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Alan Pardew


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Arsenal's midfield 3 is Arteta-Ramsey-Wilshere they hardly seem to have a problem.


England is nowhere near as physical as it used to be( although i will accept its fast), physique only matters when you play like we do.... i.e. cover space.


The main reason Anita has struggled so far is because of the massive gaps in between attacking, midfield and defense..... players like Anita are used to the gap between the lines being small and thus not as much ground to cover.


This wouldn't be a problem if we passed and moved like even Wigan can.


Pretty certain physicality wouldn't be a problem if we actually played like Wigan, Southampton, Swansea etc etc.


Pardew will be scared shitless if he had to field those players

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We should be letting the ball do the work, but we're just pants at ball retention and passing and moving.


Speaking of arsenal is our central midfielders that far from theirs? 


Our defenders a lot worse than theirs?


Giroud that much better than Cisse?


They should clearly be above us they have a better team but how are they so far away from us in the league?


Wenger is suppose to be the press whipping boy as well, apparently he is a s*** manager according to them . Selling everyone left right and centre, signing turds .

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The gaps between the lines are too big.

The team is too stretched.

We play too deep.

The striker is isolated most of the game.

We go long too often.

We run around pointlessly.

Keeper kicks it out too much.

Sissoko isn't an atm.

We don't understand what tempo means.

We only have one gear in posesssion -  panic.


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Like it or not, this is a physical league. Anita has struggled to adapt to this from day one, other than a decent spell when, ironically, he wasn't being played in his 'best' position. Quite how he's been granted a pardon, simply because of an under-performing manager, is beyond me.


Silva is pretty slim/small is he not? He does alright? Physicality is nothing to do with it. Do you not see a pattern in so many players "under performing" that perhaps it's the manager. It's borderline ridiculous to suggest Anita is being granted a pardon. You don't genuinely beleive that?


It is in England, and always will be.


The small, non-physical players that succeed over here have remarkable qualities that make them effective.


Disagree completely. Swansea seem okay? small players? Its a cliche and it doesnt ring true anymore


Swansea have a nice balance. And they're hardly a top side, anyway. They're average, and to mention them as you have is ironically as cliched as it gets.


You need to look up cliche. It's not at all. It's just an easy comparison to make, what does them being a "top side" have to do with anything. Also they won a cup and absolutely battered us at SJP. Bilbao did okay against the "physical" stoke if I recall?


Stoke are fucking dogshite, man.


In this country you need technical and physical ability. All of NUFC's good sides since I can remember have had plenty of both.

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Swansea have a nice balance.


Of what? Physical and not-really-physical players?


I count the CB's and perhaps Michu as 'physical' in that side.


They've got plenty of technically good players who can hold their own physically.

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Guest icemanblue

No, some of them aren't 'physical' players, I'd argue Carrick and Bale are, but they don't get brushed off the ball as easy as big Vurn. Which, coincidentally, was my point. He lacks even the physicality of the less physical players.


'Small' does not always equate to 'weak', it's not that simple. You can be small, but still have enough strength to shield the ball or challenge with some physicality.

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Guest icemanblue

Argh, man, come on. That's not what I'm saying. No, you don't need to be an entirely 'physical' player to succeed, but you do require at least enough strength to compete. So far, he hasn't shown that, for me.


I wanna get physicaaaaaal, LET'S GET INTO PHYSICAL!

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Guest icemanblue

Argh, man, come on. That's not what I'm saying. No, you don't need to be an entirely 'physical' player to succeed, but you do require at least enough strength to compete. So far, he hasn't shown that, for me.


I wanna get physicaaaaaal, LET'S GET INTO PHYSICAL!



Ashley Young? I'm not sure how suddenly Anita is constantly brushed off the ball? Its another "Cabaye hasn't got any stamina" myths. imo. Anita seemed to do okay at Ajax, he's made a pretty decent career out of it. Suddenly he's at Newcastle and he's "weak, can't compete physically".


The premier league now is not the premier league of the 90s. Whilst the physical CB still exists, the league is not "blood and thunder" anymore. Tiote's pretty strong right? seen him get knocked off the ball a few times.


It's not sudden, like, it's been that way since the start of the season. If you haven't noticed that, then I don't really know what to say.

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It seems to me physicality is gradually being taken out of midfield play, it's more about moving the ball around quickly, you don't need to be physical if the ball is on the ground and you move it on before the opposition gets to you, and if he does get to you, "draw the foul", when we played Swansea they dived about like fannies, I still remember Nathan Dyer screaming for no reason. As for Anita, I agree that in a team like Swansea he could flourish, but here the fact he is a midget is exposed, he's totally pointless under a dinosaur like Pardew.

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