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The other games today - 2012/13


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I know Milner has done rather well recently, but it would depress the shit out of me to have to watch him week in, week out. He just doesn't feel like a natural footballer, it's all effort and often with very little end product. He's the complete opposite of someone like Silva who makes everything feel so simple and look so effortless.

Saying that, fair play to Milner for making a great career out of limited talent.

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Guest neesy111

Can I be the first to say that I'd rather have Guzon than Krul. And obviously Benteke than Cisse. Provacateur.



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Reminds me of that Seattle Sounders guy "FIGHT... AND WIN"


Hate that guy  :lol:


He's single handedly setting back football in the US by about 20 years.


There's an interview with him where he tries to speak with an accent.  :anguish:


douche chills

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