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NUFC Statistical Analysis (12/13 Season)


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Guest loven Mag 11

Dave stop being so god damn negative. I thought Pardew was great til i stumbled in here man.


What next, a pie chart?

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Do we really need scatter diagrams and graphs.


Just using your own eyes tells enough that we are utter, utter garbage.


It's the point of the thread you came in.


I know it is.  A turd-o-meter would be an equally effective way of showing our trends as well.




You're right man. :(

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Nicked off Happy Face on Toontastic:




Comfortably more long balls than any other team in the league. That table doesn't look so bad when you see that Fulham and Everton (who both play good stuff) are 2nd and 3rd but when you look at long balls as a percentage of total passes, it looks worse because they play vastly more short passes than we do:


Newcastle United 24.5%

Reading 24.5%

Stoke 23.1%

West Ham 21.3%

Aston Villa 20.6%

Norwich 20.5%

Sunderland 19.2%

West Bromwich Albion 19.0%

Everton 17.9%

Tottenham 17.9%

Queens Park Rangers 17.0%

Fulham 16.1%

Wigan 15.5%

Chelsea 13.4%

Swansea 12.8%

Liverpool 12.7%

Southampton 12.7%

Manchester United 11.6%

Manchester City 10.5%

Arsenal 9.7%


Essentially, 1 in 4 of our passes is a long ball.


Interesting, despite most people on here thinking that we've stopped the long ball thing since the turn of the year, we're still top of this table 5 months later, albeit we only play 70 per game now, Fulham still on 67 in second.


We're just less aimless about it now imo, now that Williamson's a fringe player. Cabaye has always played by far the most in the squad (averages about three times as many as Big Mike) and continues to do so, with Tiote second. Our central midfield is essentially only there to try and chip a ball ahead of Cisse for him to run onto.


Between them on Sunday, Tiote and Cabaye played 19 long balls. The two in the middle for the mackems played 2 between them.

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Can't believe we're equalling the relegation season for losses at home/away record like, and will still probably stay up. Goes to show what a truly shit Premier League season its been in general. QPR and Reading are wank :lol:

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