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Alan Pardew


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He basically has no right to accuse anyone of overreacting, it was a completely inexplicable under-reaction that led to him keeping his job summer just gone.


Sorry, can we just put forum divides and point scoring aside for a second so I can ask:


Do people think he's quite flippantly insulting and offensive towards the fans at the minute?  I feel like I've heard 3 or 4 things from him recently that promote the idea of us being idiots in a lazy Southern media way that is designed to reflect better on him.


You are probably right in that Pardew is being slightly offensive towards the fans especially - this is because he knows that Ashley is gambling on him walking out because of Kinnear, lack of signings etc., and Pardew is trying to manoeuver a situation where the fans start pressurizing him and Ashley then is forced into a situation where he has to fire him...we all know that this won't work for a number of reasons but Pardew is also engaged in trying to salvage his reputation and ensure that the blame for the club being a pantomime is down to 'over-expectant' supporters and interference from above.

Anyone looking for a new manager in the PL now would not be keen to take on Pardew unless it was a club like Palace...a look at Pardew's CV tells you that consistent success has ALWAYS avoided him and he has been fired from such giants as Charlton and Southampton...the latter had higher ambitions and they knew they wouldn't reach them with Pardew at the top and so it proved.


NUFC is NOT Southampton though, and Ashley will not fire Pardew unless results start mirroring those of last season - we shall see.

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He's spun the exact opposite line about our fans in the past, that we don't have high expectations and that it's the southern media that paint us that way. Tooj has it in his sig.


Yeah true, it's almost as if he twists things to fit his own agenda at any given time. Management issues aside, it is quite depressing that we have such a fucking tosser as the club's public figurehead.


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It's been clear for a while that he's got absolutely no respect for the supporters whatsoever. For that reason alone he shouldn't be in charge of the football team but that's probably a big bonus in the owner's eyes.

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so we almost get relegated last year, pardew spends the entire season saying his squad is not good enough and that's the reason, he spends the following close season telling everyone the squad is not good enough and he needs more players...joe please get me some players


fans unhappy because the manager didn't get players he publicly stated he needed


fans overreacting to lack of signings


that's a staggering chain of events from pards like, even by his own standards



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Sorry, can we just put forum divides and point scoring aside for a second so I can ask:


Do people think he's quite flippantly insulting and offensive towards the fans at the minute?  I feel like I've heard 3 or 4 things from him recently that promote the idea of us being idiots in a lazy Southern media way that is designed to reflect better on him.


I think he seems to be talking a load of shite but nothing I've found particularly insulting tbh.


Main issue here is I think is that his overriding primary concern is self preservation so I think you can read a lot of his media statements in that context - things like getting excuses in early to try protect his own reputation so if things go wrong he has a chance of coming out of it looking OK.


It often doesn't endear him to the fans (understatement reading this thread!) but keeps him well in with the media as he's always accessible and feeding them friendly soundbites, and these days that's arguably more important from his personal point of view - he knows he's almost certain to be sacked eventually (nearly all managers are) so how that's presented in the media could have a big impact on his chances of getting another decent gig.



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fans unhappy because the manager didn't get players he publicly stated he needed


fans overreacting to lack of signings


Thought it was more of a comment on the state of football (esp the media) rather than our fans in particular - see the comment about Redknapp.

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fans unhappy because the manager didn't get players he publicly stated he needed


fans overreacting to lack of signings


Thought it was more of a comment on the state of football (esp the media) rather than our fans in particular - see the comment about Redknapp.


i completely agree, and he's actually right in what he's saying but he does explicitly state that the fans were overreacting:


"I never actually thought we were in as bad a situation as some people were suggesting in the media and even our own fans,"


point still stands; you can't bleat to the media at every opportunity about how shit your squad depth is and publicly ask for new players then complain about the media when they make something big out of the fact that kinnear didn't strengthen his squad :lol:


if he'd kept his mouth shut about new players and such then he'd have a point

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Think it's more of a problem that his quotes get blown up into something else or analysed to the n-th degree by people who have too much time on their hands.


The media don't help by exacerbating the quotes to fit whatever agenda they're running.

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Alan Pardew: Time for knee-jerk reactions at Newcastle United to stop


• Pardew unhappy with over-reaction to lack of summer signings

• Newcastle face Hull City with newly acquired optimism


    Louise Taylor

    The Guardian, Friday 20 September 2013 22.00 BST



Alan Pardew has denounced what he regards as increasingly knee-jerk reactions by media and fans. The Newcastle United manager believes the time has come to put a check on the growing hysteria surrounding the game.


"For us Premier League managers, it's about trying to keep everybody's feet firmly planted on the ground in reality, because some of the stuff that's said is just complete fantasy," said Pardew, who was deemed to be destined for the sack after his side lost heavily at Manchester City in their opening game of the season.


Despite behind-the-scenes confusion relating to Joe Kinnear's appointment as director of football and the club's failure to make a permanent summer signing, Pardew retains a strong team which has collected seven points from its last three games.


They are at home to Hull on Saturday with relgation talk replaced by optimism that Newcastle might qualify for Europe. "I never actually thought we were in as bad a situation as some people were suggesting in the media and even our own fans," said Pardew, who did acquire the France striker, Loïc Rémy, on loan from QPR.


"I thought there was an over-reaction to what happened in the summer but there always is with Newcastle. Whether it's good or bad, we get an over-reaction, and that's the way the media is with the Premier League as well.


"You have only got to look at Chelsea's defeat the other night and suddenly the writing is on the wall for José Mourinho and that team. It's rubbish, really.


"You do get setbacks and you just have to keep a level head. We have kept a level head all the way through. We think we've got a good side. I feel my side has more power to it, more offensive options this season."


As he worked on eradicating last season's flaws on the training ground throughout July and August there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth outside the gates. "The extremes of the media are ridiculous at the moment," said Pardew. "I really feel that. "I was watching the BBC 10pm news on Wednesday night and Chelsea is a major story – they'd lost a game in Europe in a group from which it looks to me they'll qualify comfortably from."These real swings between 'we're going to have a great season' and 'we're going to go down' are even more highlighted at this club for whatever reason. Therefore it's important for me to keep the team on the ground and for the team to keep their feet on the ground.


"You can't ignore the media, it's constantly in your face, whenever you turn on the TV. It's Jamie Redknapp talking about the 'crisis' at Arsenal but then suddenly they've won four on the spin and 10 away on the trot. I don't know what the crisis is? Before that Champions league qualifying game they had at the start of the season, Arsene Wenger's job was 'on the line'. Come on, it's ridiculous."


Cheeky cunt.


The bit about Chelsea tickled me.  I know he's on about the pressure Mourinho is under but some might construe it as Pardew saying Chelsea are rubbish. :D

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Guest Haris Vuckic

He's quite media friendly which is why he's quite popular with the press but I really wish they wouldn't let him talk so much or at least edit it a bit before furiously auditing it & asking him behind closed doors ''da fuq?'.


That said - it's a results game so we'll see at 5 O'clock this evening the only thing that really counts. We know we've got a small squad & a quality eleven, we know we're a selling club. We'll hear lies about both - just like we will from the next manager but the rest is silly.

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Guest Haris Vuckic

I wouldn't say he avoided criticism at all tbf but nobody was going gung ho I suppose because not enough people cared - in a national sense - and locally people don't want to be banned.

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Think it's more of a problem that his quotes get blown up into something else or analysed to the n-th degree by people who have too much time on their hands.


The media don't help by exacerbating the quotes to fit whatever agenda they're running.


howay man, he's complained about not getting players in for ages, fans and media make a deal out of it when he doesn't get them (in support of what he's been saying) then he tells everyone to pipe down :lol:

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But his comment isn't specifically related to the reaction to our transfer window, it's a general point about football coverage and reactions.


Furthermore, as the gist of what he's saying explains my :anguish: at this place, I have no fault with his latest comments ;)

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Fair comment tbh.


is it?  what exactly was the overreaction, the JFK banner?  or the papers quite accurately writing about the farcical appointment of kinnear and his failure to back the manager with players pardew repeatedly stated he needed over the course of many months?


i'm aware i could have missed a protest or something though, maybe another bouycott

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Of course some fans overreacted. Just look at some of the stuff on here over the summer. The relegationometer etc. It's fact.


Perhaps he shouldn't be saying it, but they're certainly not 'awful comments'. An overreaction to him talking about overreactions. Mindfuck.

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Of course some fans overreacted. Just look at some of the stuff on here over the summer. The relegationometer etc. It's fact.


Perhaps he shouldn't be saying it, but they're certainly not 'awful comments'. An overreaction to him talking about overreactions. Mindfuck.


How was it an over reaction to talk about relegation when we only just avoided it last season and then didn't invest in the squad? You don't half post some guff.

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