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Thoughts on this summer's transfer window

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Exactly. People are too caught up in this "sensible financial model" bullshit. Some would rather hang a balance sheet on their wall where they used to have posters up of our good players.

It's not as simple as that. For long-term success, I think clubs need to be balanced (unless of course you're a Man City/PSG). I really hope the financial restrictions come in and football becomes more economically sound. We have gotten where we are since the relegation season by following this model, if we continue with it, we can go further. But that means, sometimes you have to compromise on not getting a deal through because it's more than you're willing to pay. I believe MA wants to make NUFC successful but only his way. I still think we're getting someone in before the end of the window

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Better to be well ran club then one in a total financial mess.



Better to reinvest on the pitch than have a healthier P&L account.


Only if you have the money to hand and the right players are available at the right price.


What a bizarre defence of the indefensible? It's short-sighted idiocy.


We're generating profits which will grow, the only reason MA has to put his hand in his pocket is because he insists on paying all fees upfront but he lets us get paid on the never never (Carroll aside). You mean to tell me there is not a better RB out there at a reasonable price? What about a French International who did well at the Euros?


From a financial perspective if I remember rightly where we also fell down was that our commercial revenue had actually shrank since MA arrived, that's apparently DL's remit and he's failing spectacularly. European football and attracting a better class of football might actually aid DL grow this revenue stream, but it appears we're far more interested in future re-sale value than organic growth as a football club. It's why people continually question motives and intentions.


History tells us since MA revealed the type of person he is, one window apart, January just passed, we know what's going to happen.



Jesus man, look at the squad we have, quite good right.

We are keeping our best players (so far)

We are doing something right, our additions have been spot on the last years.


I want more players, at least a RB, dont get me wrong. But frankly we have no clue whats going on in the negotiations with Lille or any other clubs.


But goddamn man, get some air :lol:


I'll excuse you for not understanding as you're foreign, but yeah my favourite colour is green as I said above.


:lol: Yes, me being foreign has a lot to do with my understanding. Such a childish argument, but go on :lol:

The fact is you get wound up by the media/twitter/forum bandwagon in regards to signing players, while the fact is we know jack s*** of whats going on behind the scene. If everything was as easy as some here are going on about Debuchy, i am sure he would be a  NUFC player by now.

Obviously its not as straight forward, and i think Lille hold out for top dollar for this lad despite what the media says about rumored transfer fees.


What are you going on about? I'n not wound up at all, I've never purported to know anything whatsoever?


It is quite straight forward you pay a price a club wants or you don't, that simple, if not you move on to another target, or why look for a RB if we don't need one? Like you, it's very, very simple.

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We're less than three days from the end of the transfer window having spent under £3m and not bringing in a single player to improve the first choice XI and people are still getting shit for being disgruntled. Couldn't make it up. :lol:

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Eric, we've gotten where we are over the past couple of years by getting the best deals possible. Who's to say what will happen now or in January? High Five is completely right about us not knowing what's going on at all. We all would like to see a RB/FW come in, we have no idea whether it'll happen or not and can't talk about complex deals with any accuracy at all

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As usual, the middle ground gets lost in these arguments. Nobody expects some sort of QPR/Mackem style desperation buys, but we certainly expect a reasonable amount of money to be invested, having just finished 5th and with the prospect of a million games this season.


Obviously, there is still time. A RB and I'll be reasonably happy.

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Exactly. People are too caught up in this "sensible financial model" bullshit. Some would rather hang a balance sheet on their wall where they used to have posters up of our good players.

It's not as simple as that. For long-term success, I think clubs need to be balanced (unless of course you're a Man City/PSG). I really hope the financial restrictions come in and football becomes more economically sound. We have gotten where we are since the relegation season by following this model, if we continue with it, we can go further. But that means, sometimes you have to compromise on not getting a deal through because it's more than you're willing to pay. I believe MA wants to make NUFC successful but only his way. I still think we're getting someone in before the end of the window


If we continue with it, we're going to flal behind the clubs investing, it's the complete opposite of having a long term plan, for a long term plan you have lots of short term plans that are continually evaluated, this is the complete opposite of what you're talking about.


We had an unexpected head-start on some sides last season, we're wasting this opportunity and it wouldn't cost an awful lot of money.

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Guest BooBoo

We're less than three days from the end of the transfer window having spent under £3m and not bringing in a single player to improve the first choice XI and people are still getting shit for being disgruntled. Couldn't make it up. :lol:


I'm beginning to think I'm out of order for complaining. People have become so blinded by one good season. For Ashley not to strengthen this summer would, for me, be one of his biggest mistakes.

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We're less than three days from the end of the transfer window having spent under £3m and not bringing in a single player to improve the first choice XI and people are still getting s*** for being disgruntled. Couldn't make it up. :lol:


Just wait till we sell one of the 'blueprints' with no incoming replacements and a 20 million summer transfer window profit. Disgruntled won't be the word.

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As usual, the middle ground gets lost in these arguments. Nobody expects some sort of QPR/Mackem style desperation buys, but we certainly expect a reasonable amount of money to be invested, having just finished 5th and with the prospect of a million games this season.


Obviously, there is still time. A RB and I'll be reasonably happy.



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Guest Wally_McFool


Jesus man, look at the squad we have, quite good right.

We are keeping our best players (so far)



Nah mate, first team is quite good, squad is still weak as piss  :naughty:


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We're less than three days from the end of the transfer window having spent under £3m and not bringing in a single player to improve the first choice XI and people are still getting s*** for being disgruntled. Couldn't make it up. :lol:

I don't know about getting shit but it's just a general debate that will crop up every window about how we should deal financially. I remember getting a load of shit in the 2011/12 window for saying that our buying frugally was great, where people said we should have been pumping more money in but it worked out fine. I do think people forget that Football is a business (the money side of things has ruined parts of the game over the last 20 years) and that you need to make sure you're not losing money year on year if you want to push on long-term

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Exactly. People are too caught up in this "sensible financial model" bullshit. Some would rather hang a balance sheet on their wall where they used to have posters up of our good players.

It's not as simple as that. For long-term success, I think clubs need to be balanced (unless of course you're a Man City/PSG). I really hope the financial restrictions come in and football becomes more economically sound. We have gotten where we are since the relegation season by following this model, if we continue with it, we can go further. But that means, sometimes you have to compromise on not getting a deal through because it's more than you're willing to pay. I believe MA wants to make NUFC successful but only his way. I still think we're getting someone in before the end of the window


If we continue with it, we're going to flal behind the clubs investing, it's the complete opposite of having a long term plan, for a long term plan you have lots of short term plans that are continually evaluated, this is the complete opposite of what you're talking about.


We had an unexpected head-start on some sides last season, we're wasting this opportunity and it wouldn't cost an awful lot of money.

Our head-start on other teams came from this type of doing business, we're just carrying it on. Of course, Spurs/Chelsea/Liverpool have spent more money on us, but they can. They have a lot more money coming in than us. I still think they're operating in a stupid manner though. We quite obviously do have a long-term plan, it can be risky but it worked out last season, I have no reason to believe it won't work out this season

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Eric, we've gotten where we are over the past couple of years by getting the best deals possible. Who's to say what will happen now or in January? High Five is completely right about us not knowing what's going on at all. We all would like to see a RB/FW come in, we have no idea whether it'll happen or not and can't talk about complex deals with any accuracy at all


Nobody is saying anything to the contrary, High Five is clearly having difficulty following my posts.


I'd be happy with a RB only, that wouldn't break the bank, won't ruin any long term plans people think are in place and being followed or any other crap response I've had.

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I just don't see the point in moaning about it. It's been the same pretty much every window with Ashley, and for the last three years everytime we've moaned about it, we've improved.


If we buy players we buy players, if we don't we don't. The squad is fine and more than capable of doing what we did last year again (in some senses it is stronger). Obviously it would be nice to make 1 or 2 more quality additions, but it's certainly not as dramatically outrageous as some posters would have you believe.


I think you would get some pretty long odds on that.

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I personally think the squad is stronger than last year but the problem is we have to play more games. I'm expecting our squad players to come through more in those. I do want an RB like you Eric and everyone else on here but I'm sure Pardew/Carr and everyone at the club is trying to get one in, nothing wrong with brinkmanship

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Exactly. People are too caught up in this "sensible financial model" bullshit. Some would rather hang a balance sheet on their wall where they used to have posters up of our good players.

It's not as simple as that. For long-term success, I think clubs need to be balanced (unless of course you're a Man City/PSG). I really hope the financial restrictions come in and football becomes more economically sound. We have gotten where we are since the relegation season by following this model, if we continue with it, we can go further. But that means, sometimes you have to compromise on not getting a deal through because it's more than you're willing to pay. I believe MA wants to make NUFC successful but only his way. I still think we're getting someone in before the end of the window


If we continue with it, we're going to flal behind the clubs investing, it's the complete opposite of having a long term plan, for a long term plan you have lots of short term plans that are continually evaluated, this is the complete opposite of what you're talking about.


We had an unexpected head-start on some sides last season, we're wasting this opportunity and it wouldn't cost an awful lot of money.

Our head-start on other teams came from this type of doing business, we're just carrying it on. Of course, Spurs/Chelsea/Liverpool have spent more money on us, but they can. They have a lot more money coming in than us. I still think they're operating in a stupid manner though. We quite obviously do have a long-term plan, it can be risky but it worked out last season, I have no reason to believe it won't work out this season


Nonsense, Spurs are one of, if not the best ran clubs in the PL, they have a long-term vision, they re-invest and they've their eye on the future. They have more money coming in than us because they grasp opportunities to maximise revenue streams (Liverpool's commercial income is unreal).


We did the majority of our business early last season which allowed the players to integrate and I've seen absolutely nothing to suggest we have a long term plan other than talk of a 5 year plan, which must be on it's 3rd edition now, yet nobody has seen or heard a thing on it.

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Guest BooBoo

There's no chance of fifth this year, not as it stands. Too many of our rivals have strengthened whilst we've scratched our arse.


Anyway, Pards' press conference today should be interesting.

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I personally think the squad is stronger than last year but the problem is we have to play more games. I'm expecting our squad players to come through more in those. I do want an RB like you Eric and everyone else on here but I'm sure Pardew/Carr and everyone at the club is trying to get one in, nothing wrong with brinkmanship


Nothing wrong with brinkmanship? What happens if we end up with only Anita because of brinkmanship? Is it still fine then?

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The squad is fine and more than capable of doing what we did last year again (in some senses it is stronger).


You know we'll (hopefully) have about 20 more games than last year?


I think some people have forgot that, the squad was down to the bare bones at times last season and now we have European Football to contend with.


It's obvious the squad is not big enough.


As usual, the middle ground gets lost in these arguments. Nobody expects some sort of QPR/Mackem style desperation buys, but we certainly expect a reasonable amount of money to be invested, having just finished 5th and with the prospect of a million games this season.


Obviously, there is still time. A RB and I'll be reasonably happy.



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If things stayed as is would the club be looking at making a healthy profit overall this financial year or would we still just be close to breaking even? Genuine question.


Depends on lots of variables but for a basic idea, on the last set of accounts we lost £4.1m excluding player sales. Our improved league finish brought in an increase of £7m in prize money alone.

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I personally think the squad is stronger than last year but the problem is we have to play more games. I'm expecting our squad players to come through more in those. I do want an RB like you Eric and everyone else on here but I'm sure Pardew/Carr and everyone at the club is trying to get one in, nothing wrong with brinkmanship


Nothing wrong with brinkmanship? What happens if we end up with only Anita because of brinkmanship? Is it still fine then?

I think Anita looks excellent and perfectly suited to the PL, great piece of business. If we don't end up with Debuchy/other RB then I'll be really disappointed. The point I'm making is, we really don't know what's going on behind the scenes.


Your points about Tottenham are all good, they're incredibly well run but then I think they're run better than pretty much the whole league so it's tough competition. Levy is a brilliant businessman who is constantly looking at loads of different ideas on how to bring in money/ensure they get the best deals. Look at that last season though, Defoe and Adebayor (on one of the last days of the window? Last in fact?). Not exactly an amazing strikeforce was it, certainly not until the last day. They do similar things to us, we're just not as sensitive to it as we don't give a shit about them

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