing to say to be honest given what he's done in his time here. He has his faults but so does every other manager in the league and the majority of them are backed with more cash than he is.



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We need to play as a team with routines, playing with spirit will not get you anywhere in the long run. Delusional to think we are better than what we are. We have good players just a shit manager imo. The manager is no where close the top 6 in the premier league.


Pardew isn't a shit manager or anything like it, that's a disgraceful thing to say to be honest given what he's done in his time here. He has his faults but so does every other manager in the league and the majority of them are backed with more cash than he is.



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We're still on track to get 6th or 7th, really - our early fixtures have been much tougher than last year's. Many of his decisions baffle me, especially those last two subs today but we have a decent run of games now to get us where we should be.

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The long-ball tactic is being mentioned all over now, even by opposition players.


It's dreadful to watch and an insult to many of our very gifted players. Today however was a special match and it might have helped us to contain them. But the penny really has to drop for him. Cabaye and Ben Arfa are wasted and when Shola is the better option to Cissé, he has to take a look at the bigger picture here.

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